Cultivators from all the major sects in Jiuzhou have high hopes for Zhizhen. This person is as sure as lightning in the Jiuzhou Dharma Assembly.

Dao Hong Daozun again ranked Zhizhen behind Rudian, which is obviously because Zhizhen has a higher level of cultivation.

As a result, as soon as he made a move, his neck was cut off by the opponent, and his head was almost gone. This shocked and disappointed all practitioners.

Could it be that Zhi Zhen was killed like this? That dead thing is worthless!

Even if Feng and Rudian died in battle, they would still be exchanged for one without suffering any losses! Why did he stretch his crotch when he arrived at the more powerful Zhizhen?

Many cultivators didn't have time to say anything, but they couldn't help but curse in their hearts. Not many people would consider how powerful the invisible changes in Yin Feihu's shadow differentiation are.

On the Canglong flying ship, a group of demon-turned-gods all showed joy on their faces.

They clearly had the advantage in terms of strength, but in terms of situation, they were suppressed by the Jiuzhou cultivators. This made a group of demon clan very unhappy. Seeing Yin Feihu being so powerful, all the demons were very excited.

However, the faces of several sixth-level pure yangs were as calm as water, showing no signs of joy or anger.

Sitting on the main seat, the ugly cow demon king Bai Kui showed no joy at all on his face. It's not that he is pretending to be serious. The battle has just begun. It's too early to say the outcome now.

The shadow of Yin Feihu is very mysterious and unpredictable, and is like a nightmare to practitioners of the same level. It's just that if he wants to kill him, he needs to get close.

This sword was extremely mysterious and poisonous, and it cut through Zhizhen's physical body, but Zhizhen still had two, no, three souls!

If he really stood there without moving, Bai Kui wouldn't be able to use his spiritual consciousness to forcefully explore, and he wouldn't be able to see much. When Zhizhen and Yin Feihu took action, it would be useless no matter how well she hid them. Through subtle changes in consciousness and magic power, Bai Kui could see Zhizhen clearly.

There is no other reason, the two are two levels apart, the gap is too big.

When three souls gather together, it is very scary. Moreover, every soul in Zhizhen has a very high level.

Yin Feihu cut off his body with this sword, but his traces were revealed.

From Bai Kui's point of view, Zhizhen even has some intention of actively selling his body.

To be honest, Bai Kui was a little confused. Since Zhizhen's cultivation was so strong and he was more sure of winning when dealing with Yin Feihu patiently, why would he use such a dangerous strategy?
It can only be said that this group of Jiuzhou people are very brave and fierce, even risking their lives for victory.

This is also the biggest difference between Jiuzhou cultivators and Xuan Ba ​​and Yin Feihu. Xuan Ba ​​and Yin Feihu both thought about victory and had no intention of fighting to the death.

If they really get to the desperate stage, Xuan Ba ​​and Yin Feihu will definitely give up.

The Celestial Covenant Conference is of little value to them. They just came here to show their faces, and they were absolutely not willing to risk their own lives for it.

This huge gap in thinking also determines that Xuan Ba ​​and Yin Feihu can only use seven or eight points of strength. Jiuzhou cultivators will use a lot of effort.

Coupled with the determination and bravery to dare to die, Xuan Ba ​​fell into it.

Bai Kui didn't want Yin Feihu to die on top. If he lost, he would still have Liu Sanxiang to support him. Liu Sanxiang's power is close to the sixth level, and he is almost immortal. He will never lose no matter what!

If Yin Feihu died here, he would not be able to explain to that person when he went back...

The Ten Directions Void Heavenly Formation was a little troublesome. He tried to give Yin Feihu some advice but couldn't. He just hoped that this kid would be smarter...

Yin Feihu didn't notice anything was wrong. He turned into a shadow and possessed the real body. He caught the gap in the transformation of the real clone and found the real body.

After he succeeded with the sword, he was not greedy for success. He sheathed the sword and turned into a shadow before leaving through the void.

At this moment, the Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures in Zhizhen's hand buzzed and vibrated, and the eight gems shone with spiritual light at the same time. The Taixu Space Locking Curse that had been triggered suddenly shrank inward.

Thousands of invisible void chains gathered together like a net, and the churning void oscillated, and Yin Feihu's ghostly shadow was also affected to some extent.

Yin Feihu was also a little surprised. The True Golden Emperor's Taoist body was about to be broken. Instead of thinking about how to treat the injury, he was still working hard to activate the spell.

The secret technique of Taixu Space Locking Curse is very powerful, but the void is too big.

The void was originally calm and waveless, and he could travel back and forth freely. The current turbulence of the void being stirred up by the secret technique does have an impact on him, but it is not enough to block his actions.

The phantom formed by Yin Feihu was flickering unsteadily, adjusting his state to forcefully penetrate the void.

