Tang Sancheng's hand stretched out to the bronze pillar. There are seven copper pillars on this Qiqiaolinglong lock, which are as thin as a match stick. Every time you push it down, you can hear the sound of clicking, pushing it down One sound, one beep, seven beeps at the end of the push, Tang Sancheng thought for a while, not knowing where to start, just when everyone was impatient and ready to let him give up, why did Tang Sancheng think of a song in his ears...

"In April, six flowers bloom, and three dolls come to sing opera..." The voice was very distant, but it seemed to be ringing in his own ears, very clearly, it just kept thinking about it, Tang Sancheng listened to it at the beginning I don't know, I can recite it by myself in the end...

Tang Sancheng shuddered all over, his hands moved quickly, and he pushed down the seven copper pillars neatly, first four, then six, then three, five, one and seven, Tang Sancheng's He heard a sound in his ears: "Crack." This sound was louder than before, Tang Sancheng himself couldn't believe it, he put his hand on the box, and then looked up at the six pairs of eyes staring at him , said cautiously: "Open."

Bai Yi took a breath, and suddenly shoved Tang Sancheng's chest: "You are really evil, how did you open it?"

"I don't know myself, it's just a feeling, a feeling." Tang Sancheng tilted his head, and read a sentence: "I also feel very evil."

No matter what, the lock was opened, and the contents of the box could be seen clearly. Xiao Ning lifted the lid and stood there in a daze. There was nothing valuable in the box, only a piece of bloody cloth. The cloth confuses Bai Yi as well. The cloth is home-spun at first glance. This kind of cloth was popular at the beginning of this century, that is, from 1900 to 1930. There is a box from the Tang Dynasty in it. Things at the beginning of this century, the contrast is too big.

Bai Yi tried to find a reason. The box was not locked before, and it was only locked after it was put in. This makes sense. These two things cannot be synchronized, and it is impossible to synchronize. Bai Yi looked at Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning was also confused, his father never said such a thing.

"Is it possible that this was left by your grandma? It's not something that was used when your father was born." This is a bit disrespectful, but Tang Sancheng doesn't care about these nonsense, just open his mouth and say it up.

Xiao Ning was taken aback: "It's not impossible, if this is our Xiao Ning's blood, my dad let me keep it, is he trying to remind me of something?"

"It's probably for you to find a son-in-law who cuts through the door and keep your Xiao family's surname." Tang Sancheng opened his mouth and came.

Xiao Ning's face turned red: "Fuck you."

Bai Yi shook his head, he didn't think it had anything to do with the Xiao family, if Xiao Tian wanted to say something like that, could he ask his friends who were by his side to convey it on his behalf?It took so much trouble to give a hint?Besides, Xiao Tianyi himself might not be able to open the lock. Also, when giving this box, Xiao Ning asked Xiao Ning to find someone with the mark of the soldier symbol on his body. What is the connection between the two?He took out the cloth, the blood stains on the cloth have been black for a long time, unfolded, it is a square cloth, not a package, nor clothes, but the neatest square cloth .

The cloth was very ordinary, and the patterns on it didn't have any clues. I really didn't know what Xiao Tianyi wanted to express. Bai Yi threw the cloth back into the box and closed it again, as if Xiao Tianyi had made a joke with his daughter. Bar.

But Xiao Ning couldn't let it go, he didn't believe that with his father's wisdom, he would leave a meaningless box, holding the box with an ugly expression, Tang Sancheng said: "Let's put this box first, maybe your father I just want to leave this Qin Chao’s box to you, it’s a valuable thing.”

Right now, I can't think of any clues, only to plan the inversion first, and Xiao Ning go to solve his own work. Last time in the inversion, Xiao Ning also took a lot. The job was about to be worth it, and there were a few downtimes, Xiao Ning enjoyed it a bit, she still carried the box back, and the other three saw that it was getting late, so they drove back again.

Since Tang Sancheng and Qixie came, Bai Yi resigned the nanny who used to cook. First, the three of them spent less time at home, and second, they always called women eighty-lawyers. If something goes wrong, it is also a disaster. If it is eating now, it must be done by Qixie, or it can be solved directly outside, which saves a lot of trouble.

The three of them packed their own things separately. Bai Yi was the most proficient. He packed his things early and sat in front of the monitoring screen to see that since Wu Tong died, the monitoring was useless. , Bai Yi looked at it for a while, then walked away, and wandered around the room. This time, Bai Yi's mood was completely different. After learning about the suspected tiger beetle from Jiang Laomao, he couldn't calm down. up.

So far, the seven things are only the Liaogu fruit. As Fu Yu said, the longevity alliance is poison after all, which is always bad for the body. Now it can make him not old, but after a long time, who knows what will happen?Remember the evil corpse on the cliff coffin?That is the failed work of Longevity Gu. Thinking of the evil corpse, Bai Yi's heart turned cold. He reached out and rubbed his chest. The heart in his chest was still warm. It has been warm for more than 80 years. How long can it continue to dance? ?Bai Yi didn't know, he sighed, and went down to look at the Liaogu fruit, the Liaogu fruit that needed blood.

In the basement, the Liaogu fruit was still the same, because it had rotted because of the dead dog, and the basement was airtight. Once inside, the disgusting smell almost made Bai Yi spit it out. Seeing that the Liaogu fruit showed no signs of withering, Bai Yi Yi couldn't wait to leave, and as soon as he got out, he spat on the ground.

Seeing Bai Yi like this, Tang Sancheng, who just came out, saw it, pointed at Bai Yi and kept laughing: "What did you see underground, how did you become this virtuous?"

"Go away." Bai Yi was feeling annoyed, and shouted at Tang Sancheng.

Tang Sancheng stood there in a daze, rubbing his hands, and murmured: "Are you going to see Liaoguguo? It's okay, we will definitely be able to find a few other things. There are all kinds of wonders under the ground, and there are all kinds of things. I think back then That kind of bitter grass made me die in suspended animation for three days and three nights, as long as we keep digging into the tomb, we will have a chance to find it, Bai Yi, don't worry too much."

It was the first time to hear Tang Sancheng say such serious words. Seeing Tang Sancheng's serious look, Bai Yi finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and he gave Tang Sancheng a note: "Don't talk like this, I'm not used to it, you Don't be silly, this is Tang Sancheng, don't worry, I, Bai Yi, have lived for so many years, I know what is human, I will not give up, and you are the same."

Tang Sancheng nodded: "That's right, I will definitely find that man who has the same bloodline as mine, and ask him clearly what's going on with our blood."

"Okay, rest, we're leaving tomorrow." Bai Yi said.

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