Tang Sancheng dared to pull the poisonous sting of the tiger beetle, this is a great anecdote, Lei Zi went to drag him out, saw Tang Sancheng's whole body was dirty: "Why did you run out from here?"

Tang Sancheng sat down on the ground with his buttocks, this is a long story, it turned out that when Tang Sancheng was surrounded by the tiger beetle, he wanted to fight hard, but instead he strayed into the stone pillar trap, that trap was divided into two, one On the one hand, it goes directly to the ground, and on the other hand, it activates the stone pillar. As soon as Tang Sancheng fell to the ground, he felt that the tiger beetles on his face flew out. When he looked up, they were all lying on the wall. Hei, Tang Sancheng lit the flashlight and saw a sarcophagus there, but later he knew it was not a sarcophagus. At that time, he was so excited that he immediately thought that he had found the tomb owner's coffin and wanted to come up and inform Bai Yi They, but the passage down has become a mechanism of death.

Bai Yi said: "It seems that all the organs here are like this. Once you enter, you can't go back the same way unless you destroy the structure of the tomb, so you have no way to come back the same way."

It was like this at that time, fortunately Tang Sancheng had the experience of staying alone in the mobile tomb, he was not as flustered as before, and he was much more courageous, he saw those tiger beetles lying on the wall obediently, moving They didn't even move for a moment, and their wings stopped flapping. Tang Sancheng felt that these insects seemed a little scared when they came here, and they didn't dare to move. The tiger early armor didn't move, Tang Sancheng dared to move, he touched it first. I checked my head to make sure that there is no missing piece in my head, or that there is a missing piece in my face, and then I danced with my hands and feet.

He studied here with a flashlight, stepped on the mechanism, and activated the nest. Fortunately, Tang Sancheng has a pair of ears that are different from ordinary people. When he heard the sound of "swish", he stepped on it immediately. The nest did not hit Tang Sancheng, however, shot at the wall in unison, that's where the tiger beetles were lying, and many of them were killed immediately!

It is said that one thing can overcome one thing. These tiger beetles are unusual. If you are facing the nest, you will have nothing to do, and you can’t dodge. It seems that their reaction ability is really average. Even ear-piercing eagle calls and deadly poisons are useless.

Tang Sancheng touched the top of his head, and felt a chill behind his back, and looked at the tiger beetle on the wall, about a quarter was dead, and the rest were still lying there, Tang Sancheng picked up the dead one on the ground Tiger beetle, their wings are very hard, the shiny golden things seem to be stuck on the wings, and the venomous stinger at the end is still there hard, Tang Sancheng took a cloth wrapped in his hand to pull it out on a whim, and found that The stinger was pulled out lightly, it turned out that the stinger was not from the tiger beetle itself, but inserted in the day after tomorrow! !

Lei Zi waved his hand and interrupted Tang Sancheng's narration: "Wait, what are you talking about? The poisonous stinger behind the tiger beetle's buttocks is not self-contained, someone put it there?"

"That's right." Tang San felt aggrieved when he saw that Lei Zi didn't believe it, but he took the risk to prove it, and he took out the venomous thorn wrapped in cloth: "Look, this is clearly a silver needle. How can there be silver needles?"

Everyone gathered around to have a look, and He Baosheng nodded: "This young man is right. This is really a silver needle, and it is a silver needle soaked with poison. Young man, you pull this silver needle down. Fortunately, it is separated by a layer of cloth, so there is no direct contact." , or you would have died long ago."

Bart took off the silver beam on the Mongolian sword behind him. This silver beam can detect poison, and everyone's eyes were on the silver beam in his hand. Bart touched the silver beam to the silver needle in the cloth bag, and the silver beam immediately changed. Became black!

"It's extremely poisonous." Lei Zi was speechless. Tang Sancheng was surrounded by so many tiger beetles, and so many poisonous needles were pressed against his face. He was not dead yet. Tang Sancheng's life was too great. !

Tang Sancheng's face turned pale, he knew it was poisonous, but seeing Yin Shuzi's reaction, it was really...

It took a long time for the blackness of the silver beams to fade away, and both Bart and Baoyin were greatly impacted. Bart said: "The tiger bug beetle helped our ancestors to be invincible and invincible until the death of Genghis Khan. After Khan died, the tiger beetle slowly disappeared."

"Can the poisonous sting at the end of the tiger beetle be mentioned in the golden genealogy?" Lei Zi asked.

"It's only said that it can kill the enemy, and it is highly poisonous." Bart shook his head: "But I saw it with my own eyes today, and I realized that the poisonous stinger of the tiger beetle was artificially put on it. It's incredible!!"

"By the way, these tiger beetles have writing on their backs, but I don't know them. Take a look." Tang Sancheng took the tiger beetle off his shoulder, Bart glanced at it, and said : "Brzygood!!"

When everyone questioned, they realized that when translated into Chinese, Buzhigude means eagle. Eagles are closely related to shamans. If you want to explain the origin of Mongolian shamans, you cannot do without eagles.According to the shaman tradition, the eagle is the divine bird messenger of the sky. It was ordered to descend to the world to marry the tribal leader and give birth to a beautiful girl. Feathers were woven into a divine garment for the girl, and a divine crown made of feathers was inserted on her head, allowing her to invite her to travel to the heavens, and cultivated her into a remarkable "Odugen" in the world, which explains the source of Mongolian witches. myth.

The earliest incarnation of the male shaman is also related to the eagle.At the beginning of the world, there was no sickness or death in the world.After a while, the evil spirits sprinkled sickness and death on the world, and people began to suffer.At this time, the gods sent eagles from the sky to the world to help.However, the specially sent eagle finally landed on the ground. The people on the ground could not understand what it said, nor could they figure out why it came to the world.As a last resort, the eagle flew up at the feet of the gods and returned to the sky.So, the gods ordered the eagle to say: After arriving on the ground, teach the skills of shaman to the first person you meet.In this way, the eagle came to the world again and saw a woman sleeping under a tree at a glance. The eagle intersected with this woman and made her pregnant.At this time, the woman was temporarily separated from her husband. When she returned to her husband, she gave birth to a boy at full term. This was the earliest shaman in the world.

Since the shaman was conceived by the eagle, the eagle became the symbol of the ancestor spirit of the shaman. "Secret History of Mongolia" records that when Yesugai proposed to Dexue Chan's family for his son Temujin, later Genghis Khan, Dexue Chan said that he dreamed of Bai Haiqing holding the sun and moon and flying to his arm. , I think this is a good omen, and Bai Haiqing here is an eagle.Then Bai Haiqing is naturally the ancestral god of the Qiyan tribe belonging to Genghis Khan. They used the eagle as their totem ancestor, which also has its historical basis.

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