Great Immortal with Boundless Mana

Chapter 906 Unbelievable

Xuanming Heaven, Jiuyao Palace.

Hai Yuqiong, wearing a golden crown and silver robe, looked at the huge nine-cornered palace below. Her bright eyes like peach blossoms flickered as she examined the entire palace through secret methods.

Shenxuanjing stood quietly behind Hai Yuqiong. Although she was from the royal family, she couldn't be presumptuous against the sixth-level pure yang. She also had to show respect for the sixth-level pure yang in her position.

She wore a purple robe with intricate embroidery in gold and silver, faintly resembling the shape of the sun and the moon. Although the purple robe was not as gorgeous as the small Xumi robe on Hai Yuqiong, it was more profound and solemn, and the atmosphere was very different.

At this moment, the innate Taiji Qi was silently flowing around her body, covering an area of ​​several hundred feet in radius. She knew that Gao Xian was mysterious and unpredictable, and he was also notoriously sinister and vicious.

Even though Hai Yuqiong was right beside him, Shen Xuan Jing was still very cautious. Gao Xian was now a sixth-level pure Yang, and if he was hit by his sword, he would definitely die.

Hai Yuqiong was extremely relaxed. She was even holding a three-legged golden cup in her left hand. The blood-red liquid inside was rippling slightly, as if it was about to overflow at any time.

"Is Gao Xian here?" Hai Yuqiong asked after taking a sip of Mantianhong.

"According to the sensing of the Emperor's Eye, he should be here." The Emperor's Eye between Shenxuan Jing's eyebrows flickered slightly, and he was quite sure about this.

The royal family of celestial beings can sense each other's positions through the Emperor's Eye, and if they wish, they can even achieve a super-long-distance spiritual connection, but it consumes a lot of spiritual energy and requires the consent of both parties.

This process is actually quite complicated and is particularly easy to be interfered with, making it almost impossible to use in battle. Of course, the sixth and seventh level spiritual consciousness can sometimes be combined with the Emperor's Eye to fight together.

However, even if their cultivation level reaches the sixth or seventh level, there is no chance for them to join forces in battle.

Hai Yuqiong took another sip of Mantianhong. She did not doubt the sensitivity of the Shenxuan Mirror, but she was a little worried about the huge nine-cornered palace under her feet.

"It looks like a nine-pointed star. It should be the Nine Lights Palace of the legendary Nine Lights Celestial Lord."

Hai Yuqiong was not asking the Shenxuan Mirror, she just liked to talk to herself and analyze the situation at hand.

Shen Xuanjing was already very familiar with Hai Yuqiong and knew her personality, so she did not interrupt.

"Although the Star Palace remains largely intact, the central magic array has been destroyed. Only some of the magic arrays are still functioning..."

Hai Yuqiong glanced at the mysterious mirror: "What do you think?"

Although this celestial royal family member is only at the fifth level, his natal artifact is the Xuantian Sun and Moon Mirror, the top artifact among the celestial royal family members.

The Emperor's Eye, combined with the Shenxuan Mirror, is more profound than her Golden Cloud Magic Eye.

The Nine-pointed Star Palace array below was broken, and the star power was chaotic and dense. Even her sixth-level divine sense could not see through the changes in the Nine-pointed Star Palace. Naturally, she had to ask the Divine Mysterious Mirror for its opinion.

Shenxuanjing was silent for a moment and said, "Indeed, part of the magic array is still in operation. The structure of the entire Jiuyao Star Palace is very complicated, and it corresponds to the Jiuyao star power above the Nine Heavens. I can't see through it."

She paused and continued, "However, I vaguely saw the location of the Emperor's Eye. It is in the central area of ​​the Nine-pointed Star Palace, which should be the North Pole Palace..."

Hai Yuqiong nodded. This was similar to her observations, but she could not sense the Emperor's Eye or Gao Xian's location.

However, this is normal. If she could see Gao Xian's position from a distance, it would be a problem.

