It's not easy for Old Mao Jiang to worry about things underground, because no matter how hard and soft Bai Yi is, he will never confide a word. Before leaving, Old Mao Jiang said: "Man, life is not easy, sometimes Just one thought can make your whole life in vain."

Old Mao Jiang seems to be a vulgar person, but there is some philosophy in his words. If one thinks of heaven and one of hell, isn't Wu Tong the best example?Bai Yi suddenly had a thought, whether the Longevity Bowl in the wooden box had been snatched by Jiang Laomao, but after thinking about it, no, if Jiang Laomao found it, he would not bring it out in one go, and it would take a lot of money. Why bother?Besides, this wooden box was found by Dapeng and Leizi in different tombs, and they were not together. According to Leizi, they were the first batch of people to go down, and they couldn't be contacted before and after.

Bai Yi watched Old Mao Jiang go away with his shoe mending burden, and sighed helplessly. He turned around and saw the owner of the noodle shop looking at him curiously. I can't inquire about the situation, but I just saw that these two people seem to be very familiar with each other.

After inquiring, I really found out something different. According to the noodle shop owner, this old hat Jiang and himself have been friends for 15 years. Just like the noodle shop, I never get tired of eating it, so I recognized the taste. As long as the noodle shop does not collapse, he will always have a bowl of it. After a long time, some things are the same as the noodle shop owner. It was vaguely mentioned that the owner of the noodle shop already felt that Jiang Laomao was not an ordinary shoe repairer.

According to the owner of this noodle shop, Mr. Jiang once drank too much and burst into tears. There was a scene here, and no one could persuade him. Whoever persuaded him beat him. He sat on the ground, crying, and said, crying Brother, crying for his own fate, saying that there was a peerless treasure that he would never meet again, crying so sadly, he woke up afterwards, and someone he knew asked him what peerless treasure made him so dazed , but he refused to admit it, saying that he was talking nonsense after drinking, and he blamed others for mishearing.

Peerless baby?These four words have some meaning. It seems that he found some unusual things down there. He wanted the Longevity Bowl, and he wanted the thing down there even more, so he let the wind out and forced Xie Dachun to hand over the wooden box. When he came out, Bai Yi had already made up his mind that he had to bring Old Jiang's hat with him when he went to the grave!

Old Mao Jiang mentioned that there is a moving wall below, which can clamp people into meatloaf. Bai Yi approached Liu Zhixi and asked him if he had any way to crack it. There was enough time to escape. Liu Zhixi picked up a pen and brushed on the paper to draw two straight poles. He said that he would use pure steel to make them. They are retractable. If they really encounter moving walls, they should be stretched immediately Come on, one to the left and right, you can buy time for a while, and buy a chance to escape.

Bai Yi also talked about the flowstone array falling from the sky, and Liu Zhixi also has a way. According to him, the ancient soldiers had helmets, and now they can also get some helmets to protect their heads, so as to prevent the flowstones from falling from above. As for the sharp stones, Liu Zhixi concluded that this was prepared in advance, and what was more important was that a stone would kill someone. Liu Zhixi hadn't been reused by Bai Yi for a long time. This time, he was very excited to use him, and all kinds of ideas came out endlessly. It's like divine help.

As soon as Liu Zhixi's two ideas were finished, Bai Yi agreed. It's up to people, and Liu Zhixi's brain is still useful. After Liu Zhixi finished talking about his own ideas, he asked with some hesitation: "Brother Bai, are you really sending all the other brothers away?" gone?"

"Well, once Wu Tong died, no one would take them with him. Besides, now that the rumors are tight, it will be difficult to do things if there are too many people, and it will be easy to be exposed. We should pack lightly." Bai Yi said.

"That..." Liu Zhixi licked his lips: "Brother Bai, will you take me there this time?"

After being tossed outside the cave by that mouse last time, Liu Zhixi's heart was really timid for a while. After a long time, he now wants to go down again, as if he was addicted to cigarettes. Liu Zhixi is pitiful Looking at Bai Yi intently, Bai Yi said, "As long as you figure out the two things you said, I'll take you there."

"Okay." Liu Zhixi was ready to go.

The three of them made another plan. This tomb is very dangerous. Some commonly used items are necessary. The gas mask that has not been used in the past must also be worn this time. It sounds like the tiger beetle is the most important thing, Tang Sancheng and Qixie naturally agree, double check that there is nothing missing, and wait for Liu and Xi to develop something, then they can start, this trip Just in the suburbs, convenient.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Sancheng went out alone early, ate a few donkey rolls and meat buns on the side of the street, while thinking about it, he walked towards the library, he wanted to find Xiao Ning, by the way Applying for a library card or something, anyway, his heart is clear, everyone knows that Xiao Ning is sitting there in a neat work uniform, receiving people who come to borrow books, helping people find a book, turning a page, and so on. When Tang Sancheng arrived, he pretended not to see him, turned around and walked towards the innermost part of the library. Tang Sancheng wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by other staff: "Comrade, do you have a library card?"

"No." Tang Sancheng replied honestly.

"I didn't do one first. You can't just get in here. This is not a bookstore. You can only borrow books, borrow books, understand?" the staff member said with a low voice.

"Okay, I'll do it." Tang Sancheng said honestly, after finishing the library card, Tang Sancheng ran in with a "whoosh", and when he found Xiao Ning, he saw her covering her mouth and laughing, Tang Sancheng did this After realizing it: "You've seen me a long time ago, haven't you? You didn't go out to say hello, so I was forced to apply for a library card."

Just now Xiao Ning saw Tang Sancheng being forced to blush and feel ashamed, don't mention Duo Le in his heart, this idiot didn't even mention his name, and even said that he would not save himself, obviously he was stupid, "What are you doing today? ran over?"

"We're taking action again." Tang Sancheng said in a low voice, seeing that there was no one around.

Xiao Ning regained his energy all of a sudden, and asked Tang Sancheng to tell her quickly. Tang Sancheng said something succinctly, only saying that it had something to do with the Longevity Bowl. When Xiao Ning heard the word Longevity Bowl, he hurriedly interrupted Tang Sancheng's words , I ran to a pile of old books and flipped through them randomly. I don’t know how long I’ve been flipping through them. I finally found what I wanted. Go find Bai Yi."

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