It turned out that Baoyin and Bart were looking for the tomb of the Great Khan only for one thing - the Longevity Bowl. This shaman teaches left and right guardians to change every ten years, but if there are special contributors, they can succeed for ten years. The two thought about it and thought of gold. The family tree mentions the loss of the Longevity Bowl. If the Longevity Bowl is found, then the position of the Dharma Guardian will be stable for another ten years. The two searched for all the clues in the family tree, and collected information from people they knew, and finally recruited That old man is an old man named He Baosheng.

This He Baosheng claimed to have found something suspected to be a bowl of longevity in the southern suburbs of Beijing, and he was willing to bring them here. The condition is gold, two pieces of gold. But I didn't expect that when they came here, He Baosheng stole their packages, got into a passage, and disappeared in an instant. Bart and Baoyin were anxious and annoyed. Someone got in, and Bart threw a knife at him, almost killing Bai Yi. The knife was full of anger and exhausted all his strength. The force was so extraordinary that Bai Yi was also shocked.

Bai Yi sighed in his heart, these two Mongols are really innocent, they just fooled here, but they are only half deceived, the clue of the Longevity Bowl is indeed here, it seems that He Baosheng has been here before One is to know that the Longevity Bowl may be here, and the other is to know the secret passage of the agency here, otherwise it is impossible to slip under their noses.

Baoyin and Bart saw that Bai Yi was familiar with the situation of Mongolians and Shamanism, and they were also lost in this tomb passage at this time, so they took the initiative to mention to Bai Yi that they would go in with them to find the Longevity Bowl. The wooden box of the Longevity Bowl was given to them, and Bai Yi naturally agreed. It sounds like there are many valuable things in their golden family's genealogy, which can be used.

In this way, the team has expanded to eight people. Bai Yi told Tang Sancheng to be careful, there are too many people, and they are easy to disperse. When the time comes, they will have to take care of their own lives when they touch the mechanism. Tang Sancheng also knows that Unexpectedly, he didn't dare to talk poorly, so he nodded solemnly in agreement.

According to what Leizi said, after getting in from under the altar, the passage will be tightly blocked, and it can no longer be opened, and it is impossible to go back through the way in. Now the only way to go is to keep going. They first went to the tomb where the wooden box was found before. He skillfully walked to the edge of the wall, switched the positions of the two protruding stone bricks, and an arched door opened. Lei Zi felt that he had the experience of coming in earlier. , Insist on taking the lead at the forefront.

At this time, Qixie suddenly walked up to Bai Yi and whispered something in his ear. After Bai Yi was reminded by Qixie, he realized that if He Baosheng, whom the two Mongolians mentioned was really his master, then he would not jump when he saw him. Open your feet?I haven't changed in the past 50 years, he is already a centenarian, the difference is too big, Bai Yi had an idea, pretended to fall, wiped two handfuls of ashes on the ground, and put it on his face, and immediately turned into a painted cat In addition, his attire is completely different from that of 50 years ago. If this He Baosheng is really his master, he probably won't be sure.

Jiang Laomao stared at Bai Yi's movements, he couldn't help being puzzled, but he was at a disadvantage and didn't dare to say anything, he just paid extra attention to Bai Yi.

With Lei Zi leading the way, it was a smooth journey through the past, until entering the tomb where the wooden box was originally placed, there was no danger or danger. Lei Zi pointed to the place where the wooden box was found. It was a recess in the wall, just enough to put it This wooden box is surrounded by scripture-like patterns on the wall. Just looking at it like this, you will definitely think that this wooden box is a great thing. Unfortunately, when you opened it back then, it was actually empty. Lei Zi is cheaper, otherwise, Lei Zi will not be as good as Lei Zi.

According to Lei Zi's recollection, after discovering the wooden box, he and Brother Zhou were about to enter again, but after entering again, they completely lost their sense of direction and were completely lost in it. He bumped out by mistake, Lei Zi was careful, and when he went out, he engraved the word "雷" on the organ.

At this time, the empty tomb was completely empty. In this way, when Old Mao Jiang came down, he also found that many tombs were empty. What is the use of so many empty tombs?Bai Yi didn't want to stay here any longer, so he suggested to go further in if he found the tiger beetle first. He turned his head suddenly, and saw that Old Mao Jiang's expression was very excited, and his hands were shaking with excitement, so he was very excited. Pay attention to old hat Jiang, in case he plays any tricks, Bai Yi is more worried about this "old Jianghu" than the two Mongolians.

Going further inside, there is no need to go through the trap, outside an arched gate is a long tomb passage, which is also circular, and Lei Zi walked in the front, Tang Sancheng's ears moved, and he called out: "It's the folder." The wall, the wall is moving!"

While Tang Sancheng was speaking, Lei Zi had already noticed that two walls were pressing towards him, Bai Yi squeezed out, took out two pure steel shrink rods developed by Liu Zhixi in his pocket, and threw one to Lei Zi , the two of them raised their sticks horizontally, against the two walls that were pressing towards them, "Go, go quickly!!"

Qixie dragged Tang Sancheng to sneak in quickly, seeing Lei Zi's hand holding the stick was trembling slightly, and the others also sneaked in one by one. The two Mongolians are bold in nature, when have they ever seen such a deadly trap? He was a little flustered for a while, and he didn't dare to move when he stood still. Tang Sancheng waved at them: "What are you waiting for? If you don't come here, my brother will not be able to hold on."

Only then did Baoyin and Bart sneak through it, and when they were done, they asked, "What the hell is this?"

"Things that kill people." Old Mao Jiang said with a pale face.

Lei Zi felt that his hands were about to go numb, his wrists had holes from the shock, and the tiger's mouth was shaken open. The strength of these two walls was beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the stick was about to twist and deform. Yi roared: "Lei Zi, you go out first."

Lei Zi didn't say a word, he knew what was in his mind, he took a few steps forward, and put the stick between the two walls of the tomb passage: "Bai Yi, you come here first, I'll hold it here, there's still time."

As soon as Bai Yi took a few steps forward, he found that the walls were moving faster. Just supporting them at the end was not enough to restrain them from moving. Bai Yi gritted his teeth: "Lei Zi, you go out first, I will figure out a way for myself."

Lei Zi's heart warmed up, mother, he was following the right person, this Bai Yi had a cold face and a warm heart, I was going to fight it out, Lei Zi made up his mind to go forward and retreat with Bai Yi, and wanted to hold on a little longer, when suddenly A hand reached out, pulled his collar and pulled him forward, causing his whole body to fall out of the grave...

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