When Gao Xian was at the fifth level, he had already achieved the unity of body and spirit, and his aura was perfect. He was also good at hiding his whereabouts and being mysterious and unpredictable. Now Gao Xian has achieved the Pure Yang Dao, and his cultivation has reached a higher level, so his aura must be even deeper.

"The Nine Stars Lord has been dead for a long time. Apart from those who specialize in cultivating star power, few people are interested in him."

Hai Yuqiong said to herself, "What is Gao Xian doing here?"

Shenxuanjing replied, "Gao Xian is known as the Star Lord of Pojun. It is said that he also has the Pojun Divine Scroll in his hand, which is extremely powerful. It makes sense for him to come to Jiuyao Star Palace."

"That's right." Hai Yuqiong naturally knew Gao Xian's situation, but Zhuanlun City was too far away from the human world, and cultivators from the human world were almost invisible, so news from the human world was very delayed.

It was only after she specifically asked another sixth-level expert for help that she found out that Gao Xian had already achieved Pure Yang.

Hai Yuqiong knew very well how powerful Gao Xian was. When she heard that Gao Xian had attained the Pure Yang state, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Gao Xian had been in Zhuanlun City for thirty years, and Hai Yuqiong was already quite familiar with Gao Xian's personality. In addition, Gao Xian's various acts of revenge over the past thousand years made him even more clear about Gao Xian's true nature.

The fifth-level Gao Xian was already a problem for her. What would the sixth-level Gao Xian be like? The key was that this guy was scheming and ruthless. When Gao Xian survived the second thunder tribulation, she would avoid him.

With such a powerful enemy hiding behind her and watching her every day, she couldn't sleep well.

It would be fine if there was no chance, but this time there is a chance to deal with Gao Xian. Hai Yuqiong will definitely do her best to kill Gao Xian and eliminate the trouble forever.

"You should step back first so as not to be discovered by Gao Xian."

Hai Yuqiong reminded Shen Xuan Jing that she was sure she could kill Gao Xian, but she couldn't say that she could trap Gao Xian firmly. These were two different things.

Shen Xuanjing nodded. She knew how terrifying Gao Xian was and didn't dare to be careless. She activated the Xuantian Sun and Moon Mirror to protect her body and quickly disappeared into the air.

The Xuantian Sun and Moon Mirror is best at changing into the void. As long as the Shenxuan Mirror does not actively release its spiritual consciousness, even a sixth-order strongman will not be able to discover its whereabouts.

Hai Yuqiong looked at the Jiuyao Palace thousands of miles away. Various magic arrays and restrictions were in operation in the palace. No matter where one entered from, one had to pass through numerous magic arrays before entering the Beiji Palace.

Gao Xian is extremely cunning and will flee early if there is any unusual movement.

Even the Six Paths Wheel Altar could not stop Gao Xian's escape technique, which caused her to be calculated by Gao Xian and lose face in public.

After this lesson, Hai Yuqiong became more cautious towards Gao Xian. She finally had this opportunity to stop Gao Xian, and she couldn't let him escape.

After the Shenxuan Mirror had hidden its shape, Hai Yuqiong's powerful Yang Spirit turned the magic power to activate the central restriction of the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade in his hand.

The Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade looks like a jade ruler, or an exquisite paperweight. In fact, the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade is a peerless sword, which is most suitable for her Infinite Golden Light Sutra.

The boundless golden light of heavenly blades spreads across the ten directions. The bright light is like a blade, without hindrance or interruption.

The so-called spreading across the ten directions means that the golden light can penetrate the void in all directions. Its light is like a blade that can break all obstacles and cannot be cut off by any external force.

It was also because of the coincidence that she obtained the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade that she was able to attain the Sixth Level of Pure Yang at the age of 2,800.

This life-saving artifact is very important to her.

In order to get rid of Gao Xian in one fell swoop, Hai Yuqiong directly took out the most powerful artifact, emitting a golden light like a blade that cut through the void and cut off all obstacles.

Be it the thick and solid outer wall of Jiuyao Palace or the numerous magical arrays and restrictions inside Jiuyao Palace, they were all cut through by the sharp golden light.

