Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 905: The Evil Star

Gao Xian didn't know that Hai Yuqiong was already impatient to come to him, but he knew that the Emperor's Eye would convey some information, and the powerful celestial being might come here soon.

Fortunately, Xuanmingtian is an independent heaven, which should be far away from the Brahma Heaven where the gods are. Even if the other party is eager to come for revenge, it will take some time.

No need to rush at all.

After drinking the nectar of Brahma, Gao Xian was now full of energy and spirit, and his Heavenly Dragon Controlling True Eye was functioning more and more agile and free.

In less than two hours, he helped Qinnan complete the tempering of her body and spirit.

After coming out of the Thunder Pool, there was still a faint flash of electricity around Qinnan's body. This was the residual power of the thunder in the Thunder Pool still slowly dissipating.

Qi Niang felt refreshed and clear inside and out, and indescribably comfortable. She could even feel her vitality slowly surging.

The Nascent Soul can live for three thousand years, but she is already over a thousand years old. Although she has survived three wind disasters, she can already clearly feel that she has passed the golden period of her life and her vitality has stopped growing.

At this time, she felt the vitality in her body again. The strong vitality not only made her energetic, but also made her yin spirit full of vitality, and her whole body was in a very wonderful state.

Gao Xian could also see the great changes in Qinniang. It was obvious that the lightning had cleansed away all the foul energy accumulated in Qinniang and repaired all the minor injuries in her body and spirit. The most important thing was that the yin and yang transformation of the lightning had endowed Qinniang with powerful vitality.

In his opinion, this time Qi Niang's life span increased by at least a thousand years. However, Qi Niang did not have the Fengyue Baojian, so she could not quantify the increase in life span.

Seeing Qi Niang's vigorous state, Gao Xian was also delighted from the bottom of his heart. With Qi Niang's state, she should be able to achieve enlightenment and become a god in less than two hundred years.

When she reaches the stage of transformation, she can absorb the dragon crystal to refine the golden dragon blade wing armor, and there is a good chance that she can achieve the Pure Yang Dao. Of course, this will happen a long time in the future.

The most urgent task was to help Qi Niang refine the Jinlin Qinggang Xuanlei Sword. He had been looking for this sixth-grade inferior sword for a long time before helping Qi Niang buy it.

The wood and gold elements of this sword are in just the right proportions, making it a perfect match for Qi Niang.

Gao Xian killed countless gods and even robbed the Dragon Scale Society's treasury, but he still couldn't find a sword suitable for Qinniang.

You have to know that the sea area managed by the Dragon Scale Society is larger than that of the Nine Continents, and the number of its low-level monsters is countless. The Jiaolong King is harsh in controlling his subordinates, and the scale of the public treasury accumulated over ten thousand years is so large that no major sect in the Nine Continents can compare with it.

Even so, Gao Xian still couldn't find a sword suitable for Qi Niang. The main reason was that the demon race was not good at refining weapons, and not many people used swords. There were even fewer good swords.

The private dragon collection of the Jiaolong King has many good things, and the top-grade spirit stones alone are worth 500 billion. This also made Gao Xian's wealth expand a thousand times, making him the top richest man in the sixth rank.

The money spent on a sixth-level sword was nothing to him. The key point was that he had invested a lot of energy in this area.

With the help of the power of the Thunder Pool, Gao Xian helped Qiniang invest another innate Qi, and finally allowed Qiniang to refine the Golden Scale Qinggang Xuanlei Sword.

After finishing the job, Gao Xian immediately took Qiniang back to Xuanhuangtian.

Xuan Huangtian has the Nine Provinces Cauldron, so he is not afraid of anyone who comes. His original body accompanies Qi Niang in cultivation, and mainly guides Qi Niang in various aspects.

This time he will stay in Xuanhuangtian for hundreds of years, so he has plenty of time to guide Qiniang.

He was too busy in the past. Although he was often with Qiniang, he had no way to systematically guide Qiniang in her cultivation.

This time there was an opportunity, and Qi Niang happened to accompany him to practice together.

Taixuan Shenxiang went straight to Jiuyao Palace. As a dignified Yang God, he had the blessing of Xuehe Tianzun's Huayuan Book and did not need a physical body at all.

The immortal magical power of the Blood God generated by the condensation of the Yang God makes it even more difficult to destroy the Taixuan God. This Yang God is not very good at fighting, but it wins because of its endless vitality and its ability to transform between the visible and invisible at will. Apart from the robbery thunder, few secret magic weapons can restrain the Taixuan God.

Gao Xian had been to Jiuyao Palace once and was quite familiar with the place.

After Taixuan Shenxiang had been flying for a few days, he once again saw the huge nine-pointed star embedded in the earth.

Last time Zhizhen helped him break the formation, but this time he can only rely on himself.

Fortunately, with the experience from last time, Gao Xian knew how to deal with the magic array of Jiuyao Palace. He couldn't break the array, but he had thick skin and flesh and could withstand it.

