There is a corpse in the corner, only the bones are left, the strange thing is the posture of the bones, Xiao Ning is facing the bones, imitating his appearance, it turns out that the bones are sitting cross-legged on the ground, look at the bones It was not painful when he passed away. A piece of silk fell beside the bone, and Bai Yi picked it up helplessly: "There is a monogram on it."

"What's a monogram?" Lei Zi leaned over and saw that Bai Yi was patting the silk carefully to see the words on it clearly. At the same time, Bai Yi explained: "Monograms are equivalent to today's signatures. In the Tang Dynasty, scholars Among them, cursive script signatures were popular, and they were called monograms, and monograms have been handed down until the Southern and Northern Dynasties and later generations, and in modern times, they are what we call signatures."

The signature files of the ancients are quite individual.The signature of He Jingrong, a litterateur in the Southern Dynasties, is very different. When he signed his signature, he separated the word "Jing" very far. "Gou" was written in a large size, while "Wen" was written in a small size. There is a big word "father" in it, so the contemporary Lu Cui deliberately called him "Gou is very big, but his father is not small".In the Northern Dynasties, many aristocrats of ethnic minorities were not highly sinicized, and it was difficult to write Chinese characters.For example, Xielu Jin, the Northern Qi aristocrat who wrote the song "Chile Song" and whose name is remembered by the majority of elementary school students, was originally named Xieludun. Because he couldn't write the word "Dun" well, he changed his name to Xielujin, but he still didn't sign it. Like the word "gold", Qi Gaozu Gao Huan pointed to the sharp corner of the palace and asked him to draw it. It is estimated that his signature looks like a small house from a distance.Another Northern Qi aristocrat named Kudigan is also very interesting. When he signed his signature, he often put the vertical painting of the character "gan" on the two horizontal lines from bottom to top, and others ridiculed him as "piercing cones".

Song Huizong Zhao Ji is a famous calligrapher and painter. His "signature file" is called "Jue Ya". Its shape is a bit like the word "Tian" written loosely. The four characters are connected together to show that he is not only the emperor of the world, but also the best in the world in terms of artistic attainments.The signature of Zhu Da, another famous calligrapher and painter known as "Bada Shanren", is also unique. His inscription "Bada Shanren" is composed of four characters in one go, coherent up and down, and looks like "crying" and "laughing" when viewed from a distance. Of".

The inscription on this cotton silk is a word—Xian, the word Xian, could it be the name of the owner of this bone?Bai Yi only thought this was a small episode on the way back: "Forget it, apart from this inkstone, there is nothing special about it, let's go."

"Wait!!" Tang Sancheng pointed to the back of the "bed", his ears were pressed against the wall and listened: "There is the sound of air flowing inside, there should be more space inside!!"

Lei Zi muttered: "It's true, can you hear it?"

Tang Sancheng "cut": "I won't talk nonsense with you."

Qi Xie had already gone to move the bed, but before he could use any force, the seemingly intact bed collapsed with a plop, a puff of smoke and dust came out, choking so badly that Qi Xie had to turn his head aside, and Lei Zi rushed over , patted the wall: "Hey, it seems to be really empty, not real."

Several people searched for the mechanism together, but found nothing. It seems that this wall is completely sealed. Everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Ning. Ning saw that these people had doubts about himself, and said coldly: "You guys just step aside."

Xiao Ning took out a small hand pick from his carry-on bag, took the small hand pick and tapped on the wall a few times, then chose a point and started to strike, the brick wall seemed not solid in Xiao Ning's hands, But Tang Sancheng discovered that the secret lies in the small hand pick. The front end of the small hand pick is very sharp and has been specially processed. Xiao Ning first used that point to pierce into the brick wall. She just chose a point that is extremely easy to hit. , and then exert force around, very regular.

The four big men stood aside, waiting for Xiao Ning to finish the brick wall. A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Ning punched a small hole in the brick wall. Xiao Ning put away the pickaxe, turned around and said, "The bricks on this wall were built first." Alright, then the casting mud is solidified, it’s up to you! Use as much force as you want.”

The four big men put their hands on the brick wall and exerted their strength together. The brick wall fell down, and the passage was completely opened. To everyone's surprise, it was not the tomb chamber as everyone thought, but a tomb passage leading straight to the tomb. Stretching forward, Lei Zi spat on the ground: "Damn, is this going or not?"

Several people finally found the way to go out, and there was a small episode suddenly, whether to continue or quit, Bai Yi pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "The direction of this tomb passage is also facing south."

"Oh." Seeing Bai Yi say this, Lei Zi understood what he meant: "You still want to go in?"

"Yes." Bai Yi said firmly.

"Damn, just go in, you said it's all here, I'm not reconciled to withdrawing if I don't go in." Lei Zi spat on the ground again, after a long time, Tang Sancheng only knew that every time Lei Zi When he is nervous or excited, he likes to spit upwards, which is already his signature move.

Bai Yi couldn't tell how he felt in his heart, he just felt that this tomb passage was in the same direction as they wanted to travel, and walking along this tomb passage might be a good choice. He looked at Tang Sancheng and Qixie again, These two people naturally have no objection, now only Xiao Ning is left, Xiao Ning spread his hands: "The minority obeys the majority."

OK, come in!The five of them walked into the tomb, Xiao Ning looked back at the bone: "You said, this man is not guarding here, the brick door outside is completely sealed, it seems that he died inside Yes, it’s not a tomb robber, but the guard is fine.”

Tang Sancheng completely agrees with Xiao Ning's statement, the owner of this bone died quite calmly, before he died, he sat cross-legged, a bit like sitting in a trance, besides, whoever comes in will put up a bed here, the tomb guard is quite upright Appropriate, and he is also a scholar, which can be seen from the monogram and the inkstone, which can make him spend his life staying here. Who is the owner of the tomb related to the tomb passage?Tang Sancheng was already curious.

After the five people walked for a while, a passage hole appeared in front of them. Everyone stepped in one after another, and came to a patio and two small niches. Only then did they see the door of the tomb. The structure of this tomb is very simple. , are all made of red bricks, and there are pictures on the wall between the patio and the small niche, which are colored paintings. The painting is a picture of the moonlight in the lotus pond, which is very artistic, which is completely different from the pictures on the general tomb.

Bai Yi thought for a while and said, "Judging from the structure of this tomb, it should be the tomb of the Tang Dynasty."

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