Tang Sancheng's question was not abrupt, it was everyone's question, the two big men looked at each other and started talking in Mongolian, Bai Yi said: "They are discussing whether we are the accomplices of another person, the other People seem to have a hostile relationship with them."

I really didn't expect that Bai Yi could understand Mongolian. Bai Yi said: "They don't seem to be traveling together. They don't speak the code words of fighting against each other, and their attire is also a bit strange. Mongolians, why did they come here?"

At this moment, the two Mongols had finished summing up, and one of them said, "We are shamanists, and we are also guardians of the left and right sides. We came here to find the tomb of the Great Khan."

Shamanism Bai Yi knows that shamanism is an ancient primitive religion of the Mongolian people.Shamanism worships a variety of natural and ancestral spirits.Genghis Khan believed in Shamanism and worshiped "Longevity Heaven".Until the Yuan Dynasty, Shamanism dominated Mongolian society, and still had an important influence on the Mongolian royal family, princes and nobles, and among the people.When the royal family worshiped ancestors, sacrificed to the Taimiao, and when the emperor visited the capital, Shamanism presided over the sacrifices.

Shamanists believe in offering sacrifices to Tengger, which is what believers think of as the "Emperor of Heaven". This Emperor of Heaven can refer to the upper world, that is, heaven; it also refers to the "prince master" who dominates all natural phenomena;Offering sacrifices to the Heavenly Emperor "Tenggri" is one of the important Mongolian ceremonies.There are two kinds of sacrificial methods: "White Sacrifice" which uses traditional dairy products and "Red Sacrifice" which uses the blood of slaughtered sheep.Most of them are held on the seventh or eighth day of July.

Shamanism believes in fire, and believes that fire is the product of the separation of heaven and earth. There are many taboos about fire, such as not pouring water into the fire, messing with the fire with knives and sticks, not to mention spitting into the fire, etc. disrespectful behavior.

The Great Khan mentioned by these two shamanic protectors must be Genghis Khan, Bai Yi secretly groaned in his heart, if they believe that this tomb is the tomb of the Great Khan, then there is no way for them to get a tomb, and The "he" they said in their mouths, that him, probably is not a kind person.

"Who are you guys?" A big man took a step forward, touched the handle of the knife behind him, threatening, Bai Yi cupped his hands: "We are just here to solve the mystery." Then, Bai Yi took out the wooden box. As soon as the wooden box appeared, the two big men immediately fell to the ground, looking very respectful.

Lei Zi secretly admired Bai Yi, this wooden box contains the names of Kublai Khan and his queen, it must be related to Kublai Khan, this is for sure, this Kublai Khan is the ancestor of the Mongolian people, these two are shaman guardians, He was looking for the tomb of the Great Khan again, and maybe he didn't know what the inside story was.

After the salute, the two big men looked very excited when they stood up. One of them kept muttering words. When he listened carefully, it seemed to be a kind of wandering song full of national characteristics. The tune was very long and full of charm. One of them rushed to Bai Yi Arched his hands: "Brother, these two wooden boxes belong to my family, I wonder if I can..."

Without further ado, Bai Yi handed over the wooden box: "Return to the original owner."

Bai Yi's generosity displeased Old Mao Jiang, he snorted, "Young man, you can't accomplish great things with your will." He clasped his hands together and said, "I don't know who their enemy is?"

The two big men were very grateful, and introduced themselves: "My name is Baoyin, and his name is Bart. We are both descendants of the Mongolian Golden Family, except that we are both shamanic protectors."

"Golden family?" Tang Sancheng thought of the golden passage.

"The golden family refers to the Mongols of pure origin, that is, the most pure and outstanding lineage. It is said that the first grandmother of the Mongols, Alan, gave birth to two sons with her husband, but after her husband died, she gave birth to three more. Alan said that these three sons are the descendants of her and a yellow and white god in the sky, and they are the sons of heaven. These three sons are regarded as the purest Mongols. , Genghis Khan is one of the three branches, and the Mongolian khans all come from these three branches, so they are called the golden family, and the golden family has the most outstanding bloodline."

Just after Bai Yi finished speaking, Bao Yin and Bart proudly puffed out their chests: "That's right, the members of our Golden Family are all the best and outstanding."

"You are here to look for the tomb of the Great Khan, how did you find it here? Didn't you say that the tomb of the Khan is at the far end of the grassland?" Bai Yijian won the favor of the two, and asked while the iron was hot.

Baoyin and Bart looked at each other, and seemed a little hesitant again. Bart said, "Tell them, maybe they can help us. We lack helpers." Bart spoke in Mongolian.

Baoyin's expression was uncertain: "He is too cunning, do you think these people are trustworthy, or do you think they can deal with him?"

They mentioned him repeatedly, and he seemed to be a very great person. Bai Yi said in Mongolian: "You two, we are just curious about where the Longevity Bowl went, and we want to find out who the owner of this tomb is. If we can help the two Ladies, I would like to cooperate with you, and, have the two of you ever heard of flying insects like the tiger beetle?"

Bart said: "You actually know the tiger beetle, this kind of insect has been mentioned in the genealogy of the golden family, it is said that it is a kind of insect that can make a sound like an eagle, and can pierce the eardrum of a person, but they are generally They will not make a sound unless provoked, they have a tiger face, and it is said that their wings can be extracted into gold."

Bai Yi was glad that he communicated with them in Mongolian. It was unbelievable that the tiger beetle's wings could extract gold. This was probably one of the reasons why this kind of insect became extinct. Can survive in the "underworld".Bai Yi asked again about the person they had been talking about.

Bart and Baoyin looked at each other, and seemed to have some taboos about that, Baoyin sighed: "We have no clue, it would be best if you could really help, that man is He Baosheng, and he brought us here Tour guide, but when he got here, he snatched our package and disappeared."

He Baosheng! !Bai Yi took a step back, wouldn't he?Seeing that Bai Yi's expression was not right, Tang Sancheng asked him: "What did they say?"

Bai Yi said: "They said that the person who is difficult to deal with is He Baosheng. Do you remember that I mentioned to you my guide, Master Guan's senior disciple?"

"Remember, it's the disciple of Master Guan who felt like retiring after discovering the move of the tomb. You mentioned it." Tang Sancheng understood: "You mean He Baosheng is that great disciple?"

"That's right, but the age is wrong. If you count it, my master...he is over 100 years old." Bai Yi dared not mention the word master. He had just gained the trust of these two people. Words are destroyed.

Tang Sancheng said with a grin: "They're both over 100 years old, so it can't be him. How can these two big guys be afraid of an old man over 100 years old?"

But Baoyin and Bart said seriously: "The one who brought us here is indeed an old man. He doesn't look like he is over 100 years old, but he is about 80 years old, and his body is very strong."

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