Old Mao Jiang cried for 5 minutes with snot and tears, and then wiped his face, looked at Bai Yi: "Brother Bai, it's not that I won't tell you the truth, but that there is no way to tell the truth about this matter. Ah, it's so evil. I have been working on this for more than ten years, and I can't live anymore. I thought, as long as I come back and see her again, I will be satisfied, even if I die here, I'm happy too."

This is inexplicable, Xiao Ning is a woman after all, and he touched something: "You are arguing to come back with us, just because of the man on the wall?"

Old Mao Jiang nodded: "Yes, it's her. I'm willing to come down again because of her."

It turned out that Old Mao Jiang ran into that tomb by mistake, and when he stumbled in, he saw a beautiful woman on the wall looking back at him. For a moment, he was dazzled, and Old Mao Jiang felt The woman seemed to take away his own soul. At first he didn't know that there was a tiger beetle attached to it, but he thought it was because his eyes were dazzled, or his life was not long, and he was going to see the king of Hades. A hallucination appeared, and he fell to the ground with a light body. In the dimness, he only felt that someone approached him, a little closer, it was that woman's face, and her appearance was very gentle. In those years, because of fighting for many years, there were a few good friends, but they were all acting on the occasion, trading flesh and blood, and there was no one who could get to know each other. With a single movement, old hat Jiang seemed to be in a fairyland...

When he heard this, Lei Zi raised his eyebrows in disdain. This is really easy to explain. This Jiang Laomao experienced life and death back then, and suffered the biggest blow in his life. Six brothers died one after another before his eyes. I'm afraid my sanity has long been unclear, and it's not surprising that some hallucinations occurred because I was exhausted at the time. Under the ground, what can't happen?

Besides, Jiang Laomao at that time only felt relaxed and happy. When he woke up again, he opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the portrait of a Han woman on the wall, and then he saw the tiger beetle staying on it. It was the first time he saw these flying insects, and he didn't know how powerful they were, but at that time, all his thoughts were on the Han woman on the wall, and he looked at the portrait of the Han woman devoutly, without making a sound. Come out, when I was on the top just now, I heard Bart talk about the power of the tiger beetle, and Jiang Laomao's heart felt cold. Thinking back then, I only thought it was the ghost of the Han woman in the painting, so I didn't dare to offend, it was not too big The action excited those tiger beetles, otherwise it would be a dead body here.

Jiang Laomao looked at the Han woman from a distance, especially the portrait of the Han woman looking back. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the Han woman was looking at him. He stood there, looking at the Han woman, and he no longer knew the time. Jiang Laomao's adventure made him feel that his life was all in vain. In a trance, if he hadn't suddenly thought of six brothers dying here, which aroused his desire to survive, he might have died. Stay on it and die.

"You say, I'm old, do I have the nerve to mention this?" Old Mao Jiang said with a bitter face, and Lei Zi gave a "tsk": "No wonder you were on the top just now, you seemed to be fascinated. There is such a relationship."

"When you left from the top, which way did you go?" Bai Yi asked. Now the tomb is really like a maze. Tang Sancheng fell in from the place where the stone pillar protruded, and there is another path leading here. The channel for boys and girls, this old hat Jiang certainly did not leave from these two places, which means that there is a third channel.

"The portrait opens from the middle. I left from there. There is a tomb passage that zigzags to the top." Jiang Laomao said, "I will remember it when I come back here."

Bai Yi knew that what he said in the last sentence was pure nonsense. He didn't remember it until he came here. He wanted to keep this hand. After he got down, he could restrain himself and leave a way for himself. This old hat Jiang, It was funny, but he said it so bluntly now, it was a bit suspicious, and he didn't know what his intention was.

After Bart and Baoyin arrived underground, they didn't say a word, and their expressions were a little disconcerted. Looking at the boys and girls behind them, there were children's toys. The ancient toys were very simple, and there were not many styles. Most of them are made of wood, piled there, it looks a bit quiet, covered with thick dust, but it must still have the voices and smiles of the children when they were alive, but here comes the problem, it is usually used for burial The virgin boys and girls can only be buried with them after being cleaned up, and half of the things used by the virgin boys and girls will not be buried.

Bai Yi suddenly came to his senses, looked at the clothes of the children, they were wearing ancient clothes of the Han nationality: "These two children are children of the Han nationality."

Baoyin suddenly became agitated, and said angrily, "What's going on here? Isn't this the tomb of our Mongolian ancestors? Why are there shadows of Han people everywhere?"

Bart twitched him. Except for the two of them, everyone else here is Han Chinese. Baoyin was still a little angry, muttering incessantly, looking upset. Leizi was a little upset by Baoyin's words. : "Cut, what's wrong with the Mongols, what's the matter with the Han people, it's all in the 80s, you thought it was the world of Mongolians in your Yuan Dynasty, if you want to kill or cut it up, it's up to you?"

Bart cupped his hands at Leizi, and said with a hearty smile: "Brother, I, Brother Baoyin, didn't mean that. He has a real temper, and he never speaks thoughtfully. Don't take it to heart. In fact, we came here for the Longevity Bowl. This Longevity Bowl was left by my ancestor Kublai Khan, and according to the situation at that time, it is indeed not normal to say what was said at that time."

Bai Yi also said: "That's right, this tomb is so unusual, even the pair of boys and girls buried with us are different from what we are usually used to, someone brought the things they used during their lifetime, That’s what close relatives do.”

At this time, Xiao Ning made a new discovery. She pointed to the pair of virgin boys and girls and said, "Don't you think this pair of virgin boys and girls are very similar? They can't be twins, right?"

Although the whole body of this pair of boy and girl is black and purple, their bodies are not rotten, and their faces can still be seen clearly. The faces, eyes and noses of this pair of children are very similar, and even their heights are about the same. Bai Yi said: "Could this pair of children be the children of the girl on the wall?"

"You might as well say that this tomb belongs to that Han woman." Lei Zi said.

As soon as he said this, Baoyin let out a long sigh, and suddenly squatted on the ground: "Could it be that what is said in the golden genealogy must be true?"

His words were so random that people couldn't understand them. Bai Yi asked Bart. He always thought that Bart was more reliable: "Brother Bart, is there anything unusual recorded in this golden genealogy?"

Bart, who has always been straightforward and knows everything, hesitates at this time.

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