The man didn't come, it was already 02:30, Bai Yi was a little annoyed, if he was really from the world, then this lack of punctuality would not make him look like a dog, Bai Yi got up and was about to leave , After going out, the buddy ran over: "Boss, are you waiting?"

"Don't wait." Bai Yi said, "Go ahead."

Bai Yi walked out of the store, looked around, he still didn't give up, after looking around, his heart died completely, Bai Yi cursed: "Damn, you're fooling people." He lifted his leg and got into the car, As soon as the car left Liulichang, when it turned a corner, Bai Yi saw a person lying on the electric pole, with a hand stretched out weakly, right on the road, as if he was blocking a car, Bai Yi glanced at him, The man's face could not be seen clearly, but he saw thick calluses on the knuckles of that finger. This hand? !

The car stopped, Bai Yi got out of the car and lifted the man's face: "It's you?"

The one who fell there was Hongxia's best friend, his face was blue and purple, his body twitched, he was beaten severely, no wonder no one would go when the time came, he couldn't move even after being beaten like this The man wiped the blood from his mouth: "So it's Boss Bai. No wonder people say that I will run into a nobleman when I go out today. So the nobleman is here."

Having been beaten up like this, and still in the mood to joke, Bai En has a much better impression of the big guy: "Who beat you up like this, I'll send you to the hospital."

"No need, my body is strong enough to carry it." The man said, "Just let me rest."

Bai Yi had no choice but to let him sit on the ground, and the man said: "The thing is not on me, they can only fight to vent their anger, son of a bitch, there are many people who bully others, if you pick one, maybe who will win lose."

"Something? What is it?" Bai Yi asked.

"Boss Bai, I left the things at Hongxia's house. Please take me to her place so that I can have a look and give you a reasonable price." The man said, "I'm sure, you won't be disappointed."

Bai Yi hesitated, how true or false what this guy said?I couldn't figure it out, but seeing that he was half-dead at this time, it wouldn't have any adverse effects on me, so I readily agreed, helped the man to my car, and asked him: "What's your name? "

"Xie Dachun." The man said, "Hongxia and I are from the same hometown."

"Who is beating you?" Bai Yi asked: "You won't get me into trouble, right? In business, we can make money by being friendly. If I'm involved in any dispute because of you, I won't do it. "

"Boss Bai has heard of the Northeast Gang, right?"

Bai Yi didn't say a word, he had heard about the Northeast Gang for a long time. At first, it was just a group of Northeast fellows gathered together to take care of each other. After all, they were all foreigners floating in Beijing, but as time passed, the power of this group of people became more and more The bigger they got, the more serious gangs gradually developed. From the original mutual benefit, they became a bully. The police station arrested them and let them go. , It's nothing more than stealing and abducting, some investigations have no basis, the Northeast gang is a thorn in the police's heart, if you want to pull it out, you have to hurt yourself once.

"I've heard about the boss's behavior before. To be honest with the boss, I, Xie Dachun, originally belonged to the Northeast faction, but I recently had a rift with them. Now they are chasing me because of the things I have in my hands." I don’t have high requirements for this thing, and I came to Beijing to earn some money, go home, marry a wife and have children, and live a decent life.” Xie Dachun accidentally touched his own wound, and continued with a groan: “If this thing If you get a pair, you will live forever."

live forever?Bai Yi braked the car and turned around: "What did you say? Immortality? You kid is fooling me, right? What are you talking about about immortality these days?"

"Haha..." Xie Dachun smiled: "Boss Bai doesn't believe it, but some people believe it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been beaten so badly. Believe it or not, let's talk about it after seeing something."

Bai Yi was puzzled, but seeing that Xie Dachun was determined to see things first, he had to send him to Wu Tong's house first, and Bai Yi helped Xie Dachun to the yard, Hongxia, who was feeding her son, shivered. With a cry, he rushed over, and regardless of Bai Yi's presence, he leaned against Xie Dachun and began to cry: "Why did they beat you like this?"

Xie Dachun glanced at Bai Yi: "Okay, don't cry, let others make fun of you, take the child out, I have something to say with Boss Bai."

Hongxia glanced at Bai Yi, then bent her legs suddenly, and knelt down: "Boss Bai, I beg you, please save our Dachun's life, I am the one who is sorry for Old Wu, but Dachun and I are together Dongbeijie's original spouse, I have no other choice, Boss Bai, just for the sake of my immature children, save our lives..."

Xie Dachun was so angry that he didn't care about the pain on his body, he grabbed Hongxia and pushed her outside: "Get out, mother-in-law, why are you talking so much?!"

Hongxia wiped away her tears and went out with Niudan. From the beginning to the end, she didn't dare to lift her head. Xie Dachun led Bai Yi to the east room, which was originally the room of Wu Tong and Hongxia. Now this place has become Xie Dachun's territory. He asked Bai Yi to sit down, and he sat under the bed with a pick in his hand. After tinkering with it for a long time, he threw out a tin box before he bent down and got out of the bed. Get out of the bottom.

The iron box was still stained with dirt. Bai Yi opened it, and was taken aback immediately. Inside was a wooden box, the size and shape of which was exactly the same as Lei Zi's. Bai Yi quickly opened it, and there was indeed a bowl mark inside, "This Where did you get the box?"

Xie Dachun wiped off the sweat from his forehead: "There is a brother in our gang named Dapeng who used to be an invert. According to him, he poured out this wooden box from an ancient tomb. I took care of him, and when he was dying, he gave me this box as a thank you gift."

"But why do other people want this box all of a sudden?" Bai Yi has already linked up the previous events, and the person who inquired about this item in the antique shop must be a member of the Northeast Gang.

"It is said that this box is a pair." Xie Dachun said: "Originally there were a pair of longevity bowls inside. According to legend, it was passed down by Kublai Khan. There is one in a box. If you find a pair, you can live forever. Everyone in the gang knew about this box at first, but as soon as the word got out, it caused a catastrophe, and made me into what I am now. The box was poured out of an ancient tomb, so it's worth some money."

Bai Yi's mood at this time was very complicated. He was holding the wooden box in his hand, thinking like a tide, and when he heard Xie Dachun say how much it was worth, he nodded immediately: "That's right, this box is worth a little money."

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