At this time, Bai Yi had infinite questions to ask, but he realized that he had already opened his mouth just now, and He Baosheng looked at him with doubtful eyes just now, and he was also thinking in his heart, how should he open his mouth, it is impossible for him not to speak Yes, thinking that He Baosheng is more than 100 years old after all, even if it sounds familiar, but seeing that I am so young, I probably don't think that such a bizarre thing happened to me, and I refused to admit it, but that's all, I thought of my own Name, 50 years ago, I was called Bai Yi, and now I still call it this name, this is another flaw, left to think, right to go, Bai Yi still doesn't know what to do for the first time.

Fortunately, Qixie was still there, and Qixie asked, "Is this crown prince also the son of Genghis Khan?"

"That's right, and he is the most favored son of the Great Khan. According to the golden genealogy, his talent is amazing." Bart hesitated and said: "At that time, the Han people and the Mongols were incompatible, and the Han people laughed at the Mongols. People can only lead troops to fight, but they can't play all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and there is no way to compare with the Han people in porcelain technology. It is ashamed, and...the Longevity Bowl was also the first idea put forward by the crown prince."

"Wait." Lei Zi realized something was wrong, and he glanced at Jiang Laomao: "It's not that the Longevity Bowl has the meaning of longevity, but that Kublai Khan followed the words of the original alchemist in order to pursue eternal life. Was it fired with Kunlun soil?"

"This..." Bart glanced at Baoyin. Baoyin was annoyed because Bart didn't agree with him, and he was angry at him. He turned his head and ignored Bart. Bart sighed: "It's all these It’s the past, so it’s okay to talk about it. In fact, it’s only later that the firing of longevity bowls can achieve longevity. It was the crown prince who first came up with this idea. He said that the Han people always laughed at the Mongols’ porcelain firing technology as inferior to them. Then firing a pair of porcelain that is unique in the world made the Han people stunned, and then started the idea of ​​the Longevity Bowl. However, before the crown prince's idea was officially implemented, a major event happened. The sweat was angry with the crown prince. He not only Lost the position of Great Khan, and was completely disappeared from the records."

"Does it have something to do with this Han woman?" Lei Zi said, this is already on the verge of coming out, there is only one line to connect them.

"That's right, this Han woman is the crown prince's favorite woman, but after the Yuan Dynasty opened, there has never been a precedent for a Han woman as the crown prince's concubine. This Han woman has excellent piano skills and is very soft and beautiful, which is quite different from the Mongolian woman. Ever since the crown prince met her, he has never forgotten her, and even returned a marriage that Da Khan had arranged for him, insisting on marrying this Han woman."

Bart said: "The crown prince usually looks very docile and polite, but when he becomes stubborn, he can't pull back even ten horses. The Khan tempted him with the position of Khan, but the crown prince was unmoved, and the Khan was annoyed. He stripped him of his crown prince position, and ordered that all records about him be deleted, and the crown prince be obliterated in name, but the golden genealogy is different. It is a book that truly records all the things about the golden clan. The genealogy is not influenced by the Great Khan, it is the words of the ancestors, so the matter of the crown prince was recorded in detail."

"The crown prince insisted on marrying the Han woman in the end. The two hit it off, regardless of other people's eyes. However, the Han woman was weak and couldn't give birth at the beginning. She finally gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins. I have a disease, and after the birth of the Han woman, I am also physically weak, and I can't live long. At that time, the Great Khan had already passed away, and another generation of Khans had passed away. Longevity Bowl, I have invited the crown prince to enter the palace to discuss this matter.” Bart said: “Kublai Khan should call the crown prince uncle, because the crown prince is very knowledgeable, so he likes to stay with him since he was a child, and Although the two are uncles and nephews, they are about the same age, and they probably have heard of the Crown Prince's proposal about the Longevity Bowl."

When Lei Zi heard this, he also had some feelings: "Could it be that the Crown Prince stole the Longevity Bowl after hearing the alchemist say that the Longevity Bowl can make people live longer in order to save the Han girl?"

This..." Bart stammered: "The crown prince indeed disappeared suddenly with a pair of children and a dying man. I left, because Kublai Khan had a very good relationship with his uncle, so the news was blocked from the outside world. Occasionally, some news came out, and it was also said that the firing failed. However, the official history did not mention it, but the unofficial history kept spreading the news However, the golden genealogy is also unclear about the whereabouts of the Longevity Bowl, but the result is already ready to come out. "

This crown prince is really out of line. Not only did he marry a Han woman in the Yuan Dynasty, but he even dared to steal the Longevity Bowl to save the Han woman’s life, but it obviously failed. However, this tomb is the tomb of the Han woman. There is no doubt about it. Next The fact that the pair of virgin boys and girls are their twins has also been confirmed, but where is this coffin?

"What is the origin of that alchemist?" Qi Xie asked suddenly.

"That alchemist, it's strange to say that when this person was mentioned in the golden genealogy, he also used an uncertain tone. The person who recorded the golden genealogy was the guardian with the longest shamanism, and the guardian who was in charge of recording at that time may not have figured it out. The origin of this alchemist only said that he came from Middle Earth. The firing of the Longevity Bowl was not smooth. It was the alchemist who came up with a way to make a pair. He was honored by Kublai Khan. What happened? people know."

Alchemists, why are there so many alchemists?Bai Yi was feeling a little bored. These mysteries piled up. Fortunately, the tomb was now roughly clear. This is the tomb cast by one of Genghis Khan's favorite sons for his wife and a pair of children. So is the Longevity Bowl. He took it.

"By the way, you have been calling him the crown prince, the crown prince, what is his real name?" Lei Zi said.

Bart explained: "Back then, the Great Khan annoyed him and prevented his existence from being recorded in the historical records. Even his first and last names were taken away. He was a person without a name and surname. In fact, he had his real name. In the golden genealogy, there is For the record, his name is Borjijin amp; #8226; Brother Wu, and like Kublai Khan, he belongs to the same lineage of Borjijin."

Now the clue is clear. At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled violently. Everyone swayed uncontrollably and couldn't stand upright. Bai Yi was supported by Qixie. Lei Zi said: " Fuck, it's like an explosion!"

Suddenly, more than half of the wall with the picture of the Han girl looking back collapsed, and the stone fell to the ground. A hand stretched out from inside, and a gray head stretched out, and then a hand, holding the stone. That head lifted up: "It's me, Tang Sancheng!"

"You're not dead!" Xiao Ning rushed over, approached, saw a tiger beetle standing on Tang Sancheng's head, and stopped in fright, Tang Sancheng could still laugh at this moment: " It's okay, it's okay, I pulled out its stinger."

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