In an instant, the infinite golden light blade cut a straight channel in the void.

Hai Yuqiong's figure flashed, and the next moment she was already at the center of the North Pole Hall. The void passage she cut open was instantly annihilated.

Although the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade is said to be unobstructed and unbreakable, that is just a claim. Its magical power changes are still limited to a certain level to be effective.

The Jiuyao Star Palace formation is also quite powerful, especially its rich and powerful star power. She can break through the obstacles and reach the center of the North Pole Palace directly, which is already an unparalleled magical power.

Gao Xian had been watching Hai Yuqiong, and he did not expect that Hai Yuqiong would just barge in like this. He was quite envious of this magical change.

He also has several magical weapons in his hands, which are said to be able to break through all laws and phenomena, but they have various limitations when actually used.

Just like this Jiuyao Star Palace, he almost crawled in. For a sixth-level strongman, it was really not very decent!

Looking at Hai Yuqiong again, she created a door for herself with a single stroke of the magic weapon in her hand. This kind of elegance and calmness is worthy of the title of the sixth-level Pure Yang.

However, Hai Yuqiong had obviously consumed a lot of her spiritual energy, and her aura was fluctuating noticeably.

Gao Xian did not take the opportunity to attack Hai Yuqiong. It was not because he was kind-hearted or embarrassed, but because he had been waiting for Hai Yuqiong and would not attack her rashly.

The more powerful Hai Yuqiong's magical powers became, the happier he was.

"After thirty years of separation, I am delighted to meet Boss Hai again here."

Gao Xian smiled and bowed, "How are you, Boss Hai?"

Hai Yuqiong looked Gao Xian up and down. The man had long eyebrows and thin eyes, snow-white skin, deep and stern facial features. He wore a dark red robe and had an icy and deep aura.

Especially the pair of red pupils, flashing red light in the dark and closed hall, which was extremely weird and frightening.

From the outside, the other party is completely different from Gao Xian. However, the tone of his voice is exactly the same as Gao Xian's, and most importantly, the Yang Shen aura carries the flavor of Gao Xian. Hai Yuqiong's Golden Cloud Eye is an extremely high-level pupil technique. Although it is far inferior to the Emperor Eye of the Celestial Royal Family, it can still tell that the person in front of him is Gao Xian's Yang Shen.

Under her golden eyes, Gao Xianyang's spirit was a ball of red with a strong bloody aura, and also had a pure and blazing aura of yang, like a ball of burning flames.

With her ability, she felt that Gao Xian's Yang Shen was too intense at this distance, which naturally elevated her Yang Shen consciousness to a higher level to resist Gao Xian's powerful Yang Shen.

It was true that he had just survived a thunder tribulation, and his Yang Soul was clear and pure inside and out, but he was unable to differentiate into pure Yang consciousness.

Hai Yuqiong was a little disappointed that she didn't see Gao Xian's real body, but it was a huge gain to capture Gao Xian's Yang Shen.

She locked onto Gao Xian's Yang Spirit with her Pure Yang Spirit, and was not afraid that Gao Xian would suddenly run away. She then smiled leisurely: "Last time, you left in such a hurry that I didn't have time to practice with you.

"I heard that you are in Xuanming, so I came all the way to see you. I also brought you some good wine..."

Hai Yuqiong said this while raising the three-legged golden cup in her hand. The blood-red wine inside was rippling, giving off a rich and mellow aroma of wine.

The huge Arctic Hall was filled with a strong smell of alcohol.

The smell of alcohol reminded Gao Xian of the fiery taste of Mantianhong. To be honest, he really wanted to have a couple of sips.

He also knew in his heart that Hai Yuqiong drank all day long, and she must be practicing some secret method, which is why she had such a need.

When one reaches the sixth level of Pure Yang, it is impossible for him to be an alcoholic.

Although Mantianhong is delicious, he can't drink it carelessly at this time.

"I am really flattered by Boss Hai's hospitality."

