Tang Sancheng was the first to hear of the term rotten jade. What are sapphire, white jade, Hetian jade, aren't jades divided into such categories?The name of this rotten jade is a bit weird, a jade that can be corrupted?

He Baosheng circled around the coffin made of rotten jade several times, unable to conceal the joy on his face: "As expected of me, I have lived for so many years. It is really worth seeing the legendary rotten jade coffin in my lifetime. Even if I die now, I don’t feel any regrets.”

It turns out that this rotten jade is also called insect jade. This kind of jade has a very strange characteristic. First of all, in terms of appearance, it is no different from a stone. It does not have the appearance characteristics of jade, but it still has the warmth of jade to the touch, that is, Tang Sancheng The feeling of touch, in the Daedou world, it is believed that this kind of insect jade has mysterious power. It is a kind of strange jade with life. As long as a flame is burned near the insect jade, a large amount of black as thick as solidification will be emitted from it. After the mist, the black mist, all nearby substances that exceed a certain temperature will be corroded into pus.Once the rotten jade is put into the tomb, it is the most dangerous mechanism, and the tomb robbers who are not prepared to hold torches will die unexpectedly.

Tang Sancheng said: "Does that mean that if I hold a torch and approach this coffin, I will melt?"

"That's right." He Baosheng stretched out his finger and pointed at Tang Sancheng's head: "How else can you say that you are a fool and have a fool? You hit it with a stone, because friction will also cause heat, but the temperature is not enough, so you can only It's just a little bit of black smoke, it won't hurt you, and you escaped unharmed."

"But does this also mean that the coffin cannot be opened? Any external force can cause friction, and the heat is certain. Wherever the black mist goes, it can cause corrosion. We have no way to get close to it? "Xiao Ning said.

"This girl is smart, but what you said is just one of them. This chrysanthemum jade is extremely rare, and once it is shaped, it will be extremely hard." He Baosheng said: "I heard that the person who can shape the chrysanthemum jade must be a Yin person."

Yin people, Yin people hair!Bai Yi's heart skipped a beat, the yin person hair is one of the seven things, this yin person is the person who does things for Lord Hades in the yang world.This kind of people, on the surface, like ordinary people, need to eat and sleep, but they can talk to ghosts.You have to tell them apart, there is only one way, that is, when they sleep, their shoes are placed under the bed, and the toe of the shoes is facing inwards, so it is not known whether they can talk to ghosts, I only know that almost no one has encountered this kind of ghost Well, if the person who handles this tomb is a yin person, then there is no hope for the yin person?

Bai Yi was very excited, and it was a surprise to get another clue of one of the seven things here, only to hear He Baosheng continue to say: "This Bo'er is only Jin amp;#8226; Brother Wu actually has friendship with Yin people , It’s unbelievable, this chrysanthemum jade coffin can’t be opened, we can’t see who is buried inside, and don’t even think about the artifact.”

"Ming Qi, what is Ming Qi?" Baoyin asked curiously.

No one answered him, if you let him know that this group of people came down to steal their ancestors' tombs, then you have to turn your face immediately?Lei Zi laughed and said: "Okay, the Longevity Bowl may have been put in this chrysanthemum jade coffin."

Of course there is such a possibility, He Baosheng said: "The Longevity Bowl can make a person grow to the sky, this Bo'er only jin• Brother Wu stole the Longevity Bowl for the purpose of burying Han women, and if he didn't make it, he would also give it to himself." Buried in, do you think this chrysanthemum jade coffin is the size of a double coffin? And leaving an engraved portrait of yourself under the mural is to conceal the identity of the tomb owner?"

As soon as He Baosheng's words fell, Bart and Baoyin fell to the ground at the same time, and kept saluting towards the direction of the jade coffin. They looked very devout, and it seemed that they were sure that the ones buried inside were Borjijin•Wudi and His Hannv's wife.

Xiao Ning said: "Why don't you bury your children in it together, it's not better, the whole family is together."

"Girl, chrysanthemum jade is rare, and it is rare to have such a large piece. It is already the limit to support a coffin for two people. If it can hold it, can you not put your own children in it? This Bor is only catty amp; #8226; Brother Wu is such a sentimental character." He Baosheng said: "I guess I couldn't pretend anymore, so I had to turn my sons and daughters into clay figurines to keep their bodies from rotting.

"Is the Longevity Bowl really inside?" Baoyin was a little melancholy.

"It's just that there is such a possibility, and it's very possible." He Baosheng said with a smile: "Isn't the purpose of making the Longevity Bowl to live forever in the sky, so if you don't put it in, should you put it outside?"

Seeing that Bart and Baoyin were full of disappointment, Qixie said, "I couldn't find the Longevity Bowl, but taking the tiger beetle back can be regarded as an explanation to the tribe."

There were many dead tiger beetles lying on the ground. Baoyin and Bart looked at each other, collected the carcasses of those tiger beetles, put them in a bag, and then let out a sigh of relief, so that they could finally explain something when they went back.

Right now the coffin cannot be opened, the question now is whether it can go out, Tang Sancheng knows that this place is not a treasure of geomantic omen, there is no vein to follow, this tomb is not an ordinary structure, there are no rules to follow, However, the incident of the stone pillar smashing into the stone wall just now gave Bai Yi some inspiration. He felt that he could use it to get out of the tomb easily, but it would take some physical strength. That is to get the stone pillar out, hit the stone wall directly, and open the passage .

Bai Yi pulled Qixie aside, and when he mentioned this idea, Qixie thought it was too bold, but he felt that both Lei Zi and Jiang Laomao had gone out from here, and it would be fine to rely on them to find the exit, Jiang Laomao There is no hope, old hat Jiang, Qixie suddenly trembled: "By the way, where did old hat Jiang go?"

Old Mao Jiang, who was here just now, suddenly disappeared, and Lei Zi spat on the ground: "This old fox, wouldn't he sneak out by himself?"

Bai Yi's face darkened, Qi Xie said, "I'll go up and have a look."

Qi Xie went up the stone ladder, and when he came down after a while, the expression on his face was uncertain. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Qi Xie said: "He is dead."

As soon as Qixie went up, he saw Jiang Laomao kneeling in front of the stone portrait of a Han girl, with his head hanging forward, his whole body motionless, and his arms hanging down feebly. Qixie felt something bad in his heart. When he got closer, he just patted Old Mao Jiang on the shoulder: "Old Mao Jiang..."

Jiang Laomao threw himself forward, face down, a pool of blood slowly overflowed from his chest, Qixie stretched his body, only to see a dagger stuck in his chest, the dagger The insertion was deep, and there was a satisfied smile on Jiang's face. That smile and the blood, there was an indescribable...

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