Tang Dynasty?Tang San's imaging discovered the New World: "Do you remember, when we first arrived here, the aunt once said that the two corpses found a few years ago died with porcelain from the Tang Dynasty. Porcelain! We came all the way, only to find the Bagua tomb of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the mobile tomb of the Dawan woman, here, here!!"

What Tang Sancheng said was the truth, but Qixie understood that what Tang Sancheng wanted to express was more than that: "You mean, those two people went out from here, and they were found in the back mountain, which means that this place can be connected with there, doesn't it? "

"That's right." Sure enough, Qi Xie understood him.

This really reminds Bai Yi that such a possibility is entirely possible. No matter what, let’s go in first. Bai Yi leads the way. When everyone enters the tomb, they find that the murals on the wall are particularly eye-catching. Six men are wearing black headdresses and crew necks Robe with a black belt around the waist and red cheeks.The first three people hold the pipa, sheng and cymbals respectively, and the last three people are the conductor, one plays the flute, and the other holds the clapper.

"The people above don't look like Tang people." Tang Sancheng blurted out.

"That's right, it's Hu people. There were many marriages between Tang and Hu at that time, and the Li family has Xianbei blood, so there is reason to like Hu Le." After Bai Yi finished speaking, he saw the holed walls on both sides of the tomb. Inside, there are 6 small niches in the walls of the holes on both sides, in which there are funerary objects such as painted pottery, horse-riding figurines, three-color horses and ceramic utensils, which are lifelike in shape and exquisite in workmanship. down there.

"It seems that someone came in, but they didn't take it away." Bai Yi said: "These pottery are preserved."

The murals on the wall include the Hu Letu just seen, and there is another wall full of ladies. Among these figures, some are wearing drape and long skirts; some are wearing men’s clothes; Coats, brocade belts around the waist, and purses on the belts; some wear Ruyi shoes; Judging from their clothing and actions, these people are from the palace gate.

"Could it be that the owner of this tomb is a member of the royal family?" Bai Yi muttered.

Lei Zi had already packed the pottery into his bag in a compact and compact way, and followed Bai Yi towards the two doors in front. On the top of the two stone doors, there was a pair of mandarin ducks with their wings spread, Flying towards each other, such a stone carving appeared in the tomb, the greatest possibility is that this is a tomb of a husband and wife buried together, the stone door has obvious signs of damage, and a colleague has entered, this is a sure thing.

It doesn't take much effort to enter the stone gate. After entering, I saw two sarcophagi. Lei Zi spat on the ground again, and he must have felt a little resentful: "Damn, I was swept away once."

Bai Yi was attracted by a stone carving here: "Yongtai...Xianhui, Xian?" He rubbed his head and thought for a while: "So that's how it is."

Hearing Bai Yi talking to himself, Tang Sancheng said excitedly: "What did you think of, tell us quickly, I'm really anxious."

"I really thought of someone from the Tang Dynasty who was in line with Yongtai and Xianhui. There was a Princess Yongtai in the Tang Dynasty. She was originally the daughter of Emperor Zhongzong Li Xian, and her name was Li Xianhui. When she was 15 years old, Princess Yongtai married Wu Yanji, who was around [-] years old, became the daughter-in-law of Wu Chengsi, king of Wei. Although Wu Yanji's father, Wu Chengsi, had a feud with the Li family, Wu Yanji and Princess Yongtai had a very close relationship. Because of the young wife's He and Li Xian's eldest son Shao Wang Li Chongrun are also very friendly and have a close relationship, and they often drink and talk together."

"At that time, it was the time when Zhang Yizhi's Zhang Changzong brothers were in control of the government. Er Zhang was in the middle of the court, and he was not polite to the Li and Wu families. Li Wu's royal family, in order to survive safely, even led the horse and the whip for Er Zhang. Li Chongrun Wu Yanji and Wu Yanji were very dissatisfied with Er Zhang's arrogance, and often had resentful words when chatting. Originally, it was normal to send a few words of resentment in one's own home, but somehow, it was so personal Er Zhang's eyes and ears actually overheard his conversation. In fact, there should be a lot of Wu and Li royal families who complained secretly about Er Zhang, but Li Chongrun and Wu Yanji, as the youngest members of the two families, were unfortunately the ones Er Zhang thought were the most suitable to attack. object."

"The Zhang brothers added fuel to the discussion between Li Chongrun and Wu Yanji, and reported it to Wu Zetian. When Wu Zetian heard that the two grandchildren and grandchildren actually slandered the Zhang brothers, whom he regarded as his beloved, they immediately became furious. Li Chongrun He, Wu Yanji, and Princess Yongtai were all called into the palace. Wu Zetian couldn't argue, so he ordered them to be killed under the stick. The three teenagers died with hatred. At this time, Princess Yongtai was just 17 years old, and her husband Wu Yanji He and his older brother Li Chongrun are both around 24-[-]."

"However, according to the "New Tang Book", they were hanged by Wu Zetian. The "Old Tang Book" said that it was even more tragic. Wu Zetian handed over the three children to their father Li Xian. Li Xian was terrified, thinking of the two The tragic scene of an elder brother being wiped out by his biological mother, biting his teeth, strangled his son, daughter, and son-in-law to death, and confessed to his mother to save the lives of the rest of the family."

Xiao Ning glanced into the coffin, and suddenly stayed there. Tang Sancheng walked over to take a look, and took a step back in fright. It turned out that in one of the coffins, there was a small body on the belly of the man's corpse. The dead body, which seemed to be full-term, looked horrified, and Bai Yi glanced at it and said, "Could it be that you gave birth in a coffin?"

To give birth in the coffin means that the woman was not dead when she entered the coffin, or else it is the second situation. Some pregnant women who died violently can still give birth after death. If this woman is really Princess Yongtai, she must be dead. If she was put into the coffin, then she must have died when she was put into the coffin. You must know that the person who committed the murder was a generation of queens. It is impossible to escape death. A child was born in the coffin, but due to lack of oxygen, the child would definitely not survive.

Seeing that the princess's bones are very thin, I really don't know how she let the child crawl out of her stomach after death. As a woman, Xiao Ning felt sad. She looked at the thin and small corpse, and then at the Looking at the boy's corpse, she suddenly felt that the child's corpse was moving. She thought she had misread it, so she rubbed her eyes, and it really was moving!

Xiao Ning babbled at Tang Sancheng: "Tang Sancheng, look, is it moving?"

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