Gao Xian said apologetically, "I left too hastily at the last Six Paths Wheel Altar. Luckily, I left some poems and books for Boss Hai to bid him farewell, which means I didn't let down our deep friendship."

Hai Yuqiong's beautiful face was still full of smiles, but she felt a little angry in her heart. This boy has become so capable that he even dares to mock her in person!
Without waiting for Hai Yuqiong to speak, Gao Xian continued, "To welcome Boss Hai this time, I specially invited a big shot to accompany us. We must have a few drinks later..."

Hai Yuqiong could tell something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong. It was not difficult for her to leave now, but it was ridiculous to be scared away by Gao Xian's words.

Even if Gao Xian finds a sixth-level Chunyang to join forces, she can come and go freely with the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade in her hand, and will never die here.

It is precisely because of such strong self-confidence that Hai Yuqiong can still smile calmly: "Oh, which important person is it? I would like to make a good acquaintance with him..."

"It's hard to say the name..."

As Gao Xian spoke, he had already activated the North Pole Star Seal on his left hand and cast the spell of the Stars Turning and Shifting.

Before Hai Yuqiong came, Gao Xian had already surveyed the location of the underground Tiansha Star Palace and left several star power marks in advance.

The floor of the North Pole Hall was paved with obsidian, a high-level obsidian that could naturally condense star power. The hall was also filled with magic arrays and prohibitions.

Hai Yuqiong didn't find anything wrong with just a few star power coordinates placed on the obsidian star stone.

It was not until Gao Xian activated the Star Shift that Hai Yuqiong realized something was wrong.

The magic of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi can make the void flip, and the key is to match it with the magic circle in the hall, turning the entire hall underground and overlapping with the Tiansha Xing Palace.

It was roughly equivalent to activating a flip board, and Gao Xian and Hai Yuqiong fell to the Tianshaxing Palace below the main hall. In fact, of course, it was extremely complicated, involving the flipping and stacking of the entire void;.

If Gao Xian had not become a Yang God, he would never have such powerful magical powers.

Although Hai Yuqiong realized that something was wrong, she was unable to escape from the void in an instant. She could only hold the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade in her hand and release the Infinite Golden Light to protect herself.

The surrounding void was dark and deep, but it could not block Hai Yuqiong's consciousness and gaze.

She found that this was an unusually spacious hall, with a dome that was a hundred feet high and a floor paved with thick black boulders. The hall was a thousand feet long and wide, and very spacious.

There is a black altar in front of the hall, on which stands a nine-pointed black and red star about ten feet high.

The color of the nine-pointed star is very similar to the color of Gao Xian's robe, exuding a strong and deep bloody aura.

Hai Yuqiong had never seen such a terrifying evil spirit before. When she glanced at the Nine-pointed Star with her ability, her pure Yang spirit tightened, and the Qi and blood in her body were suppressed by the endless evil spirit and became a little stagnant.

It was just this black and red nine-pointed star, but next to it sat a man in a black robe. This man had nine heads and eighteen hands, but he was even bigger than the nine-pointed star.

It's nothing to have a weird appearance, the key is that this man in black has a deep evil spirit. He must be a powerful evil creature!
Evil things, ordinary cultivators would call them evil spirits. They are also the things that cultivators hate and fear the most.

Although Hai Yuqiong was a sixth-level pure yang, she also instinctively hated evil spirits. The strange evil spirit in front of her was at least a sixth-level, or even higher!
The seventh level does have a rank and seat restriction, but the evil spirits can still possess power that exceeds the sixth level. It's just that the evil spirits have no wisdom, so even if a certain power reaches the seventh level, it can't be compared with the real seventh level.

This is like a seventh-level divine weapon, which has power beyond the sixth level, but is fundamentally different from a seventh-level cultivator.

Hai Yuqiong realized that she had fallen into Gao Xian's trap. She urged the infinite golden sky blade to cut through the void and escape, but in the darkness, a blindingly bright lightning flashed in Gao Xian's eyes.

