The fireflies were attached to the petals, leaves, and stems of the corpse-fragrant konjac, and the whole corpse-fragrant konjac turned into a lamp. Only then did Tang Sancheng stand up and pat his chest: "I'm scared, I'm still Thought they were going to kill us."

"Wait, look." Qixie said.

All the fireflies flew to the body of the female corpse one by one, completely covering her body, and some of them climbed into the mouth of the female corpse and sucked them. The fireflies seemed to be sucking the body fluid and body fluid of the female corpse. A lifeless corpse, Tang Sancheng gave a chill. At this time, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in his mind, wait, no, Bai Yi said just now, this corpse-scented konjac will make people lose their minds and have hallucinations, then he Could everything I see now be false?

Fireflies covered the entire female corpse. Also, are the faces of Bai Yi and Qi Xie in front of them fake?Or, from the very beginning, they were not Bai Yi and Qi Xie, but other people... Or, they were not human!

Tang Sancheng hugged his shoulders, his head shook excitedly, he was frightened by his own thoughts, and when he looked up at the two familiar faces in front of him, doubt and fear appeared in his eyes, his tongue trembled: "Qi... Qixie, do you remember the first time we met?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Qi Xie frowned slightly.

"Don't you remember?" Tang Sancheng's heart twitched. It is impossible for him not to remember, unless he is not Qixie!

"Of course I remember." Qixie glanced at Bai Yi. He had never said these things in front of Bai Yi. Saved me, dragged me to a ruined temple, and gave me a bowl of hot water and food, I am afraid I have been frozen into an iceman." Qixie said gratefully: "Thirty percent, how can you say that I will forget?"

Tang Sancheng heaved a sigh of relief, the seven evils in front of him were real seven evils, but as for Bai Yi, his eyes swept over, and Bai Yi glared at him: "What the hell are you doing, you kid, asking all kinds of things. "

This tone is very similar, but Tang Sancheng shook his head, reminding himself that since it is an illusion, it is an illusion derived from the subject. They remember that it is normal that the tone is similar to the one they spoke, and they just put their hearts back. Tang Sancheng's heart shrank again in his stomach: "You..."

He took a step back, with a defensive expression on his face: "Aren't you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two faces in front of him turned into two snake heads, and the two snake heads shared the same body, scrambling to be the first to stick out their tongues, and rushed towards Tang Sancheng's face, Tang Sancheng fell down with a "Mom" Sitting on the ground, he immediately took out the gun like crazy, but he only felt a numbness in his wrist. Looking over, the snake body was tightly wrapped around his wrist. His wrist lost strength, and the gun fell to the ground. Tang Sancheng's face immediately turned pale. Ashes, it's over...

Tang Sancheng's head was hit hard, his head was tilted to one side, his eyes went dark, he didn't know how long after that, he vaguely heard someone talking: "Did you use too much force just now, why haven't you heard it for so long?" Awake?"

"It's alright, I'm measured."

Tang Sancheng let out an "Aiyo", opened his eyes, Bai Yi and Qi Xie were sitting next to him and looking at him, he asked: "Why are you here?"

Bai Yi and Qi Xie looked at each other: Is it strange that we are here?The strange thing is you, why are you crazy again? "

The reason why I used the word a is mainly because last time at the bottom of the well in the Jiajing Tomb, Tang Sancheng went crazy and shot and wounded people. This time, Bai Yi pointed at his wrist: "Fortunately, Qixie is skilled, otherwise this At such a short distance, Qixie and I are bound to die and the other to be injured."

Tang Sancheng saw a few fingerprints on his wrist, which clearly seemed to be printed on them, he yelled "It hurts!" Bai Yi said angrily: "If you don't hurt, it's our turn to die."

Everything just now slowly surfaced, Tang Sancheng said dumbfounded: "I was lost just now?"

"Could it be that we're lost?" Bai Yi said, "You've been here the longest, and you've been close to Shixiang Konjac, so it was the first to take effect. Just now you suddenly caught us and asked questions, I felt that Something is wrong, if you look at your dull eyes again, you will know that you have been tricked, if we hadn't been on our guard, Qixie and I would have been pierced long ago."

"Unexpectedly, I really seemed to be bewitched by an evil spirit just now. I always felt that you are not the real Bai Yi and Qixie, and suddenly saw that you have turned into a two-headed snake, so I will..." Tang Sancheng rubbed embarrassingly. Touching his head: "That's why I made some moves. Alas, this gun was placed on me. It really didn't play any serious role. It hurt my own people twice..."

"It's good that you know." Bai Yi said: "In case we can't clean up the mess for you one day, you can only ask for luck, you know?

"I know, but you don't know when you will suddenly..." Tang Sancheng rubbed his nose embarrassingly, since he would be tricked if he stayed here for a long time, then Qixie and Bai Yi would not be sooner or later thing?

"Don't worry." Qi Xie said, "Bai Yi knows how to undo it."

"That's right, the corpse-flavored konjac is indeed miraculous, but in response to the saying that the bell needs to be untied, the juice in the stem of the corpse-flavored konjac is the antidote. I cut it just now, and each of us took a sip. "Bai Yi said: "So you don't need to worry that Qixie and I will go crazy."

No wonder there was a coolness in his mouth just now, and there was a fishy smell. Tang Sancheng originally thought it was the strange smell from the two-headed snake. He looked back at the corpse-scented konjac. The dark green juice came out, and I don't know what the product of this corpse-fragrant konjac is. The juice is much richer than ordinary plants, and now the stems are still dripping, and Tang Sancheng always feels that the corpse-fragrant konjac is It's alive, looking at the mucus on its body now, it feels like its blood. His throat twitched, and he didn't want to look any further. When he turned his head, he saw the fireflies returning to the wall again, lying on it It didn't move, but the small lanterns at the end were brighter, and each one was bigger than before...

"It seems that these fireflies are really not simple. On the one hand, they are the medium between the corpse-flavored konjac and the female corpse, keeping the female corpse from decaying. On the other hand, they also rely on the corpse-flavored konjac to continue their own light, and perhaps, have a lifespan." Bai Bai Yi said: "I'm afraid these fireflies can no longer be simply called fireflies. They may have mutated a long time ago. They are a new kind of creature."

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