Baoyin jumped over, thinking that there was a Wonu over there, and took another step back: "Old man, where is our package, don't change the subject here."

"Both of you, I think we have a little misunderstanding." He Baosheng said: "It is true that I have the package of the two of you, but it was not my intention to leave. I just stepped on the mechanism by accident and fell here by mistake. You see, I am also trying to find a way to get out, Baoyin, you'd better not get too close, if you step forward half a centimeter, you will step on the mechanism."

Baoyin took a step back in fright, and Bai Yi laughed secretly in his heart. This is a trick that the master often plays, the tactics of attacking the mind. I have benefited a lot from this. I didn't expect that the master is more than 100 years old. It's a pity that I can't appear in front of him now that I am in this state, and the friendship between master and apprentice cannot be continued.

He Baosheng made some excuses, which made Baoyin and Bart doubtful, and He Baosheng said again: "You two, are there any valuable or shocking treasures in your package?"

"No." Bart said.

"That's it. If I rob it, I want to make money. There is nothing in the package. Could it be that I, an old man over 100 years old, can't get a bad name?" He Baosheng laughed, and this smile moved The wound on his leg, he couldn't help crying out in pain, Bai Yi thought he was an old man over 100 years old, even if his body was strong, the functions of his five internal organs had already degenerated, this injury probably hurt his muscles and bones immediately, Bai Yi Yi took out the special ointment in the bag, without making any sound, just threw it over.

He Baosheng took the ointment and sniffed it: "Hey, this is a good medicine. It is a high-quality medicine for decontamination and suppuration. It contains notoginseng and Baiyao, both of which are high-quality. Thank you, brother."

Bai Yi didn't say a word, Qi Xie said: "You're welcome." Qi Xie was very clever, seeing that Bai Yi didn't say a word, he naturally had his reasons, so he stepped forward.

At this moment, the entrance of the cave was made wider by Xiao Ning, and He Baosheng's entire body was exposed. Qixie asked him if he could still walk, He Baosheng nodded, raised his breath a little, then stood up while supporting the upper wall, and slowly He came over slowly, and as soon as he came over, he saw Bai Yi, but immediately turned his gaze away, which made Bai Yi heave a sigh of relief.

He Baosheng pointed behind himself: "There are the packages of the two of you, and I haven't even unwrapped them."

Bart and Baoyin immediately went to pick it up, and when they squeezed the package, they were not disturbed. He Baosheng said: "This tomb is really full of tricks, so be careful every step you take."

He was stabbed with a big hole in his leg, luckily it didn't go through the bone, he threw a strip from his clothes and tied it up, but there was still blood oozing out, now with the medicine given by Bai Yi, it seems to be better, It's just that his face is still as white as snow.

This He Baosheng cupped his hands at Qixie, he thought it was the medicine given by Qixie: "You saved my life, I have to repay you, go, go back to the tomb above, I have a secret to tell you."

When He Baosheng saw the pair of boy and girl who had been poked open by the mud seal, He Baosheng shook his head: "What a crime!"

Bai Yi walked at the back, and then went back to the tomb where there were stone carvings of Han women on the top. He Baosheng pointed to one side, which was the one of Han women playing the piano: "Knock off the upper layer, and you can see the lower layer. It's a mystery."

Jiang Laomao was stunned for a moment, then rushed out and stood in front of the wall: "No!!"

With Bart and Baoyin around, how can he not do it?The two of them lifted old Jiang's hat and squatted down to take a look. The outside looked like a stone carving, but it turned out to be a mural. Looking at the other three, they were out-and-out stone portraits. Only this one The outside of the piece is a mural disguised as a stone carving, painted directly on it, and the visual effect is as if carved on it, which is very ingenious.

This is the mystery that He Baosheng discovered. On the outer layer of murals, Bart and Baoyin smashed the wall with big knives, and it fell down cracklingly. Stop, Old Mao Jiang sat down on the ground, with a bitter face, looking like he was dying, Lei Zi saw his appearance, and said angrily: "Old Jiang, you have to figure it out. This is not a fairy, it is a portrait, a portrait, do you understand?"

"..." Old Mao Jiang was speechless, but just gave Lei Zi a venomous look.

The outer layer of murals has peeled off, revealing the real mystery inside. Bart suddenly stopped, and said something in Mongolian, which looked a little weird, like joy and bitterness. Yin's reaction was much more violent. He spit out a long string of excited Mongolian words, and Bart gestured to him to shut him up.

Bai Yi understood these words, what Bart said was: "How is it possible."

Baoyin was excited and incoherent: "The golden genealogy is true, but he really buried himself and the Han girl here, and the Longevity Bowl is also him..."

The content behind this was interrupted by Bart. The mystery of this wall is that there is a portrait carved on the stone wall under the mural on the outside. There is a Mongolian man on this portrait. This is obvious, because there are many Mongolians. The hair on the forehead is made into a small lock, like a peach, and the rest is braided into two braids, which are then twisted into two big rings and hang behind the ears. Wearing a hat on the head, this kind of dress is completely different from that of the Han people. The clothes he was wearing were relatively tight and narrow, with many pleats at the waist, this kind of clothes were very convenient for getting on and off the horse, after Bai Yi finished reading it, he couldn't help saying: "He is wearing the royal crown prince's royal uniform. "

When Bart saw Luo Tian speak out, he raised his head and sighed: "That's right, he is indeed the crown prince, the former crown prince."

"Who is he?" Lei Zi asked, "Looking at his portrait, he has an extraordinary appearance, and his appearance is different from ordinary Mongolians. He looks very handsome, but he is somewhat gentle."

"He..." Bart hesitated to speak, and Baoyin said angrily: "Say it, tell it, tell them everything, anyway, everyone in the Golden Tribe knows about it."

"Shut up!!" Bart finally couldn't stand Baoyin's childishness, and yelled sharply. Although Baoyin was born tall and strong, he was very afraid of Bart. When he saw Bart getting angry, he languished and sent Baoyin away. , Bart said: "If such a thing hadn't happened back then, Kublai Khan would definitely not be the one who ascended the throne, because he is the real crown prince and a member of the golden tribe, and his talent is far beyond the Above the Great Khan, the Great Khan takes a fancy to him."

This profuse sweat should refer to Genghis Khan. However, the crown prince did not mention it in the relevant historical records. What kind of big mistake did he make? Except for the golden genealogy, all records have erased his existence .

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