Tang Sancheng roared loudly, all the tiger beetles flew up, and then wrapped Tang Sancheng's head tightly again, Bai Yi's heart hung up again, Tang Sancheng had already decided to give it a go, the whole He turned his body, trying to shake off those tiger beetles, but no matter how he moved, those tiger beetles firmly stuck to his head, Tang Sancheng lost his balance and bumped towards the back wall, Bai Bai Yi saw Tang Sancheng's body fall and disappeared in front of their eyes.

Qi Xie was about to rush over, but Tang Sancheng saw a large stone pillar bounce from the place where Tang Sancheng fell, and "suddenly" flew towards the crowd, and Guan Guan was about to hit Qi Xie's heart. Just a few taps on the ground, the body flew into the air, and then fell down, avoiding the stone pillar. This neat skill attracted Bart's applause: "Good skill!"

The stone pillar "suddenly" bumped into it, then turned back, knocked to the ground, even with the ground, no trace could be seen at all, Bai Yi was secretly startled, if he had just heard about the danger in the tomb from old hat Jiang, Seeing it with my own eyes now, I have to say that the mechanism in this tomb is sinister and unexpected. Tang Sancheng had so many tiger beetles on his head, and he fell down again. His life and death were uncertain. Although Bai Yi was worried, he knew better. Underneath, there is only self-seeking, life and death are all self-seeking, he looked at Bart a bit: "Brother Bart, did He Baosheng say anything about this?"

Bart said: "He Baosheng only said that this place has something to do with my Mongolian ancestors, and he can't say anything else, let alone the matter of the Longevity Bowl."

He kept mentioning He Baosheng, but didn't even see his shadow. At this moment, Lei Zi found a downward passage and called out: "Bai Yi, I didn't expect that there are two floors here, and there is another floor underground. "

Lei Zi was about to walk down, when he felt a hot current coming up, he yelled: "Damn, there is swamp gas!" There was a "bang", accompanied by sparks, like a fire-breathing dragon spitting upwards, the fire dragon was fleeting in the air, Bart and Baoyin knew little about the swamp gas, so they couldn't dodge it in time, Parts of the eyebrows and hair were burnt, and the mighty aura of the two of them immediately lost a bit, and they looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lei Zi was still wearing loose gunpowder, if it detonated, he would be a scorched corpse, he still patted his heart with some fear: "My God, this is really dangerous, but there must be no one in the underground been there."

The methane gas has already come out, Bai Yi took a flashlight to look down, and saw two people below, like two children, one on the left and one on the right, they didn't move at all, Bai Yi simply walked down, getting closer , Seeing two clay figurines, the outside is made of muddy water, which has dried up and looked very neat. Lei Zi's face was gloomy, and he poked one of the clay figurines lightly with his finger. The outside of the clay figurines A layer of cladding immediately cracked, and fell to the ground with a patter, and the contents inside were exposed, just as Xiao Ning got down, he saw a small black and purple face inside: "Why is it a child? "

Lei Zi turned around and poked open another clay figurine. Inside that one was still a child, his face was black and purple, his eyes were still open, and his eyes felt innocent. Lei Zi clapped his hands and said to Xiao Ning: "You still Is this the first time you see the boys and girls buried with you?"

It turns out that the pair of clay figurines were cast with muddy water by the boys and girls who were buried with them in ancient times. When these boys and girls were alive, in addition to oral mercury, they also had to put mercury on the top of the head, back, soles of the feet, etc. Digging a hole, filling it with mercury, and after death, smearing mercury powder all over the body, just like making a specimen, after thousands of years, the skin and flesh will not rot.Black and purple spots have appeared in many places on the corpse. People buried with them or gold, silver and jade objects are often smeared with mercury powder. After a long time, chemical changes will occur. The young ones will turn brownish red, and the old ones will turn black. Purple, this kind of plaque is commonly known as "mercury spot" or "mercury dip", and in some places it is called "rotten yin" and "mercury blue".

The method of keeping corpses fresh by using water is not suitable for dead people. Once a dead person dies, the blood stops flowing. Mercury cannot travel with the blood in the body, so it will not work. This method can only be used on living people. A pair of boys and girls looked like six-year-old children today. Children in ancient times were not as developed as they are now, and their age would shrink forward. It is estimated that they are about four years old. Xiao Ning saw that the girl's head was still There are bell-like ornaments, and she was also a beauty-loving child during her lifetime: "Her head and the clothes on her body are rotten, but they always feel very decent, and..."

"And what?" Bai Yi also had the same feeling as Xiao Ning. Generally, the boys and girls who were buried alive with them all looked very miserable, but this pair of boys and girls seemed... a bit extravagant, yes, It's nobleness, their posture still retains some traces of their lives, the girl is raising her head, looking at it innocently, the headdress on her head is not only the pair of bells, but also a small jade hairpin, which looks the same The style of the Han people, Xiao Ning wrapped his hands in a cloth and carefully took it out. The style of this jade hairpin is very generous. Xiao Ning tilted his head and said: "This hairpin looks like it is used by adults. By the way, why do I think it is in the Where have you seen it?"

Lei Zi glanced at it, and said in shock: "Isn't this the one on the head of the girl on the wall? It's exactly the same!!"

Really, Bai Yi always felt that he was going to catch something, but all the clues couldn't be connected together, and Jiang Laomao suddenly fell to his knees: "She has manifested, and she has manifested again!" He Knocking his head desperately, he could hear the sound when he knocked his head on the ground, Jiang Laomao screamed, and kept repeating this action, like crazy, until his head was bleeding, Baoyin saw But he didn't go over and picked him up, Jiang Laomao was still muttering: "She has manifested, she must be attached to this virgin, it is her, it must be her!!"

Bai Yi listened to old mao Jiang's crazy words, and suddenly pointed at old mao Jiang: "Old boy, you didn't tell the truth back then!!"

This old hat Jiang mentioned that he had seen a tiger beetle, but he didn't mention the Han woman on the wall. It stands to reason that the four walls are all portraits of that Han woman. Maybe he didn't notice it, but he didn't even mention a word, and now he was yelling at her desperately, she, her, the old hat Jiang was obviously talking about the Han girl on the wall, saying that "he has appeared again", he said before I have seen a Hannv appear at least once, otherwise why would the word "you" pop up? ?

Old Mao Jiang was held back by Bai Yi, and suddenly squatted down, covered his face with his hands, and sobbed like a child, which made everyone puzzled...

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