Blind snake, corpse-scented konjac, non-rotten female corpse, and a wall of mutated fireflies. There is no coffin here, and it is not a tomb in the traditional sense. If you count the mirror tunnel that Bai Yi and his wife experienced, and the lifelike life in front of the stone gate The "real person" here is either a paradise, or a dead tomb, a space that can't be made by human beings, what is this?

Bai Yi looked at the female corpse. Her makeup, hair accessories, and clothes did not look like Han people: "It seems that this woman is a foreigner. This kind of dress is rare..." he said , while walking towards the female corpse, now there is no need to be jealous of the corpse-flavored konjac next to him. He turned the woman over to see if there was any physical evidence on her body that might explain her identity. Usually Han women like to wear jade ornaments, but this woman Not even one, only this white shirt, very simple, he was disappointed, and suddenly saw the word blue on the woman's white shirt.

blue?Bai Yi was taken aback for a moment. Among the surnames of foreign clans, this blue character could be related to several people. Qi Xie suddenly said: "There seems to be something in the ear of this female corpse."

Qixie has already taken off the thing from the woman's ear. This thing has a very special shape, made of gold. It was originally hung on the woman's ear and pressed under it. If Bai Yi hadn't flipped the woman's body, I'm afraid it won't be discovered, Qixie said: "The shape of this gold ornament is so strange, it looks like..."

"Wine glass." Tang Sancheng rubbed his nose and said, although he didn't know such an elegant wine, he had seen it on TV and recognized it at a glance.

"Wine glass, Lan..." Bai Yi stroked his head: "It's strange, these clues are scattered, but they are connected. I'm obviously moved, but it's just a little bit close."

Tang Sancheng has always been optimistic: "Then don't think about it anymore, we'll just look for other clues, and ah, this is not the custom of the Han people, how can there be no coffin after death, just throw it on the ground , this woman is definitely not Han."

Not only that, although this woman was placed on the ground, her clothes were neat, and her body was protected from decay with corpse-flavored konjac. This person who arranges her funeral is very unusual. If it is famous in history, Bai Yi thinks I must know a thing or two. The accumulation of these 50 years is not for nothing. Bai Yi looked around and checked the body of the female corpse again. Since the female corpse seemed to be asleep, the skin was still elastic when pressed. There was a slight bad feeling, during the whole process, I forced myself not to look at the face of the female corpse, especially her eyes.

Bai Yi saw the woman's sleeves, which can be used to hide things. He put his hand in, and his face brightened: "There is indeed something inside."

He took it out and saw that it was a pair of concentric rings made of gold, intertwined together to form a character "8". Holding the pair of concentric rings in his hand, Bai Yi had an idea in his heart: "According to what I know You know, in the wedding customs of one dynasty, there was the custom of using concentric rings as a dowry before marriage, and there was also a special liking for wine at that time. There is a king whose surname is Lan."

"Which dynasty are you talking about? Why don't I feel anything?" Tang Sancheng rubbed his nose, a little depressed. He knew the basic history of the dynasty, but he had never heard what Bai Yi said. Having said that, can't resonate with it.

"Dawan." Bai Yi said: "According to the relevant literature, Dawan is a country with a population of only a few hundred thousand people, and the farming and animal husbandry is well-developed, and it is rich in grapes, so the wine industry came into being. Also, There is one more thing in this country, you must have heard of it—the bloody horse."

According to historical records, when Zhang Qian left the Western Regions, he came back and said: "There are many good horses in the Western Regions, and the horses are sweaty and bloody." Therefore, in China, this kind of horse has been mysteriously called "Sweaty BMW" for 2000 years.The sweaty BMW can "travel a thousand miles a day and eight hundred miles at night".You only need to drink water once a day. The blood-sweat horse entered our country from the Han Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. It flourished for thousands of years, and then suddenly disappeared.The sweat-blooded BMW was produced by Dawan Kingdom, and the so-called Western Regions were exactly the Dawan Kingdom where Zhang Qian was sent as an envoy.

"You mean this woman is from Dawan, but why is her body here?" Tang Sancheng said.

"It's probably related to her lover. She has a pair of gold concentric rings on her body. This is more obvious. After her death, the person who arranged her funeral loved her very much and set up such a clever It is not an easy project to bury her in the tomb. It is a big project just to lift the pool mentioned by Tang Sancheng just now. Then there is the corpse-flavored konjac, which is not a product of Middle Earth at all. This makes sense. This person has the power and ability to set up such a tomb, it seems that he is not an ordinary person."

Having said so much, I only explained the origin of this woman. She is from Dawan, and she is a girl with a lover. Apart from that, Bai Yi still knows nothing. Bai Yi put the gold concentric ring and wine glass together Put it away: "Unfortunately, no matter how affectionate, this token will belong to me today."

As soon as Bai Yi's words fell, he heard a soft sound from above, it was a pool, and the pool came down again, Tang Sancheng called out: "It's a blind snake!"

The blind snake, which was still crawling slowly, slid out quickly as soon as the pool fell, the sharpness of its movements made Tang Sancheng dumbfounded, the bloodstains on the snake had long since disappeared, the most serious part, there was a black hard object After stabbing it out, Bai Yi's voice became heavy: "It's about to grow wings."

If a snake has wings, is it still a snake?Tang Sancheng's head froze: "Could it be Jackie Chan?"

"I don't know if it will become a dragon or not, but it doesn't seem to be a blind snake now." Bai Yi pulled Tang Sancheng back, the snake in front of him was black and hard, and even his eyes became red, like two rubies , Its eyes were fixed on Tang Sancheng, and the three of them were in a stalemate.

"Brother Snake..." Tang Sancheng still couldn't believe that the blind snake that lured him down just used himself as a bait: "You didn't really lure me here on purpose, did you?"

Hearing Tang Sancheng's conversation with the snake, Bai Yi was helpless. This Tang idiot was even more idiotic than Liu Zhixi. What evil did he do in his previous life to have the same fate as such a person?

At this moment, the blind snake suddenly opened its mouth wide, and blew hard at the three of them. To the three of them, it was like a hurricane had blown by, mixed with the stench, and the three of them felt nauseous. It's still stuck in my throat and I can't spit it out, not to mention how uncomfortable it is...

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