When you're done, Bai Yi put down the tools in his hand and clapped his hands. He Baosheng limped to his side, "hehe" laughed twice: "Although this brother didn't talk much along the way, he didn't talk much to me, an old man." Immortals are very caring, so let me give you a gift." Before Bai Yi could react, He Baosheng whispered in Bai Yi's ear, "There are Yin people haunting Changbai Mountain."

It was like a thunderbolt suddenly rang in my ears, no matter whether the master recognized him or not, he gave a big gift, here he knew that Yin people might have appeared, and now the master directly told himself that there were Yin people in Changbai Mountain, This was really overjoyed, but Bai Yi immediately thought, why did he tell himself that he had clues about Yin Ren? ?Does he know that he cares about Yin people very much?

Seeing the confused expression on Bai Yi's face, He Baosheng said: "Just now, I mentioned that only Yin people can shape insect jade. The owner of this tomb has some contacts with Yin people. Your expression is very unusual. I think this Yinren must be unusual for you."

So that's the case, it seems that my ability to control facial expressions needs to be deepened a little bit.He Baosheng stared at Bai Yi's face and shook his head: "Maybe I'm really old, and when I see you, I always think of someone else, alas, I'm too old to take a step ahead, maybe we can meet again. "

He Baosheng just walked towards the south like this, with his back turned to everyone and waved at everyone, with a sense of immortality, Baoyin said: "This old man is really strange!"

Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little warm in his heart. Master has not forgotten himself. Looking at He Baosheng's limping back, Bai Yi felt a little sad. Master originally had children, why is he still floating outside at this age?However, it is a miracle that Master can live for so long. Bai Yi's heart suddenly surged, and he wanted to recognize He Baosheng. In the middle of the day, he completely lost the shadow of He Baosheng, Bai Yi had no choice but to sigh, and only hoped that he would meet his master again in the future.

Tang Sancheng ran over: "The old man is gone? Is he more than 100 years old this year? He is so old, he walks like a monkey, and he can't see people when he cracks. How can these be the feet of a 100-year-old old man?" Law."

Bai Yi gave Tang Sancheng a smack on the back of the head: "Shut up, you think you're the only one who noticed?"

He had long thought that Master's physical strength was too unusual, not to mention he was injured, but even if he was not injured, he trotted all the way and didn't catch up. Isn't this too unusual?In this way, whether he recognized himself or not is another matter. Changbai Mountain, is Master implying that he will let him go to Changbai Mountain?

When they went back, they saw that Bart and Baoyin were packing up their packages and put away the bag containing the tiger beetle. Bart saw Bai Yi come back, and said with a smile: "It's not in vain to get to know you this time. , but I have gained a lot of knowledge, the two of us have been out for so long, the people in the clan should have been worried, it is time to go back and do business."

Bai Yi still couldn't let go of all the things in the tomb, so he wrote down his address and phone number and put them in Bart's hands: "Here are my home and company phone numbers, two brothers, if you find anything after you go back, I hope you can call Tell me, if you come back in the future, you can come to me, and I will take care of your food, accommodation and transportation here."

Bart carefully accepted the note: "Don't worry, if there is any news after I go back, I will definitely let you know. Let's take our leave now!"

The two Mongolian men left with big knives on their backs, feeling like an ancient hero. Lei Zi looked more and more amused: "You said that the two of them walked into the street with these two big knives on their backs, or they would be regarded as crazy, or It will be regarded as a blind stream, and you have to be careful of being dragged into the bureau, haha."

Xiao Ning couldn't laugh or cry: "With the skills of the two of them, it is estimated that no one can catch them."

Bai Yi shook his head, now they are giving preferential treatment to ethnic minorities, and this is their ethnic habit, most people will hide when they see it, and they will not dare to attack them, but Lei Zi's statement is really quite happy , Bai Yi sighed, this time, not one of the tomb artifacts was poured out, but there are more and more mysteries, but the tiger insect beetle has been obtained, and two of the seven things have been obtained, only five remain.

Besides, Tang Sancheng looked at the tiger beetle on his shoulder and felt a little headache. He didn't know what this insect lived on, what to feed it, he asked Bai Yi with a bitter face, Bai Yi really forgot about this, just now Bart should go back and look up their golden genealogy and see how the tiger beetle was raised. Now the only thing left to do is to wait for Bart to call. Before that, take the bug back and see you later. acted.

Seeing that it was getting dark, everyone started to go out, looking for Liu Zhixi who was watching the wind, when they found Liu Zhixi, he was sleeping soundly with his body wrapped up tightly, with haha ​​coming from the corner of his mouth, Lei Zi jumped over , imitating Liu Zhixi's snoring sound, Liu Zhixi still couldn't wake up, everyone was having fun, he rushed his head down, opened his eyes, but he was still a little dazed, and saw a few beams of flashlight light in a trance, scared the whole body People jumped up all of a sudden: "Who? Who?"

After seeing that it was Bai Yi and the others, Liu Zhixi said in a tearful voice, "Why are you guys? You scared me to death. I thought it was..."

Lei Zi patted Liu Zhixi on the back with a lot of force, causing Liu Zhixi to jump forward: "You lookout, you can't even react when you are caught, and you will be responsible for tossing and tossing those tools at home from now on." Come on, don't come here to take risks, just forget about hurting yourself, don't implicate us."

Liu Zhixi sniffled: "No way!!"

Bai Yi saw that everyone was making a fuss, so he hurried back, Liu Zhixi was caught by Lei Zi and laughed all the way, Xiao Ning kept covering his mouth and laughing, Liu Zhixi would turn his head and look back, feeling like Qiu Qiu in his heart But after a while Liu Zhixi heard that no artifacts were poured out, he was a little disappointed. Bai Yi comforted him and said that the ancients were buried with thick and thin, and there was some luck in this pouring The ingredients are in it, although there is no magic weapon this time, but I have experienced a lot, I let Liu Zhixi look at the tiger beetle on Tang Sancheng's shoulder, this insect made Liu Zhixi feel a lot of emotion.

When it's over, Liu Zhixi thinks that this bug is probably the predecessor of a scorpion, but its wings have gradually degenerated and turned into a scorpion. Bai Yi disagrees with this, but he doesn't speak, and lets Liu Zhixi imagine.

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