The blind snake also left, Tang Sancheng suddenly thought, the reason why the blind snake brought him is because there is an exit here?Looking at its appearance just now, it was full of kindness towards him, Tang Sancheng scratched his head, only then did he realize how fortunate it is to have a companion, he wailed: "Bai Yi, Qi Xie, Where are you!"

"Your boy is finally willing to speak out." A familiar voice came over, the voice was a little weak, and at the same time mixed with some unhappiness, Tang Sancheng almost jumped up, it was Bai Yi's voice!Tang Sancheng looked around excitedly: "Bai Yi, is that you? Where are you?"

Looking around, but seeing no figure, Tang Sancheng muttered: "Did I hear wrong?"

The wall covered with fireflies suddenly opened, and the person who got out was not Bai Yi!I saw that he had wounds on his face, obvious bruises on his forehead, cloth strips tied on his arms, and there was still blood oozing out of them. Standing behind him was Qi Xie. Qi Xie didn't look very good-looking. The clothes were scraped and tattered, Tang Sancheng remembered the time when he was a beggar, at that time, Qixie's clothes were the same as now.

"You?" Tang Sancheng was both surprised and delighted, seeing the wounds on their heads, he was a little inexplicable: "How did you become like this?"

Bai Yi glared at Tang Sancheng: "It's not your fault, and now I don't know where the other three have gone."

It turned out that Tang Sancheng was the first to have an accident in the water. When he sank towards the bottom, Bai Yi cursed in his heart, thinking that Tang Sancheng was not good at water, so he planned to rush over to pull him, but Tang Sancheng was just a Ordinary people, when faced with death, will inevitably have subconscious movements. That movement is that he pulled Qixie's feet. Qixie was suddenly pulled, and his whole body sank quickly. Bai Yi made another move. This is a good move. , the three sank to the bottom of the water at the same time, and Qixie was the last one to lose consciousness. His memory of the last scene was all black, and there was a "hissing" sound from the darkness.

Same as Tang Sancheng, when Bai Yi and Qixie woke up, they were in another place completely outside of their bodies, sinking to the bottom of the water, but there was no water here, but compared to Tang Sancheng being in the same space, they were in a corridor, Qixie's heavy body was pressing on Bai Yi's legs, so when Bai Yi woke up, his first reaction was that his legs were sore and numb, and then he saw this corridor like a mirror, which was quite huge by 26 yuan. The rocks in the tunnel are divided into upper and lower layers, and the rocks are so tightly arranged that even a coin cannot be inserted into it. Moreover, both walls of the passageway are ground like flat mirrors. When Bai Yi looked over, he saw his extremely surprised face. .

"Unbelievable." Qixie said: "Even now, it takes a lot of effort to create a tunnel that looks like a mirror. It requires very fine polishing to make the stone look like a mirror."

"Where is that corridor?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"Just behind this wall, there is still a lot of mystery inside." Bai Yi said. When he was talking, he looked around here, with a surprised expression on his face, but he didn't immediately point out his doubts. Instead, he continued to tell about his experience with Qixie just now.

The two found that there were long bright lights on both sides of the corridor, which made the whole corridor very bright. The long and narrow corridor stretched forward without knowing where it would end. Bai Yi pulled Qi Xie to get up, and Qi Xie saw Bai Yi There was a wound on his forehead, it seemed that he touched it when he landed, and there was blood on his arm, Qi Xie hurriedly tore off his clothes and hugged Bai Yi, which was why Qi Xie's clothes were torn.

Both of them had no way to understand what happened in the water, there were only two of them now, Tang Sancheng and the others were missing, Bai Yi said: "Could Tang Sancheng also come here? We are at about the same place The place is sinking."

The two looked around, no matter whether they were front or back, there was an invisible tunnel. In this case, there was no difference between front and back. The two looked at each other and decided to decide where to go by guessing. The winning Bai Yi chose to go in the left hand direction. Going forward, the two went forward without any accidents, but when they reached the end, the two stopped at the same time, staring at the front, unable to say a word.

The end point is a stone gate, which is also as smooth as a mirror, but above it clearly shows a life-sized shadow, dressed in Hanfu, with a crown and a belt, in the shape of welcoming guests. Looking at it from a distance, the two thought that Someone came out to greet the visitor, and when he got closer, he saw that something like water stains was printed on the stone gate, but the expression and movements were all lifelike, and in this empty corridor, this "real person" was showing his ass. An inexplicable sense of weirdness, Bai Yi's hand feels no bumps and bumps, this "real person" is like a phantom formed by smoke and dust floating on it, and water mist, it looks real, but it seems illusory, the two are attracted by this The "real person" dragged on for some time, and finally got used to the "real person" standing in front of him with his hands folded, before he began to think about the stone gate in front of him.

Hearing this, Tang Sancheng immediately said: "The 'person' you mentioned is like a gatekeeper, no, he cupped his hands, as if he was welcoming the guests."

Bai Yi's face changed, Tang Sancheng's statement was like saying that the "person" knew that someone would come, not that the designer here knew that there would be someone coming, especially the whole "person" was there to welcome the guests, he wiped his face Face: "We have been studying behind the door for a long time to see how to open the door. During this process, we were thinking that you would not be inside, and kept calling your name outside."

Tang Sancheng was stunned: "I didn't hear it."

He suddenly thought of the blind snake who seemed to be frightened and left. Could it be that at that time, the blind snake heard the movement of other people, so it left?Snake's sense of hearing is much sharper than eyesight, Tang Sancheng said: "I'm inside, I can't hear any movement outside."

"Okay, at least we're meeting up now, and we'll go out later to find Xiao Ning and the others. I hope they'll be lucky and get ashore smoothly." Bai Yi said.

Tang Sancheng was a little guilty, the reason why the three of them were here was all due to his good deeds, he coughed, and deliberately changed the topic: "Look, what kind of flower is this, it's so huge, I've never seen it before, it smells so bad , By the way, there is also that female corpse, don’t you find it strange? I haven’t asked about it since I came in..."

Bai Yi snorted coldly: "What's so strange, I knew what was going on as soon as I saw it. Only you are so ignorant that you feel all the fuss."

"Then do you know what this is?" Tang Sancheng was used to Bai Yi's sarcasm, and asked with a smile.

"Of course." Bai Yi said, "This is corpse-flavored konjac."

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