Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 807 Forced Killing

"Fellow Taoist, are you okay?"

Wan Yingying took the initiative to greet Zhizhen, and she admired this Daluo Sect's transformed god. This person's cultivation level is not inferior to hers, but he is much stronger than hers.

The methods used by Zhizhen to kill Yin Feihu are not inferior to Rudian, and are even more sophisticated.

In fact, like electricity, the weak defeats the strong, so it is necessary to risk one's life. Zhizhen is not inferior to Yin Feihu, but he lacks the invisible means to restrain the opponent, so he does not hesitate to burn his two souls to kill Yin Feihu. It is really decisive.

Now only one of the three true souls is left, and he is seriously injured and has no strength to fight anymore. Fortunately, Gao Xian activated the talisman in time to replace Zhi Zhen, otherwise she would definitely die.

This was also the end of the battle, and only then did the Ten Directions Void Celestial Formation allow personnel replacement.

That's it, I'm afraid the true path ends here. After all, two souls were lost and the foundation was damaged.

Wan Yingying looked at Zhi Zhen's pale face, and felt pity in her heart.

I really thanked Wan Yingying for her kindness. Although she was weak, she did not need help from others. She walked into the hall and saluted Daohong Daozun: "Master, the disciple is back."

"You did a good job, thank you for your hard work." Dao Hong Daozun encouraged him softly. It was not a surprise that he could actually win this battle, but the price he paid was very high.

Of course, these costs are nothing compared to He Feng and Rudian who died in battle.

Hongzhi Tianjun said seriously: "Senior brother's disciples are brave enough to take on responsibilities and fearless in life and death. They are all extremely talented. I really admire how senior brother trains his disciples."

He said and sighed: "I have always felt that these disciples under my sect are good. But today I discovered that they all lack this kind of bravery and determination in their bones, and their character is much worse."

"Different personal circumstances and different paths of cultivation naturally lead to differences in character. But there is no distinction between superior and inferior."

In front of Hongyuan Tianjun, Dao Hong Dao Zun could not say that the other disciple was not good, but always had to be polite.

Hongyuan Tianjun smiled bitterly, of course he knew these were polite words.

It's just that the disciple has already developed this behavior, and it's too late to say anything. Moreover, what Daohong said is true. Different practices lead to different situations, but there is no need to force everyone to have such a responsible and brave mind.

Li Zhengyi concentrated on swordsmanship, was dull and deep, and didn't pay much attention to the teacher's comments. In addition, he really admires He Feng, Ru Dian, and Zhi Zhen.

Especially Rudian and Zhizhen, both have peerless talents. His true cultivation level is not even inferior to him. If he were to fight against Yin Feihu, he wouldn't be able to kill Yin Feihu.

Li Zichen was not as deep as he was, and was so ashamed that he could not raise his head. On the other hand, I felt a little unconvinced. The minds of these cultivators in Jiuzhou are not normal, what is there to learn...

Wan Yingying didn't pay attention to the teacher's criticism. She was very clear about her situation and indeed did not have the courage. But she's not afraid, it's just that the approach is different from Rudian and the others.

There was no point in discussing this. She asked, "Teacher, what do you think my brother's chances of winning are?"

Hongyuan Tianjun looked into the distance seriously. The water mirror was not enough to show all the details, and it was not as clear as his own.

Observing Liu Sanxiang from this distance, even though he hasn't made a move yet, he can make a rough judgment based on the divine consciousness and mana emanating from the other party.

He had also heard of Liu Sanxiang's name for a long time, but this was the first time he saw it with his own eyes. So I looked at it very seriously.

Seeing this, Hongyuan Tianjun felt even more uncomfortable. Liu Sanxiang was really strong, far better than a few of his incompetent disciples. Gao Xian is perfect in body and spirit, and he is following the path of Daluo transforming his mind.

For a moment, he really couldn't see through Gao Xian's depth, but judging from Zhi Zhen, Gao Xian would not be much stronger than Zhi Zhen.

After all this calculation, Gao Xian has no chance of winning...

Hongyuan Tianjun pondered for a moment and said: "Gao Xian has a 20 to 30% chance of winning."

Tianjun added: "Liu Sanxiang is a disciple of Bai Canglong. He has awakened the three magical powers in the bloodline of the nine-headed demon dragon, and practiced the nine seals of Canglong. If you go up there, you have no chance of winning."

