"Corpse-scented konjac, corpse-scented konjac is a strange flower that grows on dead bodies in coffins made of Kunlun Shenmu. It can confuse people's minds and produce hallucinations. This devil's flower, with its bewitching color and weird fragrance , creating one trap after another made of phantoms, luring people to death, of course this is just a legend." Bai Yi said: "For those of us who are fighting, the corpse-fragrant konjac can keep the body from melting, and it will Let the body have a light fragrance."

This is exactly what Tang Sancheng saw, he opened his mouth wide: "It's true, that female corpse seemed to be asleep, just now...just now..."

"What was it just now?" Qi Xie asked nervously, "Aren't you injured?"

"Just now I held her in my arms." Tang Sancheng said carefully: "Is it okay?"

"If the body doesn't melt, then there will be no corpse liquid, and there will be no corpse poison, so there is no serious problem. Moreover," Bai Yi approached and looked at the woman's face: "You were still a beautiful woman when she was alive, so you can take advantage of it." gone."

Tang Sancheng was speechless by Bai Yi's remarks, he told how he got down, mentioned the blind snake being chained and leading the way for him, Bai Yi's face changed Change: "You said that snake was chained?"

"Yeah, and it's full of bloodstains, it looks very painful, it doesn't look aggressive, so..." Tang Sancheng shrugged: "But thanks to it, I came down here and ran into you, it But my savior!!"

"Fucking benefactor!" Bai Yi said, "It's just looking for food for Shixiang Konjac."

Tang Sancheng's heart turned cold: "Impossible, I saved it."

"Stupid, silly." Bai Yi was so angry that he hopped his feet: "Do you know why corpse-scented konjac is so smelly? It's because dead animals attract carrion-eating beetles to pollinate them, so as to maintain Life, smell it, does this smell smell like rotting flesh? This flower looks beautiful, but it is the most dangerous plant, killing people invisible."

Tang Sancheng had already smelled the rotten smell, and he stuttered when he spoke: "But...but the snake is locked by iron chains, it has no attack power!!"

"Snakes are hard to say." Bai Yi glanced at Qixie, who had been listening silently, and continued: "In ancient mythology, snakes have wings, which is what we say The flying dragon in the sky, if the snake wants to fly into the sky, it must shed its own skin, this kind of shedding is not the natural shedding we imagined, it must use extraordinary methods.”

Tang Sancheng's tongue got knotted: "You... you are talking about iron chains, right?"

"It's entirely possible." Bai Yi said: "It seems that you were fooled by that snake, and you probably still consider yourself its savior."

Tang Sancheng was completely depressed: "Why do I always have an indissoluble bond with snakes?"

"Could it be that it's not the 'people' on the stone gate that guard this place, but this snake?" Qixie said, Tang Sancheng shuddered at these words, it's unbelievable that people are controlled by animals, Tang Sancheng is still somewhat contradictory , he scratched his head and looked up at the pool. Now that the pool is rising, the bottom of the pool can reveal its true face.

"It's Taotie." Bai Yi said looking at the decorations under the pool.

Taotie is an imaginary mysterious monster.Bronze ware common ornamentation.This kind of monster has no body, only a big head and a big mouth. It is very greedy. It eats whatever it sees. Because it eats too much, it is finally stuffed to death.It is a symbol of greed.He is the fifth son of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.According to legend, it was one of the four evil spirits during the Yao and Shun eras. The so-called "four evil spirits" refer to the four ancient monsters - Taotie, Qiongqi, Zhuwu and Chaos.

Taotie looks like a sheep body with a human face, eyes in the armpits, tiger teeth and human claws, a pair of curved animal horns on the head, and a pair of wings on both sides, but like a pair of huge ears, it looks very ferocious and emits The voice is like that of a baby, gluttonous and greedy, especially carnivorous, which has also become a representative of greed.

Qiongqi is as big as a cow, and looks like a tiger at first glance, but has the fur of a hedgehog and two wings. He lives by eating people. If someone bites off his nose, Qiongqi will reward him with birds and beasts if someone commits an evil deed, so he is also called the evil god who restrains good and promotes evil.This Qiongqi is an unreasonable person, he likes people who speak evil words, the more evil they do, the more he likes them, the sound made by his original body is like a dog.

Qiongqi is evil and unreasonable, but he can't compare to Qiongqi. Wuwu looks somewhat similar to Qiongqi. They both look like tigers in appearance, but they are smaller in stature. They have a human face with tiger claws and pig's His teeth and tail are very long, measuring one foot to eight feet. His only characteristic is fierceness and stubbornness. Of course, his nature is lighter than that of Qiongqi. Qiongqi not only does evil himself, but also instigates others to do evil.

Chaos, its shape is fat and round, like a pig, its body is as red as fire, it has four wings on its back, and six legs, but it has no facial features and a short tail, but this one is a bit strange, obviously without ears and mouth, However, it can understand singing, dancing and music. Ordinary humans cannot see or hear it. It often bites its own tail and giggles. It looks like an idiot. It doesn’t know right from wrong. A vicious person will obey his command instead.

The four ancient monsters are more like a true portrayal of human beings. The gluttonous decorations under the pool in front of him are very terrifying. Thinking of the blind snake suddenly throwing himself away and leaving here, Tang Sancheng thought it was the blind snake who found other people coming, and hurriedly He left, but after listening to Bai Yi's analysis now, he felt that there might be another mystery, Tang Sancheng's mind became confused for a while.

At this moment, the fireflies that had been clinging to the wall suddenly flew up with a "buzz", they gathered together, rushed towards Tang Sancheng and the others like an arrow, when the little fireflies gathered into a wave At that time, they were not as petite and pitiful as they used to be, and instantly turned into extremely aggressive insects. Tang Sancheng had already heard their "fluttering" sound when they were flying!

In Tang Sancheng's impression, fireflies are such gentle insects, with small lanterns hanging on their buttocks, flying around leisurely in the summer night, just like the old man, such insects are moving so fast now, it's amazing This strong contrast made Tang Sancheng stunned there.

"Get down!" Qixie yelled, and Tang Sancheng came to his senses. The three of them acted in tacit understanding, lying on the ground with their heads in their arms, and the fireflies flew over their heads and flew directly to the corpse-fragrant konjac...

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