Just when Tang San became worried about Lei Zi's life, Bai Yi had already started to implement his plan. He first visited Wu Tong's wife and children, told them the sad news in the most tactful way, and paid them a sum of money. A lot of money, Wu Tong's mother-in-law is an authentic Northeast woman. When she heard the news of Wu Tong's death, her nose and tears burst into tears, shaking the world, and people who didn't know thought that she and Wu Tong's How deep is the feeling? In fact, Wu Tong has not been at home for many years, and she has already had a concubine outside. Once Wu Tong dies, she will really be free.

Mrs. Wu Tong's crying can't confuse Bai Yi. Over the years, he has seen many lives and deaths. He can tell which ones are true and which ones are fake at a glance. Still rolling in the eye sockets, but just howling with his mouth wide open, the tears were squeezed out, finally squeezed out a few drops, and deliberately exposed for Bai Yi to see, Bai Yi sneered in his heart.

Wu Tong's mother-in-law saw that she got the money and the show was about to end, so she shed tears: "Oh, our family Wu Tong does this, and I know he won't live long, Tian Tian's end is put on the side knife, Thanks to Boss Bai, who is so righteous, our old Wu deserves to die."

Wu Tong's child is less than four years old this year, and he is holding a bag of maltose, standing in the corner watching them talking, Bai Yi saw that the child's complexion is not good, it seems that this woman usually does not take good care of her child , a little sullen in his heart, he walked towards the child and called his name: "Niudaner..."

This Wu Tong also came from the countryside, and many living habits still continue the traditions of the countryside. For example, the son’s nickname, the more aggressive the nickname, the easier it is to feed him. , he gave him a nickname of Niudan, and Liu Zhixi made a lot of complaints at that time.

Niudan'er looked at Bai Yi and wiped his nose with his hand: "Uncle, my mother said that I will take me to find my father..."

As soon as Niudan's words came out of his mouth, Wu Tong's mother-in-law walked over quickly and hit Niudan's wrist with a horseshoe: "What nonsense are you talking about, your father just died!!"

The candy in Niudan's hand was knocked off the ground, and he cried out with a "wow". Seeing Mrs. Wu Tong like this, Bai Yi knew that there must be something wrong with it. Otherwise, why did she react so strongly? Bai Yi was wondering At that time, a man's voice came from outside: "Hongxia, are you home?"

Mrs. Wu Tong's name was Hongxia, and this man was obviously very familiar with her. Hongxia's expression became flustered, and she muttered, "Why are you here at this time?"

It was a tall and thick man, as soon as he came in, he hugged Niudan'er, looking very affectionate, Bai Yi seemed to understand why Hongxia was so nervous about what Niudan'er said just now.

Seeing that there were still people there, the man immediately put down the egg and said, "Big sister, who is this?"

"Oh, this is my man's boss, no, he's here to send us pensions today." After Hongxia finished, "Boss Bai, if you have something to do, go and do it first, Niudan'er and I have received your favor. "

This is an order to chase away guests. Of course Bai Yi understood, and immediately said: "You have guests, so I will go first."

Hongxia sent Bai Yi out, and immediately closed the door. Bai Yi snorted, this pair of dogs and men clearly had an affair, now that Niudaner said that his mother wanted to take him to find his father, it was definitely not the one he was looking for. The dead Wu Tong is this man, so Niudan is not Wu Tong's own flesh and blood?It's no wonder that when Niudan'er was born, everyone said that the child was not like his father, but like his mother, but the man who went in just now, Niudan'er's face was exactly the same as his! !

Bai Yi put his hands behind his back, like an old man, and was about to leave when the door behind him opened again, and it was the tall and thick guy who came out: "Boss Bai, are you Boss Bai?"

"I am." Bai Yi was a little surprised why he was looking for him: "What's the matter?"

"Well, I heard that you run an antique shop. I have something, and I want to see if your store can accept it." The man lowered his voice when he said, "Can you make an appointment?"

"It's fine in the afternoon. I'll be in the antique shop at two o'clock in the afternoon. I'll be waiting for you then." Bai Yi said.

The man was overjoyed: "Okay, Boss Bai, we'll see you soon."

Bai Yi nodded, the man cupped his hands, and shrunk his body in. Bai Yi was stunned for a moment when he cupped his hands. In this day and age, there are fewer and fewer people who say hello by cupping their hands. If it was his age, When people from various hilltops communicate with each other, they will bow their fists and salute, but after 50 years, I am afraid that only gang members will do this.

Although the glorious moment of gangs in the long river of history has passed, they have not completely disappeared, but they have only acted more covertly. Who is this man?Bai Yi looked at his watch, and it was only an hour before the appointed time, so Bai Yi walked towards the antique shop.

Bai Yi hadn't gone there for a long time. As soon as the clerk saw him, he greeted him respectfully. When it was over, he remembered something: "Boss Bai, a lot of people came to inquire about something a while ago."

"What's the matter?" The people who came to the antique shop to inquire were nothing but related to antiques.

"Inquire about a wooden box, saying that there should be a bowl seal inside the box, so you can put bowls in it." The guy showed a look of disdain: "I think they got the wrong place. If you want to buy a cupboard, you can go to a kitchenware store. Why did you come to our antique shop..."

"Wait!!" Bai Yi waved his hand to interrupt the man's complaint: "When did it happen, and who came here?"

Seeing Bai Yi's serious expression, the guy didn't dare to be careless, so he thought about the reason carefully: "It's been about half a month, and the people who came here were not decent people. I always feel that they have a murderous look on them. What scares me is that they said that if they find something, they can inform them, and they are very grateful."

After the buddy finished speaking, seeing that Bai Yi didn't respond, he added another sentence: "That's all I said."

"I see, you go now." Bai Yi said blankly, the guy hurried away, Bai Yi went into the inner room, and made himself a cup of tea. If a wooden box containing bowls is found, someone here will offer a huge reward. What is the charm of this wooden box?It would be strange if it was only used to hold bowls. Also, why would the man who is likely to have an affair with Wu Tong's wife come here?

Bai Yi looked at the time, it was almost two o'clock, that man should be here soon...

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