Back home, Tang Sancheng didn't want to rest at all, Qixie sat with him in the yard, thinking of Wu Tong's death, Tang Sancheng's mood was a little gloomy: "Qixie, I said, if Wu Tong didn't meet me, he would Won't he die? And if so, wouldn't he die so badly?"

"Thirty percent, everyone has their own destiny." Qi Xie said flatly.

"Qixie, what is your fate?" Tang Sancheng asked in a daze.

"Your life is my life." Qi Xie said with a straight face.

Tang Sancheng shook his head: "No, I'm too stupid. In the underground world, I may lose my life at any time. I don't want you to suffer any harm because of me. This is not what a friend should do."

"Don't say any more." Qixie said: "You gave me my life, even if I have to pay it back, I should."

The origin of Qixie is a mystery. In that snowy day, he curled up on the street, trembling all over. This was Tang Sancheng's first impression of him. Later, he knew that Qixie had superb martial arts. There are only four words to describe myself - loyal, if there is anyone in this world who will never hurt me, then there is only one, that is Qixie, for him, you can put your life in his hands .

When Bai Yi came back, he threw the backpack on the chair, and all the artifacts in the backpack disappeared. He yawned and said suddenly, "Unfortunately, I didn't find any of the other six objects this time."

Bai Yi originally thought that he could at least find the shadow of Tai Sui, but unfortunately, he found nothing except the terrible blood worm. The pressure of finding all the seven objects was overwhelming Bai Yi, and he couldn't wait to prepare for the next action. Before that, Lei Zi had to be taken to the hospital for an examination.

Early the next morning, Bai Yi drove the two of them to look for Lei Zi. When they arrived at Lei Zi's residence, the door was wide open, but there was no one inside. Bad expectations hung over the three of them. ? !Tang Sancheng walked into the room and yelled: "Lei Zi, where are you?"

Lei Zi poked his head out from under the bed: "Why?"

"Are you okay?" Tang Sancheng saw Lei Zi holding a wooden box covered with dust, "What is this?"

"Do you remember that brother Zhou who was swallowed by a snake?" Lei Zi said, and opened the wooden box: "He gave it to me before. I heard it was quite valuable. The box alone is worth a lot. He Ah, there is something good that would never be left to me, so I just threw it under the bed, but in the cave, I heard you said that there is a coffin made of nanmu wood that is worth a lot of money, I was thinking, Is this wooden box really worth some money?"

Tang Sancheng heaved a sigh of relief, so it turns out that Bai Yi runs an antique shop anyway, and has a lot of knowledge about antiques. He took the wooden box, smelled it, and looked at the carver on it, and said: "He didn't lie You, this box is the same as the huanghuali pillow we found inside, it is made of huanghuali, smell it, does it have a very fresh smell?"

Lei Zi leaned his nose to the wooden box: "That's right."

Bai Yi looked at the box in his hand: "I don't know what's in it?"

Lei Zi took it and said, "You guys will know if you have a look." He opened the wooden box and saw that there was nothing inside. : "I've always wondered, is this box for bowls?"

"It's too extravagant to put the bowl in a huanghuali box." Bai Yi said, "Where did this wooden box come from?"

"Brother Zhou and I went to a tomb at that time, and we brought it out from there, but..." Lei Zi hesitated: "That tomb is like a maze, we didn't find the main tomb at all, we only found an ear chamber , This thing was found in that ear room, there is only one thing I am sure of, when we went there, no other robbery holes were found there, we should be the first people to go in."

Bai Yi looked at the pair of bowl seals thoughtfully, and then said, "We'll talk about this later, Lei Zi, we're here today to take you to the hospital."

Lei Zi was stunned for a moment, then spread out his palm, there was indeed a wound in his palm, the wound was blurry, he smiled wryly, "It seems that you already know."

"You should have told us clearly." Bai Yi said: "A blood worm may make you unable to feel it, but after a long time, it can still affect your internal organs, Lei Zi, go to the hospital for an examination, Everyone, rest assured."

Lei Zi was still hesitating, Tang Sancheng had already pushed him to go out, he had to follow them to the hospital, and had a full body examination, when the machine swept over his body, Lei Zi felt unnatural all over, when it was time When getting the results, Lei Zi, who thought he was not afraid of death, didn't even dare to take the inspection report. Tang Sancheng took the report and compared them one by one. All the indicators were normal, and he slapped Lei Zi on the chest. On: "You're afraid, everything is normal, we ran fast at that time, nothing happened at all, don't worry, kid!!"

While the two were noisy, Bai Yi quietly walked towards the attending doctor's office, went in, and closed the door behind him: "Doctor, I have a question I want to consult."

Tang Sancheng turned around suddenly: "Strange, where did Bai Yi go? He was still here just now?"

Bai Yi came out from the corner: "I'm here, as long as I'm fine, Lei Zi, I'll take you back."

"Where did you go just now?"

"Toilet." Bai Yi said, "My stomach hurts a little today."

Qi Xie frowned slightly, Bai Yi was lying, the toilet was not in this direction at all, that direction could only lead to the doctors' offices, he kept silent, Bai Yi sent Lei Zi home, and when he got into the car again, Qixie asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Bai Yi was taken aback, and then realized that he had been spotted by Qixie: "The test report can't explain anything. The doctor said that if some tiny creatures are hidden in the human body, they cannot be detected by the current detection machines."

"How can I do this? Do you want to tell Lei Zi?" Tang Sancheng's joyful mood just now dropped to freezing point.

Bai Yi shook his head helplessly: "You're stupid, you brought him in for a check-up just to give him a reassurance, so that he wouldn't scare me all day long, as for the future, you can only watch it later, the probability is [-] to [-] now , Lei Zi's life will be saved, we will know later."

Tang Sancheng was displeased when he heard the half-to-half chance, he got into the car dejectedly, Qixie patted him on the back, and said firmly: "Everyone has his own life, Lei Zi has a half chance of surviving .”

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