The supreme body that controlled the Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi exploded to pieces. This was the Golden Emperor Taoist body that was refined by the Supreme Being. Its body was as solid as a diamond and was extremely powerful.

That is to say, the edge of the Netherworld Shadowless Sword that penetrates the virtual reality is too powerful, so that it can easily penetrate the Golden Emperor's Taoist body and severely damage Zhizhen.

However, with the tyranny of the Golden Emperor Dao Body, even if the head is severed, as long as the true form is intact at the time, it can always be restored to the original state afterwards.

At this moment, Zhizhen did not hesitate to activate the method of burning blood and refining the gods, burning the Golden Emperor Taoist body that had been trained for hundreds of years into the blazing Nine Yang True Fire.

Flesh and blood turned into golden flames and sprayed all over the sky, and the Nine Yang True Fire of Zhiyang was enough to burn through the void and dissolve the netherworld.

Yin Feihu was too close to Zhi Zhen, and was trapped here by the Taixu Space Locking Curse. Part of the Nine Yang True Fire spray fell on him.

The changes in the ghostly shadows are mysterious and unpredictable, but they are most afraid of such extreme changes.

In an instant, dozens of holes were burned out by the golden flames in Yin Feihu's ghostly shadow. Yin Feihu sensed something was wrong and hurriedly transformed into his true body, triggering the release of Tai Ming Qi.

Zhiyin Zhihan Taiming Gangqi was stimulated, and coupled with the protective Taiming True Form Dragon Scale Armor, it immediately suppressed the Nine Yang True Fire.

Yin Feihu, who transformed into his original body, could no longer penetrate the Taixu Space Locking Curse.

It also takes time to transform into the Nether Demonic Shadow. It doesn't mean that you can change whatever you want. There is also the Golden Emperor's Taoist body that transforms into Nine Yang True Fire and covers all directions.

The powerful Dao body that has been tempered for hundreds of years is so pure. At this time, using the blood-burning secret technique to activate it and transform it into the Nine Yang True Fire, it can burn for at least a few breaths.

Zhizhen is so determined to abandon the Golden Emperor Dao Body in order to keep Yin Feihu.

Seeing Yin Feihu's ghostly shadow, she knew that it was impossible to win this round. It is too difficult to restrain the Nether Demon's ability to travel through the void. If she delays, she may even lose to Yin Feihu.

Zhizhen immediately made up his mind to deal with Yin Feihu at all costs.

Seeing that Yin Feihu was trapped in the Taixu Space Locking Curse, Zhizhen urged Taiyi Yuanshen to control Taiyi Minghuangsi and slashed straight at Yin Feihu.

Without the constraints of the physical body, Taiyi Yuanshen became more and more comfortable in controlling swords.

The Taiyi Minghuang Four-pole Sword is the most upright and majestic sword. If Yin Feihu is still in the Nether Demon Shadow state, he really can't even touch the opponent's shadow.

Now everyone is facing each other, and the majestic power of the Taiyi Minghuang Four-pole Sword is fully displayed.

Although Yin Feihu's Netherworld Shadowless Sword is sharp, it is not good at frontal combat. He can only constantly move around and evade through mysterious changes. From the perspective of the situation, he is very passive.

There is almost no difference in swordsmanship between the two sides, and Yin Feihu is even stronger in swordsmanship. After all, he is the one who specializes in Netherworld Shadowless Sword and is a true swordsman. ,
It's just that such a head-on battle is too disadvantageous for him, and the Taixu Space Locking Curse blocks all directions. After just a few moves, invisible void chains fell on Yin Feihu.

Although it has no effect in a short period of time, over time it will really lock him up.

Yin Feihu fell into such passivity, and he was also a little annoyed. I was in a hurry but had no good solution. On the other hand, he does not feel that Zhenzhen can threaten his life, so he is not willing to pay a high price to leave this place.

In fact, this thought was just a momentary thing, and Yin Feihu didn't think too much about it.

Zhizhen had already considered everything clearly. When the Taiyi Yuan Shen controlled the divine sword and suppressed the Yin Feihu, the Taishang Yuan Shen held the Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi and once again activated the Nine Heavens God's Thunder Emperor form.

This time it is not to activate the thunder method, but to use the supreme soul to transform into the form of the Thunder Emperor of the Nine Heavens.

The Thunder Emperor of the Nine Heavens Divine Sky is a deity enshrined by the Daluo Sect. He is known as the Thunder Emperor of the Nine Heavens Divine Sky, the Lord of all thunders, and has supreme divine power.

Zhizhen transformed his soul into the form of the Thunder Emperor of the Nine Heavens God. He was wearing a seven-color Tianzun robe. There were thirty-six runes transformed by thunder on his chest. There was a golden halo on his head. He had a solemn and majestic look on his handsome face. There is endless thunder and light that is uncertain in its birth and death.

