That little corpse was really moving, first the skull shook, very slightly, then the whole white bones moved, Tang Sancheng was pulled by Xiao Ning, his eyes fixed on him, and the sound came from his ears With a rustling sound, the whole bone began to shake, Tang Sancheng took a step back from Xiao Ning: "There is something inside!"

Countless red worms turned the top of the bone over. These worms were as small as ants. Although they were small, they crawled quite fast. Bai Yi's face turned pale: "Hurry up!!"

Lei Zi was about to step forward to check the contents of the coffin, when he heard Bai Yi yell, he quickly retracted his hand, but it was still a step too late, a bug crawled onto his hand, Bai Yi rushed over when he saw it, He didn't dare to touch it directly with his hands, but slapped it to the ground through his clothes, and left with Lei Zi: "This is a blood worm, you must not see blood, go, go!"

Seeing that the well-informed Bai Yi reacted so fiercely, Lei Zi didn't dare to be careless, and quickly followed Bai Yi to evacuate. It was clearly visible that a colleague had entered the robbery hole here, and Lei Zi didn't care about walking behind Bai Yi. Entering the robbery cave, Tang Sancheng and the others crawled in. Although Tang Sancheng didn't know the way out of those bugs, he saw Bai Yi's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and the bugs crawled out from the corpses. Yes, there are patches of land, and I also feel weird and inexplicable in my heart, using both hands and feet, crawling in the robbery hole...

The five people crawled for an unknown how long, until they felt a suffocating breath in their chests, and they were so tired that they couldn't breathe. Then they looked back to see that the bugs hadn't followed, and then they breathed a sigh of relief, and they all fell down in the robber's hole to catch their breath. First.

Xiao Ning's hair was all wet with sweat, and it was tightly attached to her scalp. Her hands were covered with mud, and she didn't care about getting dirty. The dirty water smeared on her face, making it filthy. Tang Sancheng used his own She wiped her sleeves, but she didn't resist, she just asked, "What kind of insect is that? It's so powerful that it can turn over the corpse."

"It's a blood worm. I saw it once in the early years." Bai Yi said, "Seeing a bloody wound, it will crazily burrow into a person's flesh and even internal organs. If the blood worm bites, the blood will be sucked clean, and the pain will be so painful that you will die."

The first time Bai Yi saw it was underground in a deep mountain in the north. It was 40 years ago. He saw with his own eyes the flesh worms got into the back of his companion's hand and entered along the scratched wound. Countless The blood worms were pulled and entered into the body of his companion one by one. He rolled on the ground in pain, clutching the back of his hand, the more he scratched, the more painful, the more he scratched, the more itchy. At that time Ding Dali still had With great force, he tore off his clothes and beat desperately, trying to force the bugs out. If it didn't help, seeing the man's face turn as white as paper, he stretched out a hand to Bai Yi: "Kill me... …kill me……"

Thinking of this, Bai Yi's face was sullen, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Seeing that person's pain, Bai Yi didn't know where the energy came from, so he took out his gun and pointed it at the person's seal. When the gun was shot down, blood sprayed out like a water column, maybe there were brains in it, and the blood sprayed on Bai Yi's face, and those bugs turned around and crawled towards Bai Yi. Running outside, Bai Yi turned his head and saw the dead man's head hanging on the ground, with a smile on his face...

Even thinking about it now, Bai Yi still feels that he can feel the pain and despair of that person. This is a very dangerous bug. Some people would rather die than endure its torture. That's why Bai Yi's performance just now was so excited. It's not without reason. Bai Yi looked at the robbery hole. The person who worked it was obviously not an expert, but he was full of tenacity. This passage leads directly to the front, and there is no end in sight...

"Couldn't it be the two people who died a few years ago who beat them?" Lei Zi thought of the two people Auntie had mentioned: "When they died, they had Tang Dynasty porcelain around them, and they died horribly."

That's right, this kind of thinking makes sense. They left with only a few pieces of porcelain. They left in a hurry and died horribly. If bloodworms invaded, it would be natural to die painfully. Moreover, the corpses were extremely shriveled, maybe It was caused by blood worms sucking blood. The aunt did not use too many words to describe it, but after so long, she can still remember the shock and fear at that time, which shows how frightening the corpses of these two people are.

If it was really these two people who made the hole, Bai Yi felt that he should thank them. Since the five of them came here, it was hard to guarantee that there was not a single wound on their bodies. If they escaped slowly, how many of the five survived would be a problem. Tang Sancheng was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. Just listening to Bai Yi's description, he could already feel the pain that would make life worse than death, but to experience it personally... it's better not to.

Tang Sancheng said: "Now we can only climb out here."

Where to go now depends on where this robbery hole leads to. The five people resisted the moisture in the soil and crawled in the robbery hole. There were voices coming, and the sound of beating gongs and drums... As soon as he told this discovery, everyone was excited. There were voices on it, it seemed that they had arrived at the place of residence, and everyone moved faster. When they climbed to the front, The robbery cave suddenly split into two, one to the left and the other to the right.

"It seems that more than one group of people came down." Lei Zi laughed.

This kind of thing has been turned upside down a lot, and naturally it will be encountered a lot. Different teams fight from different directions, and finally they hit one piece and merged into one. Right, which way should we go?

Lei Zi crawled to the left and right respectively, then pointed to the left-facing robbery hole and said, "This side."

He didn't say he smelled something, but his attitude was affirmative, and Bai Yi had no doubts: "Then go to the left."

The five people continued to move forward along the robbery cave on the left, about fifteen minutes later, Tang Sancheng heard the voices of people again, as well as the loud sound of gongs and drums, he was immediately happy: "This is still the group of people just now, Even the tune of the suona is the same, it sounds like a procession to welcome relatives."

This is easy to handle, this is good news, the morale of the big guys immediately rose, and after climbing more than 20 meters, this end came to an end. When Tang Sancheng stretched out his hand, the soil on it was loose, and when he pushed, there was dust It fell and lost his head. He shook his head and said cheerfully, "This is where the hole was made."

Xiao Ning took out a small hand pick and began to dig. The soil on the top kept falling, and the hole was getting bigger and bigger. When it was possible for one person to get out, Xiao Ning couldn't wait to lean his body out, and then lowered his head, With a complex expression on his face...

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