The lightning did not attack Hai Yuqiong, but went straight to the terrifying evil creature with nine heads and eighteen hands.

The evil creature's brain might have been dormant for too long, and it had no intelligence of its own. Although two outsiders came to the Tianshaxing Palace, the evil creature did not react for a while.

Gao Xian saw that this was not acceptable. How could the host just sit there and do nothing when guests came? It was so rude.

So, he politely sent out a ray of divine thunder to remind his master.

The power of the Divine Thunder was doubled by the Tianlong Yufa True Eye, and Gao Xian naturally gave his all since he had the first chance.

The blazing and unparalleled divine thunder struck the evil creature's consciousness. The blazing lightning suddenly exploded, and most of the evil creature's upper body was shattered by the lightning. The entire upper body was almost shattered.

Of the nine heads, only half was still intact. At this moment, one of the eyes on the evil creature's head opened, and a black and red nine-pointed star suddenly shone in the black pupil.

Then, Hai Yuqiong, who was about to activate the Infinite Golden Sky Blade, felt a chill in her heart. There was an additional black and red nine-pointed star mark on the Pure Yang God in her sea of ​​consciousness.

The reason Hai Yuqiong failed to leave just now was mainly because the divine thunder was too violent and caused some interference to her.

When she realized something was wrong, there was already a black nine-pointed star mark on her Yang Shen. She immediately knew that something was wrong. With this mark, she had been locked by the evil creature and there was no chance for her to escape.

Gao Xian shouted from the opposite side: "What a powerful evil creature!"

He turned to Hai Yuqiong and said, "Boss Hai, this evil creature should be the remnant soul of Jiuyao Tianzun, and it has absorbed the evil spirit of Tianshaxing. It is very scary. Let's join forces to kill this evil creature first, and then settle any grudges. How about that?"

Hai Yuqiong thought about it and nodded. The evil creature left a mark on her Yang Shen, and only by killing the evil creature could the mark be completely erased. Moreover, this mark would cause various interferences to her, and she would find it difficult to escape even with a peerless artifact.

It was a pity that she didn't have enough cultivation. If she could practice the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade to a truly unimpeded and unbroken level, it would be easy to cut off this mark...

At this time, we can only join forces with Gao Xian.

Gao Xian was quite excited when he saw Hai Yuqiong agreed: "It won't be difficult for us to kill the evil together! Let me go first!"

As he spoke, blue and white divine light flashed in his eyes, and he once again unleashed the divine thunder.

The blazing lightning illuminated the hall brightly. The evil creature, with only half of its head left, pointed at the lightning, and a black and red star-shaped light flashed and hit the lightning.

The divine thunderbolt was extremely yang and fierce, specifically designed to defeat evil spirits. Although the black and red starlight was powerful, it was still no match for the lightning. The blazing black light fell down with a bang, smashing the remaining half of the evil creature's head into pieces...

As the blazing lightning raged, the evil creature, with only half of its body left, twisted its body and grew nine heads and eighteen hands again.

Hai Yuqiong was also startled. This evil creature was not afraid of lightning. We are in trouble!
She tried to activate the infinite golden light of the Sky Blade to slash forward. The golden light cut off several arms of the evil creature. The broken arms turned into black smoke and dissipated, but the remaining half of the arm was instantly restored to its original state.

"It's hard to restrain the Infinite Golden Light Sky Blade, this is even more troublesome..."

Hai Yuqiong was just thinking about how to respond when she saw Gao Xian opposite her smile mysteriously and then disappear without a trace.

The evil creature's nine heads and eighteen eyes all looked at Hai Yuqiong.

"Gao Xian! You deserve to die!" Even a gloomy person like Hai Yuqiong couldn't help cursing. It was not uncommon for Gao Xian to use this trick. The key point was that Gao Xian was marked by the evil creature in Yangshen, so this kid could escape without any hindrance!

This kind of magical power is simply unbelievable!
The evil creature didn't have so many thoughts. Its nine heads opened their mouths at the same time and spewed out countless black and red smoke...

(Please vote for me~) (End of this chapter)

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