The form she transformed into was not a simple imitation of the form, but the charm of the Nine Heavens God Thunder Emperor. Even though she was isolated from the fairy world, this ray of charm was enough to double the power of thunder. This is also the supreme secret method of Daluo Sect.

The golden halo behind her head is the wishful transformation of the Eight Treasures of the Supreme Jade Emperor, which represents the Thunder Emperor's supreme authority over life and death. It also represents the Great Luo Yuanguang of the Thunder Emperor's perfect cultivation.

This halo is just a simulated illusion. It is far away from Daluo Yuanguang, and it is far less than the halo transformed by the seventh-level Tianjun Jingqi Shen Sanhua.

The Supreme Jade Emperor's Eight Treasures Ruyi is a sixth-level high-grade artifact, and the transformed Da Luo Yuanguang also has three-thirds of the sixth-level pure Yang power.

Zhizhen Finger Yin Feihu shouted: "Broken!"

This is the Thunder Emperor's mantra urged by the Nine Heavens Thunder God Emperor. More importantly, it is blessed by Daluo Yuanguang transformed from the Eight Treasures of the Supreme Jade Emperor.

Thirty-six rays of divine thunder suddenly flashed out and struck Yin Feihu together.

Yin Feihu had long sensed that something was wrong. Before the thunder fell, the hair on his head stood on end, and his eyes turned into deep black.

He was not as arrogant as Xuan Ba. When he realized that the situation was not good, he immediately activated his natal soul to transform into Taiming's true form. The Netherworld Shadowless Sword in his hand also shone with a cold and cold divine light.

In the state of Taiming's true form, he not only possesses the power of the Netherworld Demonic Shadow to change into nothingness, but also has an extremely powerful body. It can take into account the change of reality and reality while integrating with the sword. This is also his most powerful state.

It's just that this state requires burning the source of life, which consumes a lot of life span every moment. Unless forced, Yin Feihu would never use Taiming's true form.

Yin Feihu didn't wait for the lightning to fall, and with one move, the long sword in his hand immediately escaped into the void and became invisible.

Zhizhen had already expected this. Thirty-six thunderbolts like nets merged with the Taixu Space Locking Curse to form the Nine Heavens Divine Sky Net, covering all directions.

At the same time, the blazing Nine Yang True Fire and the sword-wielding Taiyi Yuanshen turned into a spiritual light and landed on the back of Zhizhen's head.

The Nine Yang True Fire turns into a circle of golden red light, the Taiyi Yuan Shen turns into a dark blue light wheel, plus the light wheel formed by the Eight Treasures of the Supreme Jade Emperor Ruyi, the triple light wheel is like the seven-level Tianjun Essence Spirit Sanhua Divine Wheel. Release endless divine light.

With the huge power obtained by burning the two souls, Zhen Zhen's bare hands closed together, and the sky net transformed by the thirty-six divine thunders suddenly converged towards the center, condensing into a bright and unparalleled divine light.

Yin Feihu had nowhere to run in the sky net, so he had no choice but to use his sword to face the divine light and attack directly.

The invisible shadowless sword Qi and the divine light met head-on, and the divine light dimmed instantly. Yin Feihu's sword bucked the trend and stabbed Zhizhen between his eyebrows.

Three rings of light behind Zhizhen shone at the same time, and the figure turned into three. Yin Feihu had no time to hesitate and chose a clone to stab him.

The golden clone where the invisible blade passed suddenly collapsed into golden flames that filled the sky.

The other two clones instantly merged into one body and became true again.

Yin Feihu, who flew a hundred feet away with his sword, turned around and looked at Zhizhen, who was safe and sound, with a bit of unwillingness and anger on his face...

Burning Yuanshen's fatal sword failed, and Yin Feihu could no longer maintain his figure. Like a broken porcelain body, it shattered into pieces and fell all over the sky. Only the Netherworld Shadowless Sword floated quietly in the air. .

The human cultivators watching the battle in front of the water mirror were all overjoyed and cheered.

Liu Sanxiang on the Canglong flying ship had already been prepared. When he saw this, he stood up and stepped into the void formation. Taking the stage so quickly is to take the opportunity to solve Zhizhen.

Liu Sanxiang was about to take action against Zhizhen, when the spiritual light flashed, Zhizhen had disappeared without a trace, and a handsome man in white clothes took his place.

Liu Sanxiang looked at the other party indifferently with his dark golden eyes: "Gao Xian, Pojun Xingjun? Exceeded his name."

He was not sarcastic, but just a little disappointed. This person's level was similar to that of Zhi Zhen. Why should he fight with him!

In the past, Gao Xian would have been willing to quarrel with the other party. He was in a bad mood at this moment, but he had no interest in talking nonsense with the other party.

Gao Xian muttered silently: "Rudian, I will use this guy's dog head to see you off!"

(Quietly asking for monthly votes~) (End of chapter)

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