A group of people discussed the tiger beetle and went back in a lively manner. There was no gain from this trip, but Bai Yi still gave Lei Zi, Liu Zhixi and Xiao Ning some rewards, especially Liu Zhixi, whose two can be shrunk. The steel rods were really useful, so Bai Yi rewarded him extra, and asked him to add a few more, because they didn't take up space, so they were convenient to carry around, and they could be used as weapons and prevent traps.

Bai Yi took some dead tiger beetles and put them in the basement together with Liaoguguo, but the living one followed Tang Sancheng, and Tang Sancheng had to take it with him as a pet. In Bai Yi's words, this I hired a free bodyguard, and the tiger beetle's eagle whistle became Tang Sancheng's amulet. This tiger beetle didn't eat or drink, and its injuries gradually recovered. Don't worry about its diet.

For a week after that, every time Bai Yi went to the company, he had to ask if anyone was looking for him. He was always looking forward to receiving news from Bart, but he was disappointed every time. Maybe Bart didn't find something more useful when he went back. For news, it is also possible that the communication over there is inconvenient, and it is difficult to get in touch. In short, this matter has been put on hold.From time to time Tang Sancheng always mentioned that strange old man He Baosheng, that old man who ran faster than a cat, and Bai Yi would always give him a look and tell him that he was his master, the guide who led him into the Doujie.It's not a strange old man, Tang Sancheng said oh, and when I talk about it later, I will still call He Baosheng as a strange old man.

What He Baosheng said in Bai Yi's ear also became a matter of concern. There are yin people haunting Changbai Mountain. It's not certain whether it really exists, but He Baosheng's words gave Bai Yi hope again. Yin people haunt Changbai Mountain, so it's enough to kill Changbai Mountain.

Hearing that he was going to Changbai Mountain, Tang Sancheng became interested. He took a map and spread it on the table in the yard: "In terms of Feng Shui, this Changbai Mountain is a branch of the dragon vein, which starts from the Kunlun Mountain in the northwest and extends to the southeast. Going out, there are three dragon veins in total, which are divided into three branches: north, middle and south, which is what we call the North Dragon, the Middle Dragon, and the South Dragon. Dragons enter Guanzhong from Minshan Mountains and enter the sea from Qinshan Mountains. Southern dragons enter the sea from Yunnan-Guizhou, Hunan to Fujian and Zhejiang. Each large dragon vein has Qianlong, Zhilong, real dragon, false dragon, flying dragon, Qianlong and Semposaurus. These are all in line with the direction of the dragon's veins."

"There have been at least 24 dynasties in Chinese history, not counting those short-lived or disappearing dynasties. If each dynasty has a dragon vein, then there are at least 24 dragon veins, and these 24 belong to the three main branches. Dragon veins, right?" Bai Yi immediately thought of this.

"That's right, the dragon veins of the Yellow Emperor are in the Yellow River basin of the Central Plains; the dragon veins of Dayu are in the area of ​​Zhongyue Songshan in the Yellow River basin; the dragon veins of Shangtang are in the Yellow River basin; the dragon veins of the Zhou Dynasty are in Qishan; the dragon veins of the Qin Dynasty are in Xianyang; the dragon veins of the Han Dynasty are in Feng County; the dragon veins of the Western Jin Dynasty were in Hanoi; the dragon veins of the Sui Dynasty were in Hongnong; the dragon veins of the Tang Dynasty were in Chang'an, Longxi, and Taiyuan; the dragon veins of the Song Dynasty were in Kaifeng, Gongyi, and Luoyang; the dragon veins of the Yuan Dynasty were in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia; Fengyang, Anhui; the dragon veins of the Qing Dynasty were in the northeast. Of course, these are approximate ranges. In fact, it is difficult to determine the exact location of the dragon veins, and it often takes decades to find the dragon's broken point." Tang Sancheng said : "This is basically the overall situation of Feng Shui in our country."

"What's so special about this Changbai Mountain?" Bai Yi was a little surprised that Tang Sancheng's Feng Shui knowledge is profound, why does this kid feel that he is not simple the more he looks at it?

"The ancestor of the Chinese dragon vein originated from the Kunlun Mountains. To the north of it is the Altai Mountains. Changbai Mountains accompany the Altai Mountains and belong to the branch of the North Dragon. Moreover, the dragon spirits of Changbai Mountain and Mount Tai are connected. Mount Tai is the head of the dragon, and Mount Changbai is the tail of the dragon. What is the situation, you will know when you go, after all, the dragon veins are not fixed, otherwise those dynasties would not be destroyed." Tang Sancheng still remembers to leave a way out for himself.

"Based on what you're saying, there's a lot going on here?" Bai Yi's heart was ready to move. With the dragon's tail and the ghost haunting, this trip must be done.

"That... I also said, if there is, we have to go to find out, but this place must be better than other places. This Changbai Mountain is the holy mountain of the Manchus. That is the origin."

Bai Yi nodded: "Okay, but the situation in Changbai Mountain is very complicated. I have to contact to see if I can find a guide there to guide us into the mountain."

This is the next story, Bai Yi went to arrange the specific things, Tang Sancheng held the map and began to study, Qi Xie, who went out to buy food, pushed open the door vigorously, and made a lot of food in his hand, I heard that Going to Changbai Mountain, his complexion was a little cloudy, Bai Yi saw it, and felt that Qixie was very sensitive to Changbai Mountain, even Tang Sancheng could see it: "Qixie, you don't want to go?"

Qixie shook his head, and said coldly: "I will go wherever you go."

The matter was settled in this way. Bai Yi found a tour guide there through his business partner. He heard that he often goes to the mountains and knows the surrounding conditions very well. The price has already been negotiated. Bai Yi will pay half of it first. , Bai Yi notified the other three, and he was about to leave. The climate in the mountains is very abnormal, and this season, some parts of Changbai Mountain have already snowed, so there are a lot of clothes to be prepared. In this way, the preparation work of the six people It took a week.

A week later, the six of them finally embarked on the journey. Before leaving, Bai Yi called the company again to ask if there was any message from him, but there was still no news from Bart. When Bart couldn't find any more useful information, and he was embarrassed to contact himself, he let go of his heart and concentrated on the journey to Changbai Mountain.

On the train, squeezed into the narrow sleeper space, Tang Sancheng's mouth kept gurgling. He picked up a bag and tugged at it, and the contents of