Xiao Ning's expression startled everyone, they thought this was not the end point, and they had turned into a dead end, only to hear Xiao Ning say: "We are back to the original point."

origin?Bai Yi signaled Xiao Ning to get out of the way, and he got into it, put his hands on the ground, jumped up, looked at the surrounding environment clearly, and finally understood what Xiao Ning meant by the origin, isn't this the one when he went down? Big pit?Everyone went around and came back here again.

The others climbed up one by one, feeling a little inexplicable. After experiencing life and death, and now standing in this big pit again, I don’t know how much time was wasted on the ground. This is the time when the sun is shining brightly. The festive suona that Tang Sancheng heard in the underground was still ringing not far away. Everyone looked at each other, their bodies were covered in mud, especially Qixie, whose clothes were all in tatters. The appearance of the people in the city, if they go out like this, it will definitely attract people's suspicion.

Everyone had a change of clothes in their backpacks, soaked them in water, and dried them by themselves. When they were pulled out, there was a rotten smell. Even so, it was better than now. Everyone hurriedly changed into them, and Xiao Ning ran to the corner neatly. Putting it on, smelling the strange smell emanating from his body, frowning all the time, Lei Zi joked: "We don't get close to strangers now, be careful to smoke people to death."

After changing their clothes, everyone still climbed up the steps. Tang Sancheng turned his head to look at the wall with blindfolded eyes, and shook his head slightly. The owner of the gossip tomb and the mobile tomb is a mystery. Bai Yi Seeing him like this, he said: "If we who fight against each other see doubts, we must figure it out. There is no way to fight this fight. Since ancient times, how many things beyond human imagination have happened? Tang Sancheng, don't put it on your own. Trapped myself."

Tang Sancheng let out an "oh", and finally stopped looking back. This trip hurt a member of Wu Tong, but it was just in line with Bai Yi's wishes. Although the final Tang Dynasty tomb escaped in embarrassment due to blood worms, it was rewarding. Feng, Bai Yi has already made up his mind. After returning home, except for Liu and Xi, everyone else will be sent away, and Wu Tong's group will be abandoned.

When the five returned to the village, Tang Sancheng kept mumbling: "I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry..."

Lei Zi quickened his pace and walked towards the old lady's house where he was staying. As he got closer, he saw that there were more people in the cave today. Besides the old lady he knew, there were two people who looked like father and son drying in the yard. Red chili, Lei Zi discussed with them, took out two banknotes and went out, the young man went into the house, brought out a lot of white cakes, and there were some red dates in it, and ran to the yard again, He unloaded the grain from the donkey cart parked there. It turned out that Lei Zi had discussed with them to send them to the nearest station.

Lei Zi spoke the Xi'an dialect very well, and Bai Yi only found out after asking, it turned out that Lei Zi lived here for three or four years when he was a child, could it be possible that he could speak a dialect so that the aunt thought he was a local?

Everyone sat on the donkey cart, gnawed on cakes, ate red dates, and drank water. Tang Sancheng fell asleep while eating, and fell asleep lying on Qixie's lap before he got to the station.

After a lot of twists and turns, the five of them finally returned to the urban area, found a hotel to stay in, took a vigorous bath, ate another meal, went back to their respective rooms and slept, and when they woke up again, they were already It was past six o'clock in the morning the next day, and Bai Yi left the hotel alone to buy a train ticket. When he came back, he saw Lei Zi squatting on the side of the road, looking at the ground with a sad face. , and sighed, then stretched out his hand, staring at his palm.

Bai Yi slowed down, walked in front of him gently, and then suddenly raised his voice: "What's wrong, Lei Zi?"

Lei Zi was so frightened that his face turned pale, he squeezed his hands tightly in a hurry, shook his head, and couldn't speak clearly: "No...it's okay."

"What happened to your hand?" Seeing that Lei Zi was not telling the truth, Bai Yi became suspicious.

"It's okay, I just thought about the scene when I lived here when I was a child, and I'm a little distracted. I'll see if they are up." After Lei Zi finished speaking, he stood up, trotted, and ran into the hotel.

Bai Yi always felt that Lei Zi was hiding something and didn't say anything, but Lei Zi refused to say it, and he couldn't use force. First of all, Lei Zi was not a junior, but a good helper. Wu Tong died, and he had to be around There is a capable helper, Lei Zi is a good candidate, and secondly, I haven't figured out Lei Zi's personality and his background, so I dare not rush to extract a confession.

Lei Zizhen went to wake the others up, everyone packed up their things, took time to buy some special products, and then set foot on the way home. When they got back to the capital, Tang Sancheng sucked hard as soon as he got out of the train station. Take a breath: "The air here still smells pleasant!"

"What are your plans?" Bai Yi asked Lei Zi and Xiao Ning.

Lei Zi said: "I have a foothold here. Just give me a call when you want to share money. If I am not there, just talk to the person who answers the phone and I will understand." Lei Zi gave his address and After copying the phone number, Xiao Ning said: "You have my phone number, if not, come to my unit to find me."

It was the first time everyone heard that Xiao Ning had a unit, Tang Sancheng asked her: "What do you do?"

"I'm a librarian in the library, come find me when you have time." Xiao Ning said, "But maybe one day I won't do it."

Xiao Ning waved at them and left. Lei Zi also walked in the opposite direction. The sharp-eyed Bai Yi saw him staring at his palm while walking, with a worried look on his face. Bai Yi couldn't help but said: "Who is he? looking at what?"

Qixie said, "He's worried about whether blood worms got in."

"What?" Tang Sancheng was shocked: "But at that time..."

"He has a palm injury. He hurt it when he detonated the explosives underwater. I found it when he pulled me out of the mobile tomb, but it wasn't serious, so I didn't say anything." Qixie said: "The blood worm is specialized Drilling into the wound, I guess he was already terrified when he heard what you said."

Bai Yi remained silent. It is not impossible to say that this possibility is not impossible. The blood worm is extremely small and moves quickly. If it sneaks into Lei Zi's palm quickly, it can escape everyone's sight. What he saw at that time was only the One, although it was snapped off quickly at that time, but what about the palm of the hand?Is it possible that blood worms have already got in and are sucking blood from Lei Zi's internal organs?Looking at the back of Lei Zi going away, the three of them were inexplicably worried...

Tang Sancheng shuddered: "Why don't you take Lei Zi to check tomorrow?"

That's a good idea, don't roundworms also live in humans?The three of them were finally relieved, and they planned to go to Lei Zi tomorrow and take him for a checkup. They went home to rest for the time being, and Bai Yi went to Master Hong to dispose of the weapon as usual.

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