There is a long rope made of tree vines under that small hole. After Bai Yi tugged it, it was still very solid. It is no problem to bear the weight of several people, but Tang Sancheng had a question, who put this long rope? here?It's impossible for Bai Yi not to doubt, but he didn't say anything, Bai Yi looked back at him, and blinked quickly, Tang San was taken aback, was he hinting at himself?

Wu Tong took a step ahead: "I'll go down first." Without waiting for everyone's answer, he pulled the vines and slid down. When he went down very lightly, he didn't even make a sound. Tang Sancheng rubbed his ears, it didn't make sense. , there must be a loud noise when it hits the ground. Seeing that Wu Tong went down, Bai Yi said: "Beware of him."

The short three words made Tang Sancheng understand, no wonder Bai Yi was more unconscious than usual, and looking at Qi Xie, he also looked indifferent, could it be that Qi Xie also felt that Wu Tong was different from usual?Tang Sancheng laughed at himself, thinking that he was the only one who was smart, but found something was wrong, it turned out that everyone was the same.

Wu Tong's voice came from below: "Come down."

The three of them went down one by one, and after they landed, Tang Sancheng found that it was not too dark. There was a hole in the side wall of the cave, and the moonlight was shining down on it. Wu Tong was standing under that beam of moonlight, his whole body was indescribable. Mysteriously, in the direction he was facing, there was a wooden coffin, made of golden nanmu, Bai Yi said: "Golden nanmu, this coffin will cost a lot of money, nanmu will not rot, only the extraordinary Only those who can afford it."

In history, golden silk nanmu was specially used for the buildings and furniture of royal palaces and a few temples. The dragon chairs and thrones of ancient feudal emperors were all made of high-quality nanmu.Even if it is not painted, it will get brighter with use.The bark is thin, with dark punctate lenticels; there is a black annular layer at the junction of the inner bark and the wood.Since the nanmu in the early days was mostly large materials, and the tree had few straight knots, the texture was smooth and not easy to deform, and it would not rot or decay for thousands of years, so it is no wonder that the nanmu coffin in front of me is still very clear.

Golden nanmu is a precious wood unique to China. It was on the verge of extinction at the end of the Ming Dynasty. In the early years of Kangxi, officials were sent to the southern provinces to purchase nanmu. Because it cost too much, Kangxi felt that this was too extravagant and a waste of money. There was no need to benefit the state affairs, so Manzhou yellow pine was used instead, and the wooden pillars of many halls were made of outsourced nanmu.

After making such calculations, Bai Yi knew that the owner of the coffin in front of him was at least someone born in the early Qing Dynasty, and there was a stone tablet in front of it, which seemed to be the date of birth of the deceased. Changed, looking back at Wu Tong, Wu Tong's face was very pale, like a piece of white paper, Tang Sancheng said in a low voice: "This man was born on a red sand day and died on a black sand day. If this is a flying sand field, then , he is very likely to become a zombie..."

Bai Yi also looked over, and sure enough, as he thought, he was born in the early Qing Dynasty!

Zombies, people who fight against each other call this kind of "human" who is dead but not stiff. , February, May, August, and November are the four moons, and the ugly days of March, June, September, and December are called Hongsha Days. Building, marrying, traveling, especially avoiding marrying, folk songs say: building a house to violate the red sand, burning the house for a hundred days.Marrying offender Hongsha, one daughter marrying three families.If you get sick and commit Hongsha, you will definitely see the king of Hades.If you commit a crime against Hongsha when traveling, you must not return home.

"Zhuan Shen Li" and "Chu Yong Dispels Doubts" explain: Mengyue Siri, Zhongyue's Youri, Jiyue's Ugly.The reason why Siyou Chou is evil is because of the inborn number of four Chong.The number of Ziwu is nine each, and the number of Maoyou is six, the total is thirty. From Zizi to thirty and see Si, it is the Zhengsha of the fourth mid-month.Yinshen each has seven, Sihai each has four, and the total is 22. From Zishun to 22, seeing You is the evil spirit of Simeng Yue.Chenxu has five each, and Chou Wei has eight each, totaling 26. From Zizi to 26, seeing ugliness is the evil spirit of the four seasons and the moon.This is also the reason why Shenren Sansha started.

The black sand day is opposite to the red sand day. It is a very ingenious opposite. Born in Hongshao, died in black sand, and buried in flying sofa. There are two types of zongzi in the place of growth, one is mutated after death, or buried for a long time.

However, Bai Yi knew that there was another situation. When I was in India, I heard that a corpse mover suddenly went crazy during the process of moving the corpse. The flesh on his face was completely rotted, and he became more terrifying than a zombie. The situation should be that he was accidentally poisoned by the corpse and developed lesions. At that time, all the newspapers said that this person had turned into a zombie.

Tang Sancheng looked around the golden nanmu, his face changed, there was a bronze mirror, but it was all crooked on the ground, Tang Sancheng knew that the bronze mirror was originally arranged according to the eight trigrams, but unfortunately it was broken now, he moved his foot , a branch was trampled underfoot, it was a peach branch!His heart sank more and more. There used to be a formation here, but unfortunately it was broken long ago. Now there is no shadow of glutinous rice, but there must have been there before. Bronze mirror, peach branch, plus glutinous rice , This is the ancient preaching method to restrain zombies, Tang Sancheng shook his body: "There is something wrong here, Bai Yi, let's go out."

Wu Tong's voice snorted, "There's something wrong. We're here to fight each other. At least we have to open the coffin to have a look before we stop, right?"

There was an aggressive energy in Wu Tong's words, Tang Sancheng couldn't bear it anymore, he yelled at the powdered Wu Tong, "Wu Tong, what the hell are you doing? there is……"

"He knows." Bai Yi interrupted Tang Sancheng, put his hand on his waist, and picked up a throwing knife: "He wanted to bring us down here on purpose, Wu Tong, tell me, what do you want to do? If it wasn't for Leizi and Xiao Ning, I would have confronted you a long time ago, now that there is no one else, just speak up if you have anything to say."

Wu Tong smiled darkly: "Boss Bai is still smart, when did you suspect me?"

"From the very beginning when you followed us, I felt something was wrong. Thanks to Tang Sancheng's amazing hearing. You brought us here with a very clear purpose. I asked you if you had eaten, but you said no." Bai Yi Laughed: "That's weird, you didn't eat, but you have great physical strength, your steps are bigger than before, and before, you yelled a long time ago, but today you talk surprisingly little, I know you have ghosts, But I don't know where the ghost is."

Tang Sancheng told his discovery at this time, and Bai Yiyue's face darkened when he heard it: "Wu Tong, you!!" A huge shadow rose up behind Wu Tong, and the shadow enveloped the three of them...

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