Tang Sancheng spat on the ground: "Oh my god, Brother Snake, you are too stinky." As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Yi took his body and leaned back, Snake Xinzi clung to Tang Sancheng's body. The face floated over, a bloodstain immediately flashed on Tang Sancheng's face, Snake Xinzi was like a sharp arrow, the lethality of this blind snake instantly became stronger.

Purple-red blood overflowed, the snake's body suddenly stopped moving, Snake Xinzi was spinning in the air, not daring to get close to Tang Sancheng at all, the blind snake who was full of momentum just now suddenly stopped, slapped on the spot Zhuan'er looked very anxious, Qi Xie was ready to attack just now, seeing this situation, he couldn't understand it, and when he saw the blood on Tang Sancheng's face, he understood a little: "Could it be afraid of Sancheng's blood?"

Bai Yi cheered up: "Tang Sancheng, hurry up, bite your finger, and throw a few drops of blood over!"

Tang Sancheng was still a little dazed, Bai Yi couldn't wait, who knows when this blind snake will become murderous again?He picked up Tang Sancheng's hand and bit it down hard. Anyway, he didn't know the pain was on someone else, and the blood burst out all of a sudden. Accompanied by Tang Sancheng's howl like killing a pig, Bai Yi waved it vigorously. Tang Sancheng's hand, blood spilled on the blind snake, the blind snake's body shook, and suddenly lay on the ground obediently, motionless, with its head still hanging slightly, looking very respectful, it turned towards Tang Sancheng. The direction of [-]% is like a defeated general.

"What's going on here?" Tang Sancheng stared blankly at the blind snake.

"Is it possible... that the owner of this snake is someone with this kind of blood?" Qi Xie was a little uncertain, and his tone was a little uncertain: "The blood is connected, so it can also have a shocking effect on it."

Qixie's conclusion was too bold, Bai Yi frowned slightly: "You mean the owner of this blind snake, or the person who once subdued this blind snake, has the same blood as Tang Sancheng, so it sees this blind snake again. Only by planting blood can you become obedient, so, isn't this person the one that Grandpa Wu Tong has seen before?"

Tang Sancheng finally understood, his mood became excited, it's a pity that the blind snake lying on the ground can't speak, otherwise everything would be clear, the blind snake became obedient, and the three of them avoided a big crisis , this snake is already alienating. If the snake really has two wings, then the ground and the sky will be its territory. Thing is, if it realizes that Tang Sancheng in front of him is not the person he should be afraid of, it will be especially dangerous.

Bai Yi said softly: "We have to go out to avoid this alienated blind snake. Right now, we can only go out from behind the firefly's wall. Before the blind snake reacts, Tang Sancheng will probably trouble you."

Tang Sancheng understood this time, and gritted his teeth: "It's better to have some blood than to be swallowed by it, so please trouble yourself."

The three of them walked towards the wall where the fireflies were in a tacit understanding. Bai Yi turned his head. When he came in just now, he had already found the location of the mechanism. Unable to fall down, Bai Yi cast a look over: "Qi Xie goes out first, Tang Sancheng is in the middle, I am the rear!"

The three of them had no disagreement, Tang Sancheng stretched out his hand proactively, and closed his eyes, at this moment, the originally quiet blind snake suddenly raised half of its body, Bai Yi didn't hesitate anymore, bit it down, and then flicked it , the blood splashed directly on the blind snake's eyes, the blind snake twisted and panicked, Bai Yi shouted: "Qixie, it's now!"

Qixie was already standing beside the mechanism, behind him were dots of fireflies. Hearing Bai Yi's cry, he pressed down with his hand, and the wall opened. Qixie got out first, then turned around, Bai Yi pushed hard With a handful of Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng rushed towards Qixie, Bai Yi put his hand on his waist, there was a flying knife, facing the blind snake, he took two steps back, seeing how the blind snake was still struggling on the ground, he hurriedly Turning around, the snake was a snake, and the reaction was very sensitive, and it immediately chased after it. With a light leap, the snake's head was only a fist away from Bai Yi, and a puff of air came out of the snake's mouth. Yi felt that the air was very hot, burning his face, Bai Yi was startled: "Could it be poison gas?"

There are poisonous substances in the internal organs of snakes, so since ancient times, poisonous snakes have been soaked in wine to fight poisonous poisons. Compared with the giant snake in the water coffin, this blind snake is unfathomable. Bai Yi's scalp tightened. Today is a catastrophe ?

When that air sprayed over, Bai Yi's body suddenly became foggy, it was a milky white mist, Tang Sancheng could see it clearly, this milky white mist sprayed out from the top of Bai Yi's head, piercing through Entering the poisonous gas of the blind snake, the two gasses offset each other, Bai Yi felt a burst of relief, Tang Sancheng saw this and understood, this is Fu Yu's masterpiece!

"Bai Yi, come out quickly!" Tang Sancheng shouted excitedly.

Bai Yi's reflexes were displayed, he rushed out of the stone gate quickly, turned around, and saw the milky white mist covering the blind snake, and the blind snake was at a loss in the middle...

"Bang" the stone door closed, and the three breathed a sigh of relief, Tang Sancheng couldn't wait to tell Bai Yi: "The protection Gu that Fu Yu planted on you just now must have worked."

Bai Yi's heart was filled with ambiguity, and another wave of sadness came up: "Yes, no wonder I found out after she said it. It turned out to be like this. If it wasn't for Fu Yu just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't be here right now. will stand before you with all four limbs."

Only at this moment did Tang Sancheng feel his hand hurt so badly. When he looked down, his index finger had become bloody and bloody. Just now, Bai Yi had killed himself. He wailed: "Bai Yi, you are too cruel!"

"I'm not being cruel to you, but I'm being too cruel to the three of us." Bai Yi said angrily.

Qixie suddenly said: "If the blind snake is really afraid of this unique blood as we think, then this magical tomb is also related to the person who has the same purple blood as Tang Sancheng?"

Tang Sancheng remained silent, he was a little excited, and a little excited, will this person have a connection with himself?If so, where is he now, is he still alive in this world?Is there really such a thing as immortality?

"The mysterious expert mentioned by Emperor Jiajing, the designer who left the design, the alchemist, and the person who subdued the blind snake in this underwater tomb, could it be the same person?" Qi Xie turned and asked.

It's not impossible that Bai Yi and Tang Sancheng hit a chill at the same time, if the other party is as immortal as Tang Sancheng, from the era when the Dawan Kingdom existed until the Ming Dynasty, he would have the opportunity to be in the Ming Dynasty. Stretching his fists, this man is really amazing, he is the leader in all aspects, including geomantic omen, secret passages in organs, tomb building, and even training and subduing animals.

Tang Sancheng swallowed: "Tell me, could he be mine..."

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