Old Mao Jiang died here, not because of the agency, not because of the conspiracy, but suicide. He fell in front of the Han woman who haunted him in his dreams. Now there is no way to speculate on the changes in his mind and emotions before committing suicide. At least he is very Satisfied, it can be seen from the smile on his lips, this woman has made him worry about it for so many years, and now he has fulfilled his wish.

Qixie straightened Jiang Laomao's body, pulled out the dagger from his chest, adjusted his clothes a little, and then went down to explain the situation to everyone. Jiang Laomao was originally a lonely and helpless person. The owner of the store can still remember his old customers. I really don’t know how many people can remember the existence of this person. He died well, at least it was worth it.

Bai Yi packed up the corpses of the remaining tiger beetles on the ground, and then suggested that everyone should look for a way out now. Everyone went up the original stone ladder and looked at the corpse of old hat Jiang. After all, Jiang Laomao's reason for committing suicide is too absurd, and somewhat legendary, and somewhat touching to some extent, this Han woman is also a legendary woman, and the crown prince of the Yuan Dynasty willingly gave up the position of Khan for her She was beaten into a nameless person again, and there was another modern person who was obsessed with her and was willing to be buried with her.

Now to go out, there are two options, one is to remind Lei Zi to recall the passage he went out before, and the other is to follow Bai Yi's plan, borrow stone pillars to destroy the structure of the tomb, and go out head-on. In the middle, Bart and Baoyin disagreed with the latter very much, and wanted to preserve the integrity of the tomb, after all, it was the tomb of their clan.

He Baosheng glanced at Bai Yi, and said: "Now that you don't know the overall structure of the tomb, it's not safe to go head-to-head. Since this little brother has gone out before, it's best to remind him of the way out."

Lei Zi had made a mark before, engraved the word "雷" on the wall, if he found that mark, he could go out.

Now that they decided to go out, in order to prevent the falling stones, Lei Zi and the others put on the helmet Liu Zhixi had made, and Bai Yi gave He Baosheng his own, without saying a word. After picking it up: "This thing is not bad." You are not polite, so you put it on your head.

Bart and Baoyin just reminded them to beware of their heads, and several people began to look for the "Lei" sign. Lei Zi thought that he had never been to this tomb at that time, but left from other tombs, and the few people left immediately Here, walk towards the direction when you came in, be careful from time to time along the way, fortunately there is no great danger, this is also thanks to Tang Sancheng's pair of ears, when the mechanism is activated, he can hear the sound of air flowing and changing, Issue warnings when mentioning to avoid risks.

Bart and Baoyin were amazed by his ability. In their words, even the eagles on the prairie could not be so sharp. For the Golden Family, the eagle is of great significance.

I finally found the tomb passage that Lei Zi had an impression of. There are countless large and small empty tombs in this tomb. It’s really like a maze. These are all for anti-theft, so that people who come in can’t find the main tomb and the coffin. This thought is very delicate. The reason why Lei Zi still has the impression is the mark left by himself. He pointed to the scratch on the stone wall and said: "Brother Zhou accidentally scratched it, I even remember its mark." shape, then, I left from the left side of here, it should be here..."

As Lei Zi spoke, he slapped the left side of the tomb passage, an arc-shaped passage opened, and the word "雷" next to it was quite conspicuous, and Lei Zi looked very happy: "This is here, I will go first."

Lei Zi climbed in first, and the others followed one by one. He Baosheng was injured. Seeing that the space was limited, he had to use both hands and feet. When he encountered difficulties, Bai Yi pushed him forward: "I'm in the back Empress."

He Baosheng entered the arc-shaped passage, and Bai Yi was behind him to help his body move forward. After crawling for an unknown amount of time, He Baosheng stopped, turned his head and said to Bai Yi in a low voice: "Thank you for helping me, old man. Go out, I will give you a gift."

"No need." Bai Yi coughed, making his voice deeper.

"You are clear about my personality." He Baosheng's words almost drove Bai Yi out of his wits. Why didn't you feel surprised when you got out of yourself?This is so abnormal.

Seeing that Bai Yi stopped talking, He Baosheng sighed leisurely, continued to crawl forward with his injured leg, and finally heard Lei Zi's voice in front of him: "We're here, we're going out soon!!"

He Baosheng was dragged out by Qixie. Unexpectedly, it was midnight at this time. There was a starry sky in the sky. Looking at it from the outskirts, it was very vast, and the moonlight was also very bright. It was a very beautiful scene. Bart and Baoyin stood at the entrance of the cave, and they were a little dazed. On the ground, with both fists tightly clenched, Lei Zi patted the dust on his body, and said to Tang Sancheng: "Hey, look at your shoulders."

Everyone saw that the tiger beetle had been resting on Tang Sancheng's shoulder, following him out of the tomb, the injured wing could move slightly now, Tang Sancheng was shocked: "Why did you follow him?" Out?"

This tiger beetle has been living underground, and now it comes out without any discomfort. Speaking of this, everyone has no way to know why this extinct holy beetle appeared here in the golden genealogy, and there is no way to know it Who processed the silver needles on the back of the buttocks is a mystery, and whether the yin man who He Baosheng mentioned can master worm jade really exists is a mystery.

"It seems that these worms are destined to be with you. It's strange to say. Not only did they not hurt you, but they took you to the coffin by mistake. I don't know if they guided you there." He Baosheng looked at the tiger worm A: "Fortunately, the poisonous needle is gone, and it's not threatening anymore. It's not bad to keep it as a pet."

This is a good suggestion, Tang Sancheng immediately accepted it, Bart suddenly said: "I hope everyone can do me a favor, can you completely seal this passage, so as not to disturb our ancestors again?"

Bai Yi nodded in agreement, and immediately everyone started working together, burying the hole tightly, and stepping on it tightly. While doing it, Bai Yi suddenly thought, in case the Longevity Bowl is really useful, that pair of infatuated men and women How are they going to come out now that life has turned around? Bai Yi was frightened by his own thoughts, but immediately thought that if it was true, then they would have come out a long time ago, and they wouldn't have waited until today, so he immediately let go.

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