Strange Tomb [Recommended by the Great God]

Chapter 188 Flowing Stone Formation

Tang Sancheng didn't know when Bai Yi put that thing in his hand, he asked stupidly: "What is this thing?"

This question immediately caused Bai Yi to roll his eyes, Jiang Laomao sniffled: "Young people are awesome, young people are awesome!! It seems that I will not tell the truth. Your tape recorder is a high-end product. Young people, you are not simple. .”

Bai Yi sighed: "There is no way, you are too cunning, I have to deal with it hard."

"Okay, let me say." Jiang Laomao is not qualified to negotiate terms with Bai Yi, but it's all his own fault. He thought he was smart and tried to fool Bai Yi first, but he didn't. This young man has 70 to [-] years How can he be fooled if the way is done?

It turned out that Jiang Laomao had joined a Daedou group in the 70s. At that time, including him, there were seven people in total, and the seven people regarded themselves as the Big Dipper. The figure was in a special situation at that time, no one was staring at this area, they were unscrupulous, the rare thing was that the seven of them were always in a group and never separated, this situation ended in that seemingly ordinary tomb.

They started digging holes near the Princess Tomb, which is a famous mausoleum area. In the words of Old Mao Jiang, if you just dig a hole, you can touch the coffin of the princess and concubine. Speaking of fighting this time, it was also a coincidence that the seven people were in a rest period, and one of them inadvertently said that the seven people had been tossing around all the time, but the rabbits would not eat the grass by the side of the nest. There are many royal tombs around here. It's over, why don't you pour it over?Now the city is very chaotic, people are in panic, and the affairs of the living can't be managed, so who will take care of the dead? ?

After some calculations, the seven people decided to start from the southern suburbs, and built a robbery hole, which led straight to an ear room in an unbiased way. The seven people were overjoyed.

"At that time, we encountered a flowstone array, and a pile of big stones fell down on the head and face, killing two of them on the spot." Jiang Laomao sighed: "Usually, flowstones are set behind the door, and the main purpose is to While letting the inverted ones go in, the exit was tightly blocked, and they were buried alive, but that tomb was different, the flow stones fell from the top, so fast that people couldn't hide, pity my two brothers , the eyes and nose were lost, and one was pierced in the heart by a sharp stone, and died without even groaning."

Tang Sancheng felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet. Although the old hat Jiang didn't speak in detail, a few words could make people immediately think of the scene at that time, as if it appeared vividly in front of his eyes—the blood was dripping On the ground, a sharp stone was inserted into a person's heart, and looking at his face, his facial features were mixed together, and he could no longer tell them apart...

"Fight!" Qixie saw that Tang Sancheng was in a daze, and patted him obediently, pulling Tang Sancheng out of his imagination, and looking at his forehead, there were already beads of sweat, Tang Sancheng embarrassedly Smiling, he immediately wiped it off with his sleeve.

The Big Dipper lost two stars in an instant, and there were only five people left. The five people gritted their teeth and decided to continue to make a breakthrough. At any rate, they should give an explanation to the two dead people. If they went out empty-handed, they would lose two generals , spread out, they were going to be laughed to death by their peers, the five people wandered around the ground, the more they felt that something was wrong, all the organs were completely beyond their expectations, it seemed that all the experience had failed, it didn’t work, the most dangerous The most important thing is the moving wall. As soon as the five people walked in the corridor, the left and right walls quickly moved towards the middle, sandwiching the five people...

Bai Yi felt something was wrong when he heard this. Since the five of them were caught in the middle, they would definitely be cut into meatloaf. How did this old hat Jiang escape?

Seeing the change in Bai Yi's face, Old Mao Jiang knew that something was wrong, so he spat on the ground and said, "At that time, I was also timid, and I didn't stand with the four of them. Clamped alive!"

Only one of the Big Dipper was left, Jiang Laomao, Bai Yi said: "It seems that you have lost six people before you figured out the situation in the underground tomb. When did you find the tomb with the Longevity Bowl written on the wall?" of?"

Old Mao Jiang found that tomb when he was looking for the exit. It was empty inside, only the words on the wall stood out. What Jiang Laomao didn't mention was that he was so frightened at that time that he was running around and crawling. He went in, as for how he got in, he couldn't remember even if he wanted to break his head. He only knew that after he understood the words on the wall, he immediately thought of finding the Longevity Bowl, but just after he left the tomb, he touched it. Lost his mind, he even had a feeling at that time that he was like a pawn, at the mercy of the tomb, where he wanted to go, where he wanted to go, he could no longer control himself, how did he escape in the end?He couldn't remember clearly, he only knew that when he woke up, he was lying on a piece of grass.

Bai Yi looked into Jiang Laomao's eyes, how to get out of it, this is an important clue, but this Jiang Laomao himself can't understand, judging from his expression and demeanor, he should be telling the truth, he is fate After recovering one life, the Big Dipper is the only one left. Old Mao Jiang may have been stimulated, and he has never turned back since then. With the shoe-repairing technique he learned when he was young, he became a cobbler. As for him joining the Northeast Gang later on, that was a later thing, it was all a coincidence, it was just a coincidence that someone in the same gang also turned upside down, and even took out a wooden box, that is another digression.

The three of them squeezed old hat Jiang, but they couldn't get anything out, so they gave up. Bai Yi repeatedly asked some organs in the tomb, back and forth, old hat Jiang was about to lose his temper. The tape recorder can only be patient and tell the story over and over again, finally satisfying Bai Yi.

During this process, Bai Yi heard something that interested him. It wasn't the longevity bowl, but a kind of worm attached to the wall of the tomb. It was as big as a palm, with a face like a tiger, and two wings on its back that could fly. Old Mao Jiang said that he had never seen it before, and Bai Yi immediately thought of one of the seven things—the tiger insect beetle. The complaint is quite close, it seems that this tomb has to be buried.

After Jiang Laomao finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yi's face: "I have finished everything I should say, look..."

"No, it seems like you haven't finished." Bai Yi got into trouble again: "Since it's so dangerous there, why do you still want to go down there? Is there anything else you're worried about?"

Old Mao Jiang's face turned pale, but this time he clenched his lips and refused to say anything.

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