The five wolfed down all the food, Tang Sancheng unavoidably hiccupped, causing Xiao Ning to roll his eyes, he covered his stomach: "Sure enough, pure natural fish meat is different, if we didn't come here to fight, It’s not bad to come here for an outing.”

"Here?" Bai Yi shook his head, pointing back to the water source the size of a manhole cover: "Can you imagine that there is such a vast space under such a small place? Can you imagine that there is a mobile tomb inside, even connected to the eight tombs?" Is it? If the human heart is unpredictable, at least it is predictable, but nature, it is the dictator.”

Tang Sancheng remained silent, he felt that Bai Yi was a little serious today, he immediately adjusted: "Let's go, let's go in the direction where Wu Tong left."

No one disagreed with this point, but after everyone's backpacks were soaked in water, the inside was in a mess, and it was inevitable to clean up again. Bai Yi held his gun: "This gun is not as reliable as a throwing knife." When he lifted his clothes, the throwing knife inside was still tightly wrapped around his waist, unaffected by the water in the slightest.

Tang Sancheng's gun was barely damaged when it was underwater, but after being soaked in water again, his life was finally lost, Bai Yi put the gun away: "I will find someone to repair it when I go back, it doesn't matter , there are no artificial enemies here, so just be careful."

Everyone finally walked in the direction where Wu Tong left. It was very humid here, because the fog was getting heavier and heavier as the night approached, and everyone's mood became more and more urgent. In this inexplicable environment, there were dangers everywhere in the dark, so we walked in the middle Xiao Ning suddenly stopped in his tracks, folded his hands on his chest: "Did you see it?"


"Just now there was a black shadow jumping around above our heads..." Xiao Ning's voice trembled a little: "It seems to have been following us, am I the only one who saw it?"

While talking, a shadow quickly passed over everyone's heads and stopped on a tree. Everyone looked over, and were taken aback for a moment, and then burst into a burst of cheerful laughter—it was a squirrel!The Qinling Mountains can be regarded as the most abundant pheasant group in the world.It is not surprising that there are squirrels. Seeing that it was a squirrel, Xiao Ning relaxed his nervousness, and laughed at himself: "I am really startled and paranoid now."

Everyone laughed except Bai Yi, because he saw a familiar sign on the big tree where the squirrel was. It was left by Wu Tong. Very deep and sober, this is Wu Tong's unique signpost. Could it be that after Wu Tong arrived here, he was a little confused, so he started to make signs habitually?

After Bai Yi said this, everyone stopped laughing. Wu Tong started to get lost from here, and he had to raise his heart next time. The sky was getting darker and darker. Fortunately, everyone turned on the lighting equipment before entering the water It seems wise to take some protection, abandon food, and choose lighting equipment. Tang Sancheng heard various sounds in his ears, footsteps, the sound of wind blowing through leaves, and the sound of heartbeat!

He looked at a few people, they were all buried in the road, and they couldn't see anything special, so where did the heartbeat come from, it was very fast, and it was very close to everyone!It must not exceed three meters, the heartbeat of ordinary people is not so loud, Tang Sancheng gently tugged on Qixie's clothes, and said: "Qixie, I'm thirsty, do you still have water?"

Qi Xie was a little surprised, if he remembered correctly, there was at least half of Tang Sancheng's water bottle, he saw Tang Sancheng blinked, and suddenly understood, took out his own water bottle and sent it over: "You save some water , I don't have much left." Tang Sancheng took advantage of the situation and lay on Qixie's ear, saying something with a hippie smile, Qixie pushed him away: "Let's go, it's getting late, it's best before then Find Wu Tong, or find a place to rest."

Tang Sancheng had some confidence in his heart, Qixie suddenly stopped, pretending to squat down to tie his shoelaces!Other people who didn't know passed by his side, Qixie slightly closed his eyes, swept in the direction of Tang Sancheng's finger, started like a [-]-meter runner, his movements were so fast that Xiao Ning thought It was a gust of wind passing by her side. When she realized it, Qixie had already picked up a person and threw that person to the ground viciously: "Who are you, why are you following us!!"

The sky was getting dark, and the day had passed completely. Bai Yi's flashlight shone on the man's face, and he was startled: "Wu Tong!"

The person who was thrown to the ground was Wu Tong. He blocked the light of the flashlight with his hand, and said two blunt words: "It's me."

"Where did you go?" Lei Zi said angrily, "You said you were looking for food, but you found something and wanted to eat it all?"

"How come?" Wu Tong stood up and patted his knee: "I didn't find any food, so I can't talk about eating it alone, but I found something else, and I don't plan to eat it alone, so I went back along the original road to tell you. I didn't expect to meet on the way."

"No, you followed us for more than 100 meters. Now that you saw us, why didn't you greet us directly and act so sneakily?" Tang Sancheng always felt very strange, and Wu Tong looked suspicious.

"Where is this place? It's dark. You should be happy to see someone, but you should be more vigilant. I just want to confirm that I will meet you later." Wu Tong said.

However, Tang Sancheng still wanted to ask why Wu Tong's heart was beating so unusually, and he could hear it clearly from several meters away, but Bai Yi interrupted Tang Sancheng's words and asked Wu Tong directly: "Did you find that what?"

"There is a cave in front, and there seems to be a bucket in it." Wu Tong said: "I don't have all the things I brought, and I am alone, so I dare not go in. I have to come back first to discuss with you. You can also make do with it in the cave." It's been a night."

As expected of where the dragon veins are, there are ancient tombs everywhere, the sky is already dark, and there is no other choice right now, the cave is better than this forest, when the time comes, a fire will be built in the cave, and it will be very convenient to sleep on the rocks good.The few people no longer hesitated, and followed Wu Tong towards the cave he found. Along the way, Wu Tong said very little, only when everyone asked him, he barely said a few words. Tang Sancheng looked back at him, dimly In the light, Wu Tong's face couldn't see why. He lowered his head and looked at his toes. Could it be that he was worrying too much? ?

"Tang Sancheng, what are you thinking?" Xiao Ning behind him bumped into Tang Sancheng who suddenly slowed down, and shouted: "Tiantian is preoccupied, at least we have to go to the cave, I don't want to stay here in the dark Almost walked."

At this moment, Wu Tong said in a hoarse voice: "It's just ahead."

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