Anyway, it's from huanghuali, and it's an ancient relic, so it's worth the money. Bai Yi thought of a question and asked him: "Who was the first person to say that this box contained the Longevity Bowl?"

"There is a scholar in our gang. His surname is Jiang. I don't know what his real name is. We all call him Jiang Laomao. He doesn't know where he heard it. After seeing my box, he killed this saying. At first everyone If you don’t believe me, after a long time, everyone will be skeptical and force me to take out this box. I don’t care about immortality, but I’m going to rely on it to go back to my hometown, and bring Hongxia and the children to have a peaceful life.” Xie Dachun said: "Boss Bai, are you willing to accept it?"

"200 yuan, I'll take it." Bai Yi said, "It says there is a bowl in it, but there isn't one. The only thing worth money is this box. I don't care if the other things are true or not."

A wooden box was exchanged for 200 yuan, and Xie Dachun was very excited: "Okay, we will pay for it and deliver it at once."

After paying the money, Bai Yi took the box and left. What happened to Xie Dachun was out of his business, but he turned around and said, "You'd better not tell the whereabouts of the box, otherwise, I have my own methods!"

What Bai Yi said was extremely cold, and Xie Dachun shuddered. He nodded again and again: "I won't tell it even if I die. I will take Hongxia and the child back to the Northeast tonight!"

"I'll give you a ride." Bai Yi said, sending this Buddha away so that he could live in peace. He wasn't afraid of the Northeast Gang, but being entangled by them was not a happy thing. Sending Buddha away Send it west.

Xie Dachun nodded again and again: "Thank you Boss Bai, thank you Boss Bai."

That night, Bai Yi really personally sent the family of three to the train station, watched the three of them enter the platform, and Bai Yi's heart fell into his stomach. Yes, then the pair are all alive, but there should be some longevity bowls inside, but unfortunately the longevity bowls in the two boxes are missing.

When Bai Yi returned home, Tang Sancheng was still waiting for him in a daze: "Where have you been all day? Lei Zi came twice, but he didn't see you. It's getting dark. There's really no way to wait any longer. just go."

Oh, said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, "Is Lei Zi here?"

"It is said to be related to the wooden box." Tang Sancheng said: "This guy refused to say it clearly, he said that he had to look to see the way, and he had to wait for everyone to see."

Could it be that Lei Zi discovered some mystery from the wooden box?Bai Yi was so excited that he took out the wooden box on his body: "Look at this..."

Tang Sancheng was startled: "Isn't this from Leizi's place?"

Bai Yi recounted his own experience during the day, Tang Sancheng and Qixie looked at each other, it was too coincidental, Tang Sancheng scratched his head, and cursed: "Damn, Wu Tong is really unlucky, dare you His wife and children belong to other people, so he died too unjustly now! He has been raised for others for several years, what a loss, what a loss!"

Bai Yi patted him on the back of the chest: "The point is not that!!"

"Oh." Tang Sancheng replied: "I know the important point, the important point is that the two wooden boxes that originally contained the bowl of longevity are in our hands, one in Lei Zi's hand, and one in your hand, and they all work together."

Qi Xie shook her head: "But the Longevity Bowl is not inside."

"That's right, I was thinking, if the Longevity Bowl wasn't inside, then it might be in the ancient tomb, but if someone has already taken it away, there's nothing I can do about it," Bai Yi said.

"Then go down and have a look." Tang Sancheng said disapprovingly.

Bai Yi wrote it down again: "That's right, that's what I thought. I'll ask Lei Zi to sum up the sum tomorrow."

With this idea, Tang Sancheng was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. He always felt that as long as he kept digging into the tomb, he would be able to find the man with the same purple blood as himself. After finally staying up until morning, Lei Zi had already come over early Yep, talking to Qixie in the yard, Tang Sancheng immediately rolled off the bed...

The four of them worked together, and Bai Yi put the wooden box he got on the table. The two wooden boxes were the same size, and the bowls inside were also of the same size. It won't work, now we have a good place to go." Bai Yi was surprised that Lei Zi had the same idea as himself, when Lei Zi spread his wooden box and turned it over to cover it on the table, and then motioned for others to come from his box. Li looked down: "Look."

Bai Yi put his eyes in the slit, and squinted one eye to look down. From here, he could just see the imprint on the bottom of the bowl. There was a shadow in front of his eyes, and the imprint suddenly became bigger. Bai Yi was shocked: "What is this?"

"Seal." Lei Zi said: "I called Xiao Ning, she checked it in the library, it is Kublai Khan's seal, do you know what this means? It means that this thing has something to do with Kublai Khan, It's not him who will be buried in the tomb, but someone related to him, and now we're going to get rich."

Bai Yi turned his own over and saw from the same place, this side was also a seal, completely different from the one just now: "This should be the seal of Queen Kublai Khan."

"According to me, Kublai Khan planned to share this longevity bowl with his empress." Lei Zi said, "It's strange, where did this bowl go?"

"I'll talk about this later. By the way, Leizi, do you still remember the scene when you went to the grave with that old Zhou? Is the robbery still there?" Bai Yi said, "I think we have to go down again. "

Lei Zi pointed to his head: "My head is still working. I remember the place clearly. It was in a suburb outside Beijing. The robbery hole was dug right next to a stream. The soil was soft and wet. It was very easy to dig, and I went in smoothly at that time, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the doorway after I went in, I just took this wooden box and came out.”

"That's good. I'll let Liu Zhixi prepare and bring him with me this time. This Liu Zhixi, don't look at him as a nerd, but he has a good brain and skillful hands." Bai Yi said: "He made the gas mask , lightweight, convenient, much better than other industrial ones.”

Qi Xie suddenly jumped to the door, listened to the outside and said: "Someone was eavesdropping just now." Qi Xie opened the door and looked to the left and right. There were people on the left and right. It was unclear who was lying here just now. Qi Xie shook his head: "One step too late, far away."

Wu Tong is dead, who else would be interested in this courtyard house?Bai Yi said: "Qi Xie, you may have misheard..." Wait! !Bai Yi patted himself on the head: "There is one person who is possible!"

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