At the scheduled place, everyone was present, except Jiang Laomao, who was more than half an hour later than the scheduled time. He came over slowly, with another look of disapproval. This look seemed a bit deliberate, Bai Yi felt He wanted to hide how nervous he was, but when things go wrong, his hands are still shaking slightly, so he can't fool others.

Lei Zi led the way. After reaching the southern suburbs, Lei Zi quickly found the hole he dug with Zhou Ge. Lei Zi and Zhou Ge didn't backfill the hole, they were exposed there. , After such a long time, and no one has discovered it, Lei Zi jumped down first. When I walked this road, the organs inside have been broken, and I can drive straight in. There is no need to take precautions. As usual, Liu Zhixi only For the sake of watching the wind, he pulled the rope and let them go down one by one. Even so, Liu Zhixi was very excited.

There was Lei Zi leading the battle in the front, and the people behind followed quickly. Although Old Mao Jiang was old, his skills immediately became flexible as soon as he jumped in. As expected of a person with so many years of fighting experience, he returned to the ground , and returned to the area he was best at. Just when everyone thought that everything was going well, at least there would be a good start, suddenly there was a scream from Lei Zi in front, and Bai Yi secretly yelled that it was not good, and his hands moved faster Finally, his feet touched the ground, he quickly let go of the strong rope, and followed the direction of the sound to find Lei Zi.

Lei Zi was leaning against a cylindrical tomb passage, covering the soles of his feet with his hands, and kept cursing: "Damn, who threw the knife here, or put it backwards."

Bai Yi saw a knife on the ground. The shape of the knife was a bit strange, like a full moon, with the blade pointing upwards. Lei Zi was too careless. After he got down, he walked towards the tomb without looking at it. Who knew that he just stepped on the blade Come on, this knife is not so sharp, after cutting Leizi's shoe, it also left a bloody gash on the sole of his foot. Leizi's cry is both painful and annoying. , making people laugh out loud.

Seeing that he had made a lot of noise, Lei Zi said shyly, "I'm fine, luckily the soles of my shoes are hard."

Bai Yi picked up the knife that harmed Lei Zi. This knife seemed to be used by ethnic minorities, and it seemed to have fallen here recently. He glanced at the tomb passage and said, "Lei Zi, I see Is there someone who has gone in before us?"

It's not impossible, either they entered through here before, they left long ago, or died inside, or they just entered, so the two groups of people will encounter each other inside, look at the shape of this knife and Style, the other party is very likely to be a minority, Mongolian is very likely, Mongolian men are very fierce, this Bai Yi has seen it before, never thought that he would encounter such a possibility, Lei Zi scolded Mother: "Our dog is lucky, it's too good."

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about it after going in. It's not certain who can come out alive." Bai Yi said: "Even if there is someone inside, I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend."

While talking, Bai Yi pinned the knife to his waist. Looking back, everyone who was supposed to come down had come except Liu Zhixi. He pulled Lei Zi up and continued to walk inside. It is round, and the stones on it are very smooth, which is definitely not as smooth as the mirror-like stone wall in the mobile tomb. It is possible to achieve this level, and it is also a lot of effort. According to Leizi's previous experience , the passage leads into a vestibule, in which an arched door leads to an altar, and under the altar a passage leads to another chamber, after which the chamber's The mystery will come out little by little, because after entering that passage, you can only go in, you can't go back, don't think about returning from this robbery hole.

According to Lei Liao's prediction, the six people went all the way to the altar. The altar should have been empty, but now some beef jerky was placed on it, and someone burned something on it. Bai Yi felt the temperature of the altar: " It's still Yu Wen, it seems that he has just entered not long ago, and now he is really going to meet him head-on, and he doesn't know the origin of the other party."

Old Mao Jiang snorted: "What are you afraid of? At worst, we will meet on a narrow road."

As soon as he returned to the ground, this old hat Jiang's arrogance gradually came out, and Bai Yi sneered: "Old hat Jiang, you really put it lightly. Back then, your six brothers died in front of you."

This hit Jiang Laomao's sore spot, and now he didn't say a word, Lei Zi said: "Bai Yi, once you enter the passage under the altar, you can only go in, you can't go out, and you will go all the way to the dark."

"It's okay, you were able to get out back then, so can we, let's go." Bai Yi was the first to get into the passage under the altar, and six people entered in a file. As soon as Bai Yi entered, Tang Sancheng behind him called He yelled: "Be careful, get out of the way!"

Bai Yi immediately rolled away, only to see a knife stuck right next to his ear, Bai Yi raised his eyes and saw two swarthy men standing in front of him, looking imposing!Dare Tang Sancheng heard the movement, the knives of these two throwing knives are no less than his own, they are extremely accurate, and their strength is three points stronger than his own, if Tang Sancheng hadn't reminded him quickly, the knives would have directly stabbed himself Bai Yi felt scared for a while, "Who are you guys!!"

The two black men looked at each other, and one of them said, "So it wasn't him, we recognized the wrong person."

The back of Bai Yi's head felt cold for a while. This mistaken person almost made his head explode. Bai Yi stood up, and the people behind also got in. As soon as Old Mao Jiang came in, he saw the handles on the two people's backs, and looked down. He said in a loud voice, "It's a Mongolian sword."

The two men carried the knives on their backs, only the hilts were exposed, and each hilt was inlaid with a gemstone. The hilts were made of silver, and there were holes in the sheath. There is also a set of silver beams. According to folklore, food poisoning can be tested with silver beams. Judging from the posture of the two men's swords, they seem to be old Jianghu.

Mongolians have three major treasures and three small treasures, among which the three major treasures are: yurts, grasslands, cattle and sheep.The three little treasures are: Mongolian knife, Matouqin, and cheese craft. These three treasures are collectively referred to as six treasures. In the past, it was not uncommon for Mongolians to carry a big knife on the street, but now it has been liberated for decades, and reform and opening up have begun. Now, it's really strange to meet such two swordsmen in this era, still underground, but seeing the modern attire of these two, Tang Sancheng pushed his head forward and asked: "Who are you? "

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