Although the array of Jiuyao Palace is powerful, it has been passed down for too long, and only the most basic array is still in operation. It poses a limited threat to a sixth-level strongman, not to mention that he is a Taixuan Divine Appearance.

Gao Xian's method of breaking the formation was very simple, that is, turning into blood light and forcing his way in. If the formation's restriction was too strong, he would use the Blood River Heavenly Venerable's Yuan Book to turn into blood light to corrode the formation's restriction. This method was slow, but it was safe.

Gao Xian felt like a clumsy person playing a game, with no skills, just relying on his luck to move forward. As long as he could keep moving forward, he would always be able to pass the level.

It took more than a year for Taixuan Shenxiang to return to the central hall of Jiuyao Palace, which is the Beiji Hall.

It was here that he took away the Nine-Star Divine Mirror and escaped by relying on his magical power of replacing his clone.

This time when he came back, his progress was very slow because he had to break all the magic arrays along the way.

Returning to the old place, Gao Xian looked at the nine-pointed star groove left on the black altar, and he couldn't help but smile. He was really brave at the beginning, and he directly snatched the Nine-Star Divine Mirror without any tricks.

Without the Nine Stars God Mirror, the central magic array of this hall was actually mostly destroyed. The Seven Stars God that the magic array had activated that day also completely dissipated.

If other cultivators came here, they would not be able to find anything valuable and would return in disappointment.

However, Gao Xian knew that there was an underground palace deep in the hall, which was the Jiuyao Zhongtian Shaxing Palace.

The Nine Stars are Gouchen, the North Pole Ziwei, the Big Dipper, and the Tiansha Star.

The Nine Yaos are actually ten stars, nine bright and one dark.

Gou Chen is the supreme king of heaven and the most powerful god emperor.

The North Pole Ziwei Star is the lord of all stars and the master of all things, and it controls all the stars. The Big Dipper assists the North Pole Ziwei Star in managing the stars.

The Tiansha Star is the only evil star hidden among the Nine Luminaries. It is so evil, so dark and so mysterious that cultivators cannot catch sight of it with their eyes.

Only those who are proficient in the secret arts of astrology can deduce the existence of the Heavenly Evil Star and calculate its position.

Tiansha Star has an extremely special position among the Nine Stars and is hidden most of the time.

When Jiuyao Tianzun built Jiuyao Palace, he also built Tianshaxing Palace deep underground. Tianshaxing Palace is a dark star that gathers the most evil and vicious energy of Jiuyao.

According to the changes in the Jiuyao Star Palace, the residual soul of Jiuyao Tianzun after his death should enter the Tiansha Star Palace.

The Golden Wheel of All Things in the North Pole of the Sky should have been shattered together with the Nine-Star God, and the numerous fragments should be together with the remaining soul of the Nine-Star God.

The death of this eighth-rank Heavenly Lord was already miserable, and his residual soul and the evil spirit of the Heavenly Evil Star Palace combined, and it is very likely that he will transform into an evil creature.

Fortunately, Jiuyao Tianzun had been dead for more than 100,000 years, so even if his residual soul had transformed into an immortal evil creature, it would have turned into ashes in such a long time.

Evil creatures are also a special kind of creatures, they need to absorb essence, blood, spirit and soul to continue to grow. Although the Tiansha Star Palace can gather evil spirits, it is very different from the foul air of evil creatures. It is difficult for evil creatures to absorb evil spirits to grow stronger.

With such continuous consumption, even if the evil creature does not die, it will not have much power.

Even so, Bai Yujing repeatedly reminded Gao Xian to be careful. Even if there was only a trace of the power of an eighth-level strongman, it would be very dangerous for Gao Xian.

Gao Xian used the Pojun Star Divine Sword deep in his sea of ​​consciousness to guide the changes in the star power of the Pojun Star above the Nine Heavens. In this mysterious state, he naturally sensed that there was a huge palace hidden deep below.

This palace was as deep as an abyss, and any energy he exerted to break the army would be swallowed up by the palace. As the auras interacted, Gao Xian could still sense a strong but evil aura deep in the palace.

He was startled. This thing was much more powerful than he expected. The intense and dangerous aura made him want to retreat...

Although the Zhongtian Beiji Wanxiang Golden Wheel was good, it was only an external object after all, and it was not indispensable to him. It was not worth risking his life for it.

Gao Xian weighed the pros and cons and decided not to take risks for the time being. Anyway, he still had to stay in Xuanhuangtian for hundreds of years, so he didn't need to rush.

Gao Xian was thinking when he suddenly felt a sense of some kind of power sweeping over him. No, he had an unpredictable quality, and others could not determine his location through divination or other secret techniques.

This subtle sensation should come from an external object. Gao Xian thought of this and took the Emperor's Eye in his hand. Sure enough, a subtle golden light flashed deep in the golden prism crystal, as if it was resonating with something... (End of this chapter)

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