The huge shadow with sharp claws suddenly rose up from behind Wu Tong, enveloping the three of them in the middle of the shadow, Tang Sancheng gritted his teeth: "Bai Yi, this can't really be..."

"Zongzi." Bai Yi said, he didn't have time to explain to Tang Sancheng at this time, the so-called zongzi refers to the well-preserved in the tomb, no rotten corpses, if you touch the big zongzi, you will encounter trouble, such as zombies, Among them, big zongzi refers to relatively powerful zombies, and old zongzi refers to difficult zombies that can undergo corpse transformation.Dried Zongzi refers to the rotten corpse in the tomb, leaving only a pile of bones.Meat Zongzi means that there are many valuable things on the corpse.Because Tang Sancheng and Qixie are outsiders, Bai Yi has not used terminology to communicate with them.

Standing behind Wu Tong is a moving mummy. It is not entirely accurate to say that he is a corpse. His joints can move, and the corpse fluid on his body has dried up. He opened his mouth with a ferocious face, showing a mouthful of sharp teeth , his face was as pale as Wu Tong's, as if dusted with powder—flour.

It was only at this time that Tang Sancheng realized what was wrong all the way. Wu Tong used to speak exaggeratedly, showing his teeth from time to time, but this way, he became quite quiet. Several times, When Tang Sancheng talked to him head-on, Wu Tong's face was always sideways, or covering his face, refusing to make people look at each other, let alone show his teeth, could it be...

"Wu Tong might have already been bitten by a zongzi." Bai Yi said, "He led us here to frame us on purpose. Worse, I don't know if the black donkey's hooves really work. There’s a way, I’m not prepared at all.”

The saying that the black donkey's hoof beats the zongzi was passed down by the seniors of Daodou. Bai Yi has been in this industry for so long, and has never encountered a big zongzi, nor has he verified whether this saying has any practical significance.

Tang Sancheng picked up the peach tree branches on the ground, broke them into three, and sent one to each of them: "Now we can only take one step, and look at one step." Peach wood can ward off evil spirits, so Taoists like to use peach wood swords to do things. Trapped, I don't know why, this formation was broken... Tang Sancheng suddenly understood, the one who broke the formation was not someone else, most likely it was Wu Tong!

"Wu Tong, what exactly do you want to bring us here? You and this zongzi became a gang?" Bai Yi said in a deep voice, keeping his hand on the special flying knife belt around his waist. If this Wu Tong wants to kill someone, It could be done when he came in, but he chose to stand there and negotiate the terms, which meant that he didn't want to kill people so quickly, and there was still room for maneuver.

Wu Tong chuckled, this time, he finally showed his teeth in front of everyone, sharp and sharp, he was definitely bitten by a zongzi!What would happen if you were bitten by a zongzi?Bai Yi has always thought that it is no different from being infected with corpse poison: "You were bitten, we will take you out and go to the hospital..."

"Boss Bai, don't fool me at this time." Wu Tong raised his right hand, pointed at Tang Sancheng with his index finger and said, "This guy can live forever, you know it?"

"That's right." Bai Yi answered cautiously while speculating on Wu Tong's thoughts. When he mentioned Tang Sancheng, he probably didn't give up. He wanted to find the secret to not grow old. In this way, the three of them would have a chance to get back together. It's done, looking at this zongzi now, I don't know why he is so afraid of Wu Tong, Wu Tong must have something that can restrain him, he is not afraid of restraint, what is afraid of is being able to control him! !

"Hey, I knew that you always wanted to keep this secret to yourself. Bai Yi, Bai Yi, I've worked so hard for you for so many years for the sake of money, so you must give me something in return, right?" Wu Tong's true colors were completely exposed. Come out: "Today I will know this secret, otherwise, I will show you my methods."

Bai Yi kept complaining, this Wu Tong was going to betray his master today, he glanced at Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng's heart was broken, and he shouted loudly: "It's me you want, come for me!"

"Fart, what I want is not someone, I just want to know how you can live forever! You have purple blood like the people my grandfather met. It turns out that people can really live forever, haha..." Wu Like going crazy, he laughed wildly, and the fangs in his mouth became even more terrifying.

Fortunately, Lei Zi and Xiao Ning were not here, Tang Sancheng suddenly swept the bell in Wu Tong's hand, he knew why this zongzi cooperated with Wu Tong's actions so much, it was the legendary bell of summoning souls!

The ancients believed that people have souls after death, so there is a theory of evocation. If a family member of a person who used to live by the sea went out to fish and was buried in the sea, his relatives would hold the evocation flag and sing the evocation song to let their family members go out to fish and die. The return of the soul, this call for the soul is usually used on people who have no body or can't find the body, but the soul call bell is unusual, it is a funeral object.

This soul-calling bell is actually a bell stained with the blood of relatives. It was placed in the coffin when it was put into the coffin, which means that someone cares about it, and the soul needs to take refuge. This soul-calling bell is not used by ordinary people, even if it is used It may not be effective, it must have the bell of a person with profound Taoism to curse up and down, coupled with the blood of relatives, this can work, the soul calling bell can terrify the dead, just because the two people are connected by blood and have something to rely on, this person Sure enough, as Bai Yi said, the identity is not simple, but he was buried in the flying sand without dying, and became a big rice dumpling. The soul-calling bell that was originally used to express grief for his relatives was also in Wu Tong's hands, and he was at Wu Tong's mercy .

Wu Tong raised his hand, which was the bell, he smiled triumphantly, shook his hand, and as the bell rang, Wu Tong pointed to Tang Sancheng: "Go!"

Zongzi raised his head and screamed, and rushed towards Tang Sancheng quickly, Qixie flew up and kicked Zongzi's neck, that Zongzi retreated a few steps like a spring, and rushed over fearlessly, with a pair of The sharp claws pinched Tang Sancheng's neck, Qixie's heart tightened, and was about to attack again, only to hear Zongzi yell in pain, and quickly let go of Tang Sancheng's neck, retreating back and forth as if being burned, There's still smoke coming out of his eyeholes...

Just now Tang Sancheng felt that his throat was squeezed to the point of breaking, and suddenly he felt a burst of relief. He hugged his throat and panted, and suddenly thought of the soul bottle on his body, which contained blood vine powder, this thing! "Bai Yi, Qi Xie, I have blood vines on me, he dare not touch me!"

Tang Sancheng took out the soul bottle, and when it lit up, Wu Tong let out a cry of despair as he hit his throat!

Bai Yi and Qixie stood behind Tang Sancheng, this soul bottle really saved his life, Tang Sancheng smiled complacently: "I don't know why I keep it with me, so it's to deal with you two, Wu Tong, What else do you have to say?"

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