With a sound of "dong", a hole suddenly appeared on the top, Lei Zi poked his head down, saw the three of them, and shouted hoarsely: "So you are here."

Lei Zi's head almost collided with Bai Yi's, and the two big men laughed regardless of embarrassment. Bai Yi saw that there was water on the top, but the water was swirling around the entrance of the cave, unable to get in, and came out from the Bagua tomb It was the same situation when the tomb was opened. Could it be that this mobile tomb is really related to the Eight Diagrams tomb?

Lei Zi pulled Bai Yi out, and Bai Yi leaned against the edge of the cave, his body was submerged in the water, the impact of the water flow made him feel that he was indeed in the water, Qi Xie carried Tang Sancheng on his shoulders, and let him He took him out, but he stayed until the end, Qixie rallied, jumped up, and directly jumped on the other side of the cave entrance, Lei Zi pulled, Qixie also went out, the four of them swam in the water, Tang Sancheng again After a lot of hard work, they didn't bother to study the moving tomb, and pulled Tang San to dive upwards. When Bai Yi turned his head, he saw a drag mark on the bottom of the water—it was indeed moving!

The four of them didn't know how long they had been diving, they only knew that Tang Sancheng couldn't hold it anymore, and wanted to faint several times, but it was Qixie who grabbed him and made him hold on, when Tang Sancheng felt the air again, He rolled his eyes and fell down, the one holding him was a pair of weak hands, it was Xiao Ning, thanks to Tang Sancheng he managed to squeeze out a smile: "Xiao Ning!"

Seeing his distressed appearance, Xiao Ning was both angry and funny: "Why are you so strange!"

Tang Sancheng laughed miserably, collapsed on the ground, Xiao Ning was sitting next to him, he just realized that everyone is in a forest now, the ground turned up just now is just an exit the size of a wellhead, inside The water is rippling, I can't imagine it, this is the moving tomb that leads directly to the bottom of the water!

"Lei Zi, what did you use to knock down the stone wall just now?" Bai Yi asked, "How did you find us?"

"Do you still remember the remaining gunpowder on my body?" In fact, Lei Zi was also a little scared: "If you don't grasp it properly, you may be injured, especially when you were so close to me, it was too dangerous!"

Bai Yi's head might be blown off by gravel. Bai Yi, who never thought that he would die, touched his forehead. There was actually a layer of fine beads of sweat on it. It turned out that he was also afraid. Death, the word, What a taboo word!

Lei Zi said: "The three of you suddenly fell down, as if you were carried down by the current. We can't catch you at all, we can only watch you fall. We don't know where it is. The water is very deep. We have to first Come up and see if you have any chance of surviving."

It may sound cruel to ignore it, but Bai Yi knew that if he was Lei Zi at the time, he would have made such a decision. After all, the situation at the bottom of the water was unknown, and his physical strength had been exhausted at that time, so there was no need to take risks. It didn't have much effect. Fortunately, Lei Zi didn't give up on them. Otherwise, it's unknown how things will develop.After Lei Zi and the others went ashore, they found that this was a bizarre pond. It seemed that it was no bigger than the manhole cover, but the space below seemed infinite. After some rest, Lei Zi dived down again.

Lei Zi has dived more than once, each time he had to dive ashore due to limited physical strength, and often came back, Lei Zi found something unusual, that is, there was something faintly shadowed at the bottom of the water, but when he dived again, the shadow disappeared again. After moving to another place, after a few times, Lei Zi felt that the shadow might be the mystery of the bottom of the water. After discussing with Xiao Ning, Lei Zi dived down again. This time, he finally found that the shadow was underwater. The moving burial chamber.

"From your point of view, what kind of object is the tomb?" Bai Yi asked.

"How should I put it? It is rectangular, very long, and huge. It is made of stone. Although there are many scales and corpses of some underwater creatures on the stone, it can be seen that the workmanship is very fine, and the overall structure is very complete." Lei Zi Said: "I found a spot at random, and I wanted to try it. Even if you are not inside, it is okay to go in and see what is inside. I didn't expect to see you when the explosives were opened. I don't know if I am lucky. , or your fate."

"All of them." Tang Sancheng regained some strength, and began to speak: "Then you don't want to go to the tomb, it's all weird things."

The three of them alternately narrated the situation there, omitting the fact that the blind snake was afraid of Tang Sancheng's blood, and the matter of Bai Yi's voodoo, and easily brought it over, even so, Lei Zi and Xiao Ning were still dumbfounded. When Xiao Ning heard that the female corpse was dead but not rotten, his expression was a little excited: "Women love beauty, if they can maintain their appearance after death, it will be worth it. How much love is the person who set up this mobile tomb for her?" She, it took so much effort to build such a perfect tomb for her, and the snake was probably trained by her lover to protect her, right?"

Naturally, this possibility is possible. The tomb is not inaccessible. This is to allow the bait to enter and become food for the konjac, so that the female corpse does not rot. It does not necessarily target people. Dead animals are also acceptable, but this It is very cautious and delicate, but the evolution of the blind snake does not know whether the designer of this tomb has thought about it. Tang Sancheng still remembers the hard thorns on the snake. If it really evolved into a dragon-like The creature, with its ability improved, will it stay honestly at the bottom of the water and be its guardian?

"At the bottom of the water, any creature may change. It seems that fireflies and snakes are no longer animals in the conventional sense. I'm afraid they will become new species in time." Lei Zi said: " I think there is a connection between the Eight Diagrams Tomb and this mobile tomb, could it be? Of course, this is just my guess."

"It's okay, let's just say it, we just listen casually." Tang Sancheng's words were true.

Lei Zi couldn't help laughing: "Look, the male and female masters of the Bagua Tomb are Taoist believers, and they take flying to the sky as their lifelong wish, but the male master gave up this idea at the last moment, and killed the female master. Leaving the corridor that was designed long ago is actually something else."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ning still remembered the red mole on the woman's face, and felt uncomfortable. Women are very sensitive to such things as betrayal: "Since we have met with Feisheng, why not be so cruel? Just leave, and you have to Kill that woman."

Lei Zi was stunned, he probably didn't expect Xiao Ning to have such a big reaction, Bai Yi said: "It's okay, just keep talking, anyway, everything is just speculation."

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