Wu Tong gritted his teeth, and suddenly grabbed his neck with both hands, looking very painful. Qixie saw the timing, stepped forward quickly, and punched his soft belly, the softest part is also the most vulnerable part, Wu Tong He squatted down in pain, and the collar was deformed, revealing the scars inside, and there were indeed traces of being bitten inside.

"Sure enough, he was bitten by a zongzi, and now he has been poisoned by the corpse, and has started to attack." Bai Yi said, at this moment, the calling bell in Wu Tong's hand fell to the ground, and the zongzi standing behind him raised his head and called out. With a cry, he rushed towards the soul-calling bell, put it in the palm of his hand, and squeezed it lightly, and the soul-calling bell instantly turned into soot...

Too bad, now only the soul bottle can restrain Zongzi, but there is only one soul bottle, but there are four people here, I saw Zongzi walking towards Wu Tong who was rolling on the ground, and picked him up with one hand, spitting With a puff of green energy and a very upset look, Wu Tong held back the pain and asked Bai Yi for help: "Help me!"

Bai Yi looked on coldly, Tang Sancheng couldn't bear it: "Bai Yi, save him."

"Okay." Bai Yi agreed, but took out a flying knife from his waist and threw it at Wu Tong. Wu Tong's eyes widened, seeing the flying knife coming towards him, he let out a desperate cry: " ah!!"

Zongzi jumped up. He was carrying Wu Tong, but his body was very nimble. He jumped up more than three meters high, onto a rock protruding above, and looked down at the three of them. Bai Yi was very annoyed that he lost his hand. Spit on the ground: "Damn it!"

Tang Sancheng held the soul bottle, and the three of them stood together, the zongzi resisted the power of the soul bottle, and didn't dare to come over easily, only formed a confrontation with the three of them.

Tang Sancheng knew that Bai Yi's technique was accurate and fast, but this zongzi's skill was sharper than a flying knife, now apart from the soul bottle, what else can destroy this zongzi?At this time, Qixie said: "The blood vine can restrain the zombies, if the zombies swallow the blood vines, what will happen?"

There is no black donkey's hoof, so I have to try this blood vine end. The mouse needs to tie a bell to the cat for a meeting. The biggest problem is which mouse to send. Now the three of them have also encountered this problem. It is worth trying boldly. No, but who is going to put the blood vine into the mouth of the zongzi?How to open Zongzi's mouth is also a problem.

Zongzi doesn't eat dead people, but he will bite living people. He is especially crazy when he sees blood. Blood is the bait. Qixie said first: "Let me do it, I'm quick. When he opens his mouth, take the blood vine Put it in his mouth."

"No." Bai Yi said in a deep voice: "You are an ordinary person, and although you are skilled, but he is faster than you, this is too risky, how about it...Tang Sancheng, you come."

Tang Sancheng almost fainted. Hearing the meaning of Bai Yi's words, it seemed that he was going to take this risk. Why did the target suddenly turn on him?Tang Sancheng's scalp hardened: "I will come as I come, lest you always say that I am useless."

You guys are just Bai Yi alone. He turned his back and poured out some blood vine powder from the soul bottle. It was just a little white powder, which looked no different from ordinary medicinal powder, but its effect was very extraordinary. Even a master in the medical field can't explain this bizarre pharmacological effect. Just as Tang Sancheng held the end of the blood vine in his right hand, Bai Yi suddenly stretched out his hand, raised the knife and dropped it, and a bloodstain was drawn on the back of Tang Sancheng's hand , the purple blood dripped out, seeing the zongzi screaming non-stop, Tang Sancheng scolded his mother in his heart, this Bai Yi, his attack was too dark, he directly used a knife, mother, cheating.

Zongzi was very excited when he saw the blood that was different from ordinary people. He immediately jumped down from mid-air and fell to the ground. Wu Tong was still caught under his arm by it. Almost spit it out, a fang was exposed, very embarrassed.

Tang Sancheng stretched out his hand, and at the same time threw the soul bottle into Qixie's hand, turned around and shouted at Zongzi: "Come on!"

The purple blood kept surging, Tang Sancheng couldn't feel the pain from the wound at all, his heart was shaking, his feet were trembling, the tension made his whole body numb, the excited state of Zongzi Still going on, he took a step forward, shrinking back and forth, very cautious.

Tang Sancheng gritted his teeth, and moved his whole body forward, wishing to poke his hand into Zongzi's mouth, Zongzi smelled the smell of purple blood, raised his head and let out a cry, then lowered his head and was about to bite down on the back of Tang Sancheng's hand, taking advantage of this time, Tang Sancheng sprinkled the end of the blood vine in his palm towards Zongzi's mouth, impartially, it just fell into his mouth, Tang Sancheng saw that the task was completed, turned around and ran away, and when he reached Qixie, he was almost paralyzed Fell into Qixie's arms.

Looking at the zongzi that swallowed the end of the blood vine, it was like being shocked by an electric shock, and the whole body was shaking. Wu Tong in his hand fell to the ground with a "plop". After a lot of tossing, Wu Tong was completely gone. He is so majestic, just rolling on the ground, still calling his father and mother in his mouth.

Zongzi opened his mouth, exhaled green air, and suddenly grabbed his throat with his hands, as if he was about to spit out the blood vine end he had swallowed. After tossing for an unknown amount of time, Zongzi knelt on the ground weakly , the stiff limbs drooped feebly, a string of green bubbles spit out from the corner of his mouth, and then he leaned back—it was over.

Seeing that the zongzi was finished, Tang Sancheng let out a groan: "Qixie, it hurts!"

Qixie hurriedly bandaged Tang Sancheng, using his own clothes, the tattered clothes were even more torn now, and Qixie didn't care about his own image, Bai Yi gave Tang Sancheng a look: "The wound is not deep, the bleeding It will stop by itself after a while, what are you yelling for?"

Such a ruthless person, after listening to Bai Yi's words, Tang Sancheng pursed his mouth and didn't say anything, he could only rely on Qixie to rest, and at the same time secretly thought, Qixie is more reliable, there are not so many demons.

Bai Yi approached Zongzi. This Zongzi was undoubtedly a male corpse. The clothes on his body were still well preserved, and there was a white jade pendant hanging on his waist. Bai Yi took off the jade pendant and stuffed it into his bag. Checking the rest of the zongzi, his body is not corrupt, but it has shrunk a bit, his clothes look wide and bulky, and the braids at the back of his head have almost fallen off, leaving only a part hanging behind his head, which looks funny.

"This guy should be buried with quite a few, and he can afford golden nanmu. This is a son of a rich family or an official." Bai Yi said, and walked towards the nanmu coffin. At this moment, he was still rolling on the ground with his stomach in his arms. Wu Tong rushed towards Bai Yi, holding a knife in his hand, stabbing towards Bai Yi's back...

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