"I'm wondering if the hostess really loves the hostess of the tomb of gossip, and he treats her so cruelly, is there a grudge?" Lei Zi was still looking at Xiao Ning's face when he said: "So I was thinking, then A woman from Dawan is the lover of the tomb owner of the Eight Diagrams. She died first, and the other pair entered the tomb alive. The male tomb owner sneaked into the mobile tomb after killing the female tomb owner, finished everything, and then left .”

Tang Sancheng said: "Leave? Do you think he is still alive?"

"That's right, otherwise you should have found his body in the mobile tomb, but isn't there only a female corpse?" Lei Zi said and scratched his head: "But it's just my guess, an unfounded guess. "

Bai Yi didn't express his opinion, but what Lei Zi said made sense, the male tomb owner might be the designer of the mobile tomb chamber, if so, then he was a person with purple blood, and belonged to the same category as Tang Sancheng. Lei Zi doesn't know, if Lei Zi's analysis is combined with everything he knows, there is still some reason, is this man who can subdue the blind snake still alive?

"Strange, why are there only two of you? Where did Wu Tong go?" Tang Sancheng finally found out that something was wrong. When he came up from the water just now, he felt that something was missing. Now he finally found out that it was Wu Tong. , Wu Tong disappeared.

"He..." Xiao Ning was about to say something, but was interrupted by Lei Zi: "I'm annoyed when I mention this person, he's so fucking selfish, I can't find any of you, and I can't find anything to eat shadowed."

Xiao Ning frowned slightly: "Maybe I lost my way, we are not familiar with this forest, it is inevitable to go wrong, let's wait."

When it came to food, Tang Sancheng's stomach growled. He clutched his stomach, looking a little painful, his stomach was about to convulse, the dry food was soaked in water, it had already been soaked, and there was no way to eat it, but the kettle There is still some water in it, but you can't rely on water to satisfy your hunger, Tang Sancheng said with a bitter face: "Oh, I'm almost starving like a paper man."

Lei Zi put his hands on his hips, with a displeased expression on his face, he and Wu Tong were not at odds, and it was not a matter of a day or two, seeing that he rescued Tang Sancheng by himself, and this Wu Tong was just doing one of the simplest things. The task of not disappearing really made him suspect that Wu Tong's fights were all in vain.

"How long has he been there?" Bai Yi asked in a deep voice. Wu Tong is also an experienced fighter. After following him for so many years, he still knows his skills. It is impossible for him to get lost. Wu Tong Be extra careful in an unclear environment. He will leave marks nearby as road signs to prevent himself from getting lost. Wu Tong later taught his younger brother this trick.

Xiao Ning said: "Before Lei Zi went into the water, he said he was going to find food, and until now, he has nothing left."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as getting lost." Bai Yi looked at the surrounding environment. There was a forest here. He looked up at the sky. Quietly and quietly, Bai Yi took out the map. The outside of the map was covered with a layer of oil, which was waterproof. After comparing it, Bai Yi said: "This should be the Qinling Mountains. We made seven turns and eight turns, and we came to the Qinling Mountains."

The Qinling Mountains is a huge east-west mountain range across the central part of China. It starts from the Baishi Mountain in the north of Lintan County, Gansu Province in the west, and is divided by the Die Mountain and the Kunlun Mountains.Go east through Maiji Mountain in the south of Tianshui and enter Shaanxi.It is divided into three branches at the junction of Shaanxi and Henan, the northern branch is Xiaoshan, and the remaining veins extend eastward along the south bank of the Yellow River, commonly known as Mangshan; the middle branch is Xiong'er Mountain; the southern branch is Funiu Mountain.A small part of the mountain range in the south extends from Shaanxi to Yun County, Hubei.The Qinling Mountains are 1600 kilometers long and tens to two to three hundred kilometers wide from north to south. They are vast, majestic and spectacular.According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the territory of the Qin State was also the highest mountain in the Qin State, so it was named Qinling.

The Qinling Mountains in a narrow sense is the middle section of the Qinling Mountains, located in the central part of Shaanxi Province.In the Han Dynasty, it was named "Qinling Mountains", and because it was located in the south of Guanzhong, it was named "Nanshan".The altitude is 2000~3000 meters.The northern fault collapsed.The mountain is majestic, like a screen wall. "Historical Records" said: "The Qinling Mountains are the greatest obstacle in the world." Therefore, it has the title of "The Danger of Kyushu".

"The biggest feature here is the high mountains and steep slopes, deep rivers and streams, and fast-flowing water, forming waterfalls and deep pools in many places." Bai Yi said: "If Wu Tong doesn't disappear with other things, then I'm afraid..."

"Are you afraid that he will have an accident?" Tang Sancheng asked.

"That's right, in this kind of place, the deep pool is not obvious. Once you step on the wrong foot, you will be in hell." Bai Yi suddenly had a feeling, if, if Wu Tong disappeared forever, how good would it be?I can also save myself from being a murderer. I can't keep this alive. He is too smart and too selfish.

"Bai Yi, what are you thinking?" Xiao Ning said, "What should we do now, we can't wait here forever, can we?"

"We can't wait, we have to get out of here. The exact location is not clear now, and the terrain here is dangerous. We can only look for Wu Tong while looking for a way out." Bai Yi's stomach also growled at this time, and he He smiled awkwardly, human instinct cannot be hidden.

Seeing this, Qixie suddenly took off his shirt, plunged into the water, Tang Sancheng knew what Qixie was going to do, and said calmly: "Okay, we will have something to eat in a while, wait slowly Go ahead." As he spoke, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, looking like a greedy cat.

Sure enough, a few fish were thrown onto the bank, still alive and kicking, Qi Xie propped his hands on the bank, and raised his head: "There are a lot of fish down there, only these are recognized, be safe, let's light a fire."

When it comes to making a fire, it will be troublesome, the lighter and matches have been soaked in water, Tang Sancheng, who was just excited just now, is like a deflated balloon: "I have to eat it raw."

Bai Yi smiled slyly: "That's not necessarily the case." He took out a lighter from his wet bag: "I brought this back from abroad. It has a protective case and is waterproof. Let's try it."

The fire finally ignited, and everyone found branches and grilled the harpoon. Although there was no seasoning, it was authentic and had a special flavor. Xiao Ning seldom ate it like this. While eating, he sighed: "If there is some salt, then Very good."

In fact, Bai Yi has some salt on his body, salt and sugar, which Bai Yi always has, but they have melted in the water. He smiled, and suddenly thought of the mutated blind snake and firefly in the underwater mobile tomb, his stomach churned. Xiao Ning felt puzzled, and Bai Yi waved his hand: "It's okay, I just thought of something."

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