Bart refused to say that Bai Yi knew that it must have something to do with the taboos of their ancestors, so he didn't force him to return his attention to the tomb of the boy and girl, and cast the boy and girl with mercury cement and poured Unlike being buried with them, it is to keep the bodies of the boys and girls from decaying, and their intentions are not evil. Since the intentions are not evil, why do they have to use living people to pour mercury?Is it because they will die sooner or later?

Bai Yi felt that the latter was more likely. Since the pair of boys and girls were going to die sooner or later, how could they die? It would be more comforting to die. There is nothing more comforting than keeping the body from decay. They checked around , to see if there are any other secret passages in the mechanism, suddenly heard a knocking sound from the partition wall, "It's Tang Sancheng!" Xiao Ning exclaimed excitedly, she just felt that Tang Sancheng would not give in easily, He is like grass roots, seemingly weak, but powerful.

Lei Zi found the place where the voice came from, it was in the corner beside the girl, Lei Zi sniffed it: "Someone came here just now, and he was a heavy smoker. The smell of smoke is really unusual."

Bai Yi's heart moved, and he walked to a corner and smelled it. It was really, the smell was a bit pungent. It must not be the ordinary cigarettes now that can emit such a strong smell of smoke, only the dry tobacco in the past. Dry tobacco is also a kind of tobacco that is smoked by putting shredded tobacco in dry pipes. It was very common in the past. At that time, who could smoke cigarettes in ordinary households? , but there are still some people who can't let go of their feelings for Hanyan, so now you can still see people holding big smoking guns in small alleys in Beijing.

The big smoking gun is a dry pipe. The front is a metal pot, mostly made of copper. The middle part is mostly hollow wood (mostly ebony, but also bamboo) as a rod. The mouth of the pipe at the back is because It varies from person to person. Some wealthy families use jade, while ordinary people use copper mouth handles. Because there is no filter device, it is very choking.

Now there are large and small cigarette pouches and various cigarette pouch accessories in some small department stores.The big cigarette pouch is 60 centimeters long, and the small one is less than 20 centimeters.There are many small vendors in the market selling leaf tobacco and tobacco powder.Some families have a lot of smokers, and each person has a pipe.Even 7- or 8-year-old girls followed the example of adults in smoking, and went to the woodpile to smoke and caused a fire.There is also a store that sells small department stores that has made a large cigarette belt nearly 3 meters long and the size of a pipe pot and a washbasin as a cover to attract customers.

At that time, my master had a dry pipe in his hand, and the head was made of jade, and it was Hetian jade. It was a piece of Hetian jade wall that the master poured out when he was fighting. Putting it on the pipe, it seems that the style of the pipe has really improved. I don’t know if I really like the taste of the pipe, or I can’t put down the small piece of Hetian jade on it. The master always carries it with him, and smokes when he has nothing to do. Take a few sips, very comfortable.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi felt that the person who brought Bart and Baoyin in must be his master, He Baosheng. He is over 100 years old now, not to mention that he is still alive, and he still has energy and energy involved in this matter. Come on, could it be said that the person knocking now is the master?

Lei Zi had already leaned into the corner of the wall, and shouted loudly: "Tang Sancheng, is it you? If so, just say a word!!"

There was a sudden silence on the other side of the wall. Unlike Lei Zi and Bai Yi, Tang Sancheng could type Morse code, he could convey some meaning by knocking. Going over: "Your mother's Tang Sancheng, whether it's dead or alive, you squeak!!"

Xiao Ning suddenly squeezed over, knocked on the stone wall with his hands, and shook his head: "This stone is very dense, it's not easy to dig it out, I'm afraid we can only use explosives."

Hearing that explosives were going to be used, Baoyin shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, if this collapses this place, where can we find the Longevity Bowl?"

I only heard a voice from the opposite side: "This is not allowed to be bombed. The structure of the tomb is very complicated. It is not a conventional tomb. If it is blown up, we will never be able to get out. The girl just now, you can see that the stone is very dense. , I seem to be an expert, let me tell you, the density of the stone is not fake, but the stone wall is arranged in order, don't dig, find the edge where there is a gap, pry first, then dig, it can still be dug through. "

Baoyin rushed over suddenly: "Old man, it was you, return my package to me!!"

Compared with Bart, this Baoyin is still much naive. At this time, he only cares about his package, but this proves that the person inside is undoubtedly He Baosheng. Although the voice has become a lot older, but this voice is white. Yi still remembered it clearly, and it was undoubtedly his guiding master.

Bai Yi subconsciously didn't say anything more, watched Xiao Ning pass by, the flashlight shone on the stone wall, He Baosheng said that the arrangement of the stones on it was in a rhombus shape, and when he found the junction, Xiao Ning took out a steel needle Come on, the front is flat and sharp, find the gap and insert it in, and take out a hammer to knock it down, and immediately see that the stone is broken. This work is relatively delicate and cannot be completed immediately. Two Mongolians The man was a little impatient, so Bart leaned over directly: "Girl, can I help?"

Xiao Ning looked at the Mongolian broadsword on his back, thinking that the knife was squeezed hard on the wall just now, and it didn't bend half a bit. Knowing that the knife was very hard and easy to use, he asked Bart to stab the knife into the gap In the middle, other people moved big stones and smashed down, and excavated on both sides at the same time. It was easy to do things with so many people. After a while, a hole the size of a fist was punched in the stone wall, and the voice from inside became clearer.

He Baosheng said: "Don't come in for a while, there are nests of crossbows here."

There are often hidden crossbows in the tomb. Once touched, the hidden place in the tomb will shoot out the crossbow. The force is very strong. If the dodge is not timely, the arrow will pierce the body immediately and kill you on the spot. Most of the inverted crossbows have seen this kind of hidden crossbow. , This nest of crossbows, according to its literal meaning, is a nest of crossbows. Once touched, hundreds of crossbow arrows will be shot out, piercing the heart of the hill digger with thousands of arrows.

It was not convenient for Bai Yi to speak, so he cast a look at Qi Xie, Qi Xie understood, "Are you injured? Where is the direction of Wo Nu?"

"That's right, I got an arrow in my leg and I've pulled it out. That nest of crossbows can be fired repeatedly." He Baosheng was a little conscientious now: "When you come in, you will touch the mechanism, so it's better to stay outside .”

Now that the stone wall has been enlarged again, Lei Zi's flashlight shines on it, and a face appears in front of Bai Yi, that face is smooth, without many wrinkles, just a head of silver hair, the so-called crane-haired youthful face refers to this kind of situation, right? , seeing a small mole under that nose, Bai Yi was sure that he was his master.

He Baosheng looked this way for a while, and suddenly said: "Just now I heard the voices from your side, and I know a few voices very well, as if I know them."

Bai Yi's heart skipped a beat.

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