What Xiao Ning discovered was incredible, and Bai Yi was really surprised. It turned out that there was indeed a record of the Longevity Bowl in the relevant documents, but the record did not mention it clearly. Many craftsmen entered the palace, and there were endless ruts on the road going back and forth between the inside and outside of the palace at night.

Xiao Ning has been working in the library for a long time, and often comes into contact with some old and ancient books. She would look through them when she has nothing to do. Not long ago, she happened to turn to this section. When she saw this record, she muttered. Lie called so many people into the palace, but he didn't explain why, he just said it was a big event. What is Kublai Khan doing?

From Bai Yi's point of view, this extraordinary event was firing the longevity bowls, and there was only one pair of longevity bowls, so the firing process was extremely difficult, but Xiao Ning discovered something more than that, this big event stopped suddenly after three months, and the palace Zhong returned to normal after experiencing this incident, as if it had never happened.

However, Xiao Ning also has his own opinion on whether the tomb in the southern suburbs is related to Kublai Khan. Mongolians have their own unique funeral customs.Its characteristic is that it is different from the heavy burial and long funeral of the Han people in the Central Plains, but the thin burial and simple funeral.The Mongols are nomadic people living on the grasslands. They have no fixed residence, so their lifestyle is relatively simple and practical.The burial ceremony is also so simple: when they are buried, they let the deceased sit in the center of a tent used during his lifetime, along with horses and a table with meat and milk, and finally put them in the soil.The purpose is that when the deceased lives in another world, they will have tents to live in, horses to ride, and meat and milk to eat.

After the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, a large number of Mongols poured into the interior, and gradually influenced by the customs of the Han people, they began to be buried in coffins, but the coffins used were different from those of the Han people.After the deceased was buried, the two coffins were joined together to form a log, which was then "nailed together with iron bars".This kind of coffin was called "Mongolian coffin" in the Yuan Dynasty, and there were exclusive shops dealing in this kind of coffin in most cities.Even though they entered the Central Plains, the Mongols' burial was still as simple as before, and the shrouds were the clothes they usually wore.Burials are generally carried out in secret.After the burial, there is neither a grave nor an inscription on the epitaph, and the relatives of the deceased will not hold a funeral ceremony.

This is the "secret burial" of the Mongols.

"According to the Yuan Dynasty records I have checked, it is said that after Genghis Khan's death, the officials under his command obeyed his will and did not mourn or mourn. They secretly sent the coffin back to Mobei. After the emperor's coffin was secretly sent to the cemetery, it was buried deep Bury, and then thousands of horses step down the graveyard without leaving any traces. No mausoleums, stele pavilions, gods, high walls, stone men or stone animals. In order not to reveal the whereabouts of the coffin, the troops escorting the coffin will go all the way All the people and animals encountered were killed. After arriving at the destination, the Mongolian king, concubine, relatives, and officials held a grand mourning ceremony for him. Due to the large number of mourners and the remoteness of some tribes, until three months later, Others came to mourn.”

Xiao Ning said: "About the burial places of Genghis Khan and the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, although there are different opinions in historical records, they all believe that starting from Genghis Khan, the Mongolian Khan and the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty were buried in the same place. Moreover, the burials of the emperors The rituals are also roughly the same. Therefore, as long as you find the burial place of any great Khan, you can find the tomb of Genghis Khan. In my opinion, this tomb may not be the tomb of any royal family in the Yuan Dynasty, otherwise it would not be easy. People found out, but the Longevity Bowl appeared in it, which made me a little confused."

"These mysteries, I'm afraid we won't know until we go down, but Xiao Ning, what you said is very useful to us, you..." Thinking that Xiao Ning still has a job, Bai Yi is not sure whether Xiao Ning should go together Well, Xiao Ning has a good skill, so it's best to be able to take it with him.

"I don't want to do this job for a long time." Xiao Ning said: "Even now, it's three days of fishing and two days of posting nets. The higher-ups have long been dissatisfied with me. I will resign when I go back."

In this year, there is a public job that is an iron rice bowl. Xiao Ning wants to go back and smash this job, and let a few big men admire her. The girl's house is fine."

Everyone naturally didn't dislike it. Bai Yi thought of the box that Xiao Tianyi had left her mentioned by Xiao Ning, so he lifted it up to Xiao Ning. Xiao Ning said: "The box has always been with me, but the lock on it can't be opened. After a while, you guys will come over with me to have a look, I found the person with the tiger talisman mark on his body, but I still haven't figured out what my dad is trying to express."

Will this mystery be in the box?Tang Sancheng was very excited, and clamored to see what was in that box now. The group arrived at Xiao Ning's house. After all, Xiao Ning was a girl's house, and he had to cover up when he brought three big men back at once. In the dormitory of the unit, she didn't let the three of them in, and told the guard that someone from her hometown had come, and she asked them to bring something back.

The box that Xiao Ning said was not big and not heavy, she lifted it out with one hand, greeted the guard and got into Bai Yi's car, Bai Yi was surprised when he saw the box: "This box belongs to Qin Chao."

Thinking that Xiao Tianyi is the captain of Mojin, and it is not surprising that he has Qin Chao's box in his hand. Looking at the lock on it, Bai Yi was surprised. This kind of lock is called Qiqiao Linglong lock, and it cannot be opened by a key. Yes, the so-called Qiqiao is to push from seven different directions, and when they are all pushed to the same place, the lock will be opened naturally, but how to push and how deep it is, this method has long been lost, no wonder Xiao Ning has never been able to find a suitable person to open this box.

Xiao Tianyi didn't know where he got this box, he regarded it as a treasure, and passed it to Xiao Ning when he died, Tang Sancheng stared at the lock, his eyeballs almost ran out, there was a strange feeling Feeling swaying in his heart, he took a breath of air: "Why do I think I can open this box?"

Everyone else's eyes are glued to him, everyone has nothing to say about Tang Sancheng's ability in Fengshui, but he can also take care of unlocking, which is not convincing, but now A dead horse is a living horse doctor, as long as it can be prescribed, it doesn't matter if it is prescribed by a human or a monkey?

Bai Yi put the box on Tang Sancheng's lap: "Okay, you open it."

The box was really put on his lap, Tang Sancheng felt a little timid again, he laughed and said: "I just think I can open it, I can't guarantee whether it can really be opened."

"No one told you to be sure, just give it a try, why are you talking so much nonsense today?" Bai Yi urged him impatiently: "Hurry up, if you can't do it, we'll replace you."

Tang Sancheng nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Okay, I'll drive."

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