Wan Yingying was stunned, how different were Gao Xian and Liu San? How to do this?
She couldn't help but glance at Daohong Daozun who was sitting still. Wouldn't this old man force Gao Xian to fight Liu Sanxiang? The key is that the gap is so big, no matter how hard you try, you won’t have a chance!
Qingqing heard clearly from the sidelines that she had confidence in her father, but the person who said this was the seventh-level Tianjun! There was a look of worry on her little face. Zhizhen next to her patted Qingqing's hand and told her not to worry too much.

Zhizhen is different from Qingqing, she knows Gao Xian very well. I know this person will never make random promises. Since he made a promise to Rudian, he must be sure of it.

Hongyuan Tianjun said to Daohong: "Gao Xian is extremely talented, senior brother, don't let him die in vain..."

Dao Hong Daozun said calmly: "Gao Xian has his own judgment. It is not my turn to give guidance on how to fight."

The old Taoist paused for a moment and then said seriously: "Fellow Taoist, you underestimate Gao Xian too much. There is still more to fight in this battle!"

The powerful men from all major sects in Jiuzhou also saw Liu Sanxiang through the water mirror.

Liu Sanxiang, who has the body of a dragon, is nine feet tall, and is covered in black and yellow scales. The scales of different sizes are layered in an orderly manner, like carefully crafted beautiful armor.

Liu Sanxiang's neck, face, fingers and other parts are covered with fine scales, and only a pair of majestic and deep dark gold vertical eyes are exposed.

On his head are two feet-long horns, which are very different from the dragon horns that are directly from the blood of Tianlong. It also proves that Liu Sanxiang is a demon dragon alien, that is, a variety of hybrids of the dragon clan.

Although Liu Sanxiang is not a pure-blooded dragon, his aura is extremely powerful. He just stood quietly in the void, and there were slightly twisted ripples in the void around him.

This strange phenomenon shows that the magical power of this demon dragon is too strong, and it has a certain conflict with the void restriction of the Ten Directions Void Celestial Array, so the array is constantly vibrating.

On the other hand, Gao Xian, who is opposite him, although his grace and bearing are superb, is far less majestic and domineering than Liu Sanxiang. There is already a lot of difference in momentum. It can be said that they are not on the same level at all.

In the Tai Chi Sword Palace, Yin Jiuli couldn't help but have a look of worry on his face. The previous battle was so brutal that she was really afraid that Gao Xian would die in it.

Yin Jiuli looked at his ancestor Wuji Sword Master. This Chunyang Sword Master was as handsome as a man and his face was as calm as water, without any emotion.

Wuji Sword Master understood what Yin Jiuli meant, but she didn't want to say anything. From her point of view, Gao Xian's chances of winning were very low, and her words would only confuse people's minds and be meaningless.

On Zhongyang Mountain, Taoist Master Xuanyang also sighed: "Gao Xian, you have to calm down. The old Taoist is still pointing you to do big things, so you can't afford to risk your life for this..."

Not only the Xuanyang Taoist, but all the sixth-order Chunyang Taoist in Jiuzhou are very pessimistic about this battle...

In the Thirteenth Heaven, Bai Yujing was also watching the battle.

The Nine Canglong Seals are indeed superb, and the Three-phase Dragon Soul Seal in Liu San's acquaintance sea is also a top-notch divine object. Gao Xian should have a 60% chance of winning this battle...

The specific situation depends on the fighting status of both parties. Combat is a very complicated matter, and it does not just depend on cultivation, mana, and spiritual consciousness. In a battle between strong men of the same level, there are too many aspects to consider.

If you fail to consider any flaws at any level, you may be caught by the opponent and change the situation of the battle.

Bai Yujing knew that Gao Xian was good at fighting. This cultivator had been fighting for hundreds of years. He has rich fighting experience, is decisive and vicious, and has enough creativity.

Liu Sanxiang is too strong. Such a strong person may be good at killing, but he is not good at dealing with strong enemies. Because it is difficult for them to meet enemies who are equal to themselves.

Bai Yujing was just a little worried. If Gao Xian really killed Liu Sanxiang, he might attract Bai Canglong, which would be a big trouble... In the Ten Directions Void Heavenly Formation, Gao Xian didn't care about Liu Sanxiang's arrogant words. , he had only one idea, to chop off Liu Sanxiang’s dog head to pay tribute to his friend.

Regardless of whether Liu Sanxiang is mocking or making a true evaluation, it makes no sense.

Gao Xian's answer to Liu Sanxiang was to use the black and yellow divine light to rush forward at high speed and slap Liu Sanxiang on the head.

Liu Sanxiang was originally very reserved, but Gao Xian activated the dark yellow divine light too quickly, and his dark yellow eyes suddenly expanded to the limit.

The distance between the two sides was about ten miles, but Gao Xian rushed to him in the blink of an eye. This terrifying high speed is faster than a fifth-level flying sword.

Liu Sanxiang's mana and consciousness were spread all over the surroundings, and Gao Xian tore a huge hole in an instant. Liu Sanxiang sensed something was wrong, and activated the Canglong Dharma Eyes to see Gao Xian's changes clearly.

Gao Xian flew at extremely high speed, and the dark golden light wheel behind him spun sharply, guiding the endless geomagnetic force to push forward. The dark golden light wheel shredded all kinds of obstacles in the surrounding void.

The spiritual consciousness mana net he had laid was forcibly torn apart by the dark golden light wheel. He could see the dark golden light wheel and the Canglong Heavenly King Divine Gang colliding with each other to create a large blaze of light.

"The Great Five Elements Secret Technique!"

Through Canglong Dharma Eyes, Liu Sanxiang recognized that Gao Xian had activated the Five Elements of Magic Power, which was as powerful as the sea and as pure as any. It merged with his form and spirit into a circle, which was called miraculous.

Liu Sanxiang has also heard about some of Gao Xian's deeds. More than ten gods-turned-monsters in Beihai and Donghai were killed by Gao Xian, which shows that this man is capable.

He also knew that Gao Xian was good at controlling the Pojun God, after all, he was known as the Pojun Star King. But he didn't expect Gao Xian to be so brave. He rushed over to him when he saw him, as if he wanted to slap him to death!

This made Liu Sanxiang a little angry. He admitted that Gao Xian's escape method was extremely fast and he couldn't compare with it. However, it is a bit too arrogant for Gao Xian's clan to want to fight with him!

The three-phase dragon soul seal deep in the center of Liu Sanxiang's eyebrows shone with divine light. It was inspired by his spiritual consciousness to exert endless divine power, and was transformed into the Sumeru Mountain King Seal through the powerful dragon-shaped soul.

The Seal of the King of Mount Sumeru is the thickest and most powerful seal among the nine seals of Canglong, and it is also consistent with his awakening magical power to control thick soil.

When this seal was activated, Liu Sanxiang's body did not change directly, but was blessed with unparalleled power, just like the legendary Mount Xumi, which was unshakable as the center of the universe.

In an instant, the void was suppressed by the invisible majestic mountain, and became as solid and stable as steel. Gao Xian's speeding figure on the dark gold halo was frozen in place, even the shining dark gold halo was dull and motionless.

Such changes in the level of mana are directly and unmistakably transmitted through the level of spiritual consciousness. This is also the power of the Sumeru Mountain King Seal. It not only affects the void, mana and other levels, but can also directly enter the opponent's mind through spiritual consciousness.

The many spectators watching the battle in front of the water mirror, even if their cultivation levels were not high, could still understand the endless divine power displayed by Liu Sanxiang. For low-level cultivators, Liu Sanxiang is like a sacred mountain falling from the sky, suppressing their consciousness and consciousness.

At this moment, countless cultivators were overwhelmed by Liu Sanxiang's aura.

Seeing this scene, I don’t know how many human cultivators felt despair.
Gao Xian naturally felt the changes in Liu Sanxiang. Indeed, this man was so powerful that he had unshakable thoughts.

But he knew very well that this was actually because the other party was too powerful to suppress him at the spiritual level, which made him have this idea.

Along the way, Gao Xian met for the first time a cultivator of the same level whose spiritual consciousness was stronger than his own. The other party's magic power was also far superior to his, and his body refining skills were also significantly stronger.

Fortunately, he still has Sister Lan!
This time, Gao Xian chose to combine his spiritual consciousness with Sister Lan deep in his eyebrows. This combination of yin and yang raised his spiritual consciousness to the strongest level, which was enough to surpass Liu Sanxiang.

In this way, although all his spiritual consciousness cannot be released, it can allow him to break through the suppression of Liu Sanxiang's spiritual consciousness.

The golden light shone deep in Gao Xian's left eye, and he could clearly see the changes in Liu Sanxiang's magic power and consciousness through the Tianlong Dharma-breaking True Eye.

The other party is arrogant and arrogant, this is his chance!
Gao Xian did not hesitate to activate the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. The Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel, as bright as the sun, turned, crushing the mana of the Sumeru Mountain King Seal that suppressed the void to create a channel, and the solidified void collapsed.

Using the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel to break through the last distance between the two sides, Gao Xian slapped Liu Sanxiang, who was very close at hand.

The Five Emperors' Wheel gathered the vast and unparalleled five-element magic power and was blessed by the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel. It turned into the powerful and powerful Five-Element Heavenly Gang, which directly hit Liu Sanxiang with the most violent force.

Liu Sanxiang was a little surprised, Gao Xian was really quite capable! Since the other party wants to fight hard, then let him do whatever he wants!
He raised his slender right palm full of fine scales and took the initiative to meet Gao Xian's right palm.

The two palms clashed, and the Sumeru Mountain King Seal and the Great Five Elements Tiangang were facing each other. The majestic impact of the immeasurable magic power made an earth-shattering roar, and the entire ten-direction Void Heavenly Formation shook and trembled.

It was so terrifying that it shattered many water mirrors and frightened many onlookers.

The Seal of the King of Mount Xumi is endlessly thick and unshakable. Although the Great Five Elements Tiangang is powerful and unmatched, it is still difficult to shake the Seal of the King of Mount Sumeru.

After the two palms clashed, Gao Xian was pushed tens of feet away by the counter-shock magic power, but Liu Sanxiang remained unmoved.

Gao Xian was not surprised by this. The opponent's magical power was stronger than his own, and the Dragon Clan's tyrannical body-refining skills were stronger than his own. He had an advantage in all aspects. The fact that he was able to strike hard without getting hurt was all due to the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

However, this palm also tested Liu Sanxiang's upper limit.

"Nothing more than that!"

Gao Xian commented in his heart, and then urged Hunyuan Tian again to take his turn in front of Liu Sanxiang.

The distance of tens of feet was as close as a stone's throw to Gao Xian. As strong as Liu Sanxiang, there was no time to retreat or adjust.

Liu Sanxiang was not afraid and used his palm to meet him again. The Great Five Elements Tiangang activated by Gao Xian suddenly transformed into five colors of divine light.

The five-element divine light was not spurred out, but condensed on his palm. The five-color divine light merged together, showing a brilliant golden color like the Hunyuan Heavenly Wheel.

"Great Five Elements Divine Light!"

Liu Sanxiang recognized Gao Xian's secret method, but he sneered in his heart, "I'm just waiting for you!"

His right palm has turned into a rich dark red, and the Sumeru Mountain King Seal has turned into the Poison Dragon Slayer God Seal, transforming all the poisonous dragon magical powers of his blood.

The two palms struck each other, and Liu Sanxiang's right palm could not withstand the power of the Great Five Elements Divine Light that annihilated everything. His palm and arm melted instantly, but his Poisonous Dragon Slayer God Seal was also imprinted on Gao Xian's body.

Gao Xian's bright and jade-like face suddenly turned dark, and even his bright starry eyes were eroded by the power of the poisonous dragon and became dim.

The Poison Dragon Slaying God Seal is enough to kill gods. Although this is an exaggeration, it shows the power of this seal. Gao Xian forcefully took this seal, and his soul was eroded.

Gao Xian did not retreat, but instead activated the Great Five Elements Divine Light again, and fired three palms in a row.

The Great Five Elements Divine Light, the natal magical power, struck Liu Sanxiang continuously like a series of shining thunders.

Liu Sanxiang, who had lost his arm, blocked two palms with the Sumeru Mountain King Seal, but the third palm broke through the Sumeru Mountain King Seal and struck him in the chest.

The five-color divine light shone silently, and Liu Sanxiang's upper body completely melted in an instant...

Many powerful people who saw this scene in front of the water mirror were stunned... (End of this chapter)

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