"Could it be that you are one of those six apprentices back then?" Tang Sancheng felt wrong after speaking. In 1895, Bai Yi was not born at that time: "No, then..."

"The eldest of the six will become my introductory master in the future. Although he and I do not have the name of master and apprentice, he is indeed my master. I don't know if he was influenced by Guan Ye and felt Teaching this matter can’t just be superficial, so I completely discarded the superficiality. He and I have never been commensurate with each other, but like friends. Unhappy, I take it for granted." Bai Yi mentioned that he still had some emotion: "The moving tomb that Lord Guan mentioned was what he told you. Over the years, he has been a little bit brooding about it."

"He is brooding, why?" Tang Sancheng didn't understand, could it be that he had a deep relationship with Master Guan, and directly put the master's concerns on his own?

"Oh, it's a coincidence. Originally, Lord Guan was going to take him with him when he came to Dou, but he was tired and didn't want to go, so he lied and got away with it. As a result, Lord Guan was alone that time. After he went there, he thought that if he hadn't lied then, the mystery would not have been a mystery, and everyone lived in peace, but he was the only one who kept worrying about it." Bai Yi said: "Sometimes there are too many coincidences in life, You can't ignore it."

There is a piece of Bai Yi's past hidden in this. Tang Sancheng only knew that Bai Yi's family was originally a powerful family, and he became a bandit because of helplessness. As for the bandit, it is not strict, because they don't rob the house, they just want to show up. Dead man's wealth, to this extent, is not like a bandit. How Bai Yi mastered the skill of inverting is only now surfaced.

Tang Sancheng listened to what Luo Tian said, and his heart moved: "The stone wall is moving, although it is very subtle, but it is also moving. Could this be the moving tomb chamber Qi Ye encountered?"

"This point has yet to be verified." Bai Yi acted calmly. He knew that some things must have evidence before they can speak. This tomb makes people dizzy, and its existence is related to the eight tombs. ?

Speaking of this, Bai Yi patted his head. Why did he forget the Bafeng tomb? He came here after coming out of the Bagua tomb. The location of these two tombs is too coincidental. The one from the coffin Where did the man who left in the movie end up?This is also an unsolved mystery. At the last moment, he murdered that woman. Why?Bai Yi's mind became confused, at this moment, he heard Tang Sancheng's exclamation: "It really is moving!"

He saw that Tang Sancheng's ears were tightly pressed against the stone wall, his face was flushed, and he was trying to listen to the movement outside: "Although the sound is very small, it can be heard. This is a heavy object in the water. The sound of movement is too small, and the stone wall is very thick, so you need to listen carefully to hear it."

"Since it is a whole, is it closed?" Bai Yi shook his head again: "No, then how did we get in?"

Yes, in this way, it would be contradictory, Bai Yi shook his head, Tang Sancheng said suddenly: "Actually, our thinking is too complicated, we fell from above."

Qixie stood there, stunned for a moment, and suddenly patted Tang Sancheng's shoulder vigorously: "That's right, we fell from above, from above!!"

Tang Sancheng was taken aback: "What do you mean, Qixie?"

"Above!" Qixie pointed to the top of the corridor: "Where did we come from, naturally we have to go back from there."

Tang Sancheng understood, and Bai Yi suddenly realized: "Yes."

After the three of them came in, they kept paying attention to the front and the stone walls on the left and right, but they rarely looked up. Everyone knew nothing about the top of the corridor. After all, the corridor was more than two meters high. Yi glanced at Qixie, and the two nodded. Qixie immediately stood in the middle and carried Bai Yi on his shoulders. If there is a different movement, hurry up and make a sound!"

Tang Sancheng understood, Qixie carried Bai Yi on his shoulders, after Bai Yi hit one place, he took a step forward, and tried other places, Tang Sancheng's ears pricked up, listening to the sound carefully, and also I don't know how long it went on like this, when Bai Yi's hand knocked again, Tang Sancheng covered his face: "I still want to make sure, Bai Yi, knock again and see."

Bai Yi pointed to the top of his head: "Here?"

"That's right." Tang Sancheng said with certainty, "It's here."

Bai Yi tried to push the top, and touched it little by little, trying to find some mystery, Tang Sancheng opened his mouth wide, raised his head and stared at Bai Yi's movements with his eyes, and suddenly opened his ears: "Wait, don't move, Bai Yi Yi, there is a gust of wind rushing in here, and there is a gap here, a very small gap!"

Bai Yi scolded his mother in his heart, this movement is very tiring now, not to mention that Qixie below can't hold it, even if he puts his hands upwards and tried it all the way, his arms have long been numb, and now he heard Tang Sancheng say Don't move, I'm really looking forward to it, if there is no way out here, I will definitely trouble Tang Sancheng if I go down by myself.

"Bai Yi, are you trying to push up?" Tang Sancheng couldn't make up his mind, so he had to ask Bai Yi to try.

"Damn, you don't feel pain in your back and can't push you while standing below!" Bai Yi looked down at Qi Xie. Fortunately, Qi Xie was able to survive this journey. When Bai Yi raised his head, he felt very annoyed in his heart, trapped here It's been so long, not to mention hungry and tired, and there are still countless mysteries surrounding the three of them, and they are also mentally tired. When Bai Yi got annoyed, he punched him, "Boom", the sound was so loud that he couldn't even hear well. Such Qixie also heard: "What's going on?"

Tang Sancheng jumped up: "It's here, it must be here!"

Bai Yi's fire suddenly disappeared. The sound he heard just now was not like the sound of stones, but the sound of gravity hitting or colliding. It is impossible for his fist to be so powerful. Bai Yi looked at his fist and asked Tang Sancheng: "What was that voice just now? Be more specific!!"

"It sounded like someone was knocking hard outside!" Tang Sancheng said with a "ha": "Could it be Lei Zi and the others? They found us?"

Tang Sancheng hadn't finished speaking, the strong impact sounded again, one after another, the three of them suffered from nothing particularly hard on their bodies, so they could only raise their voices and shouted: "We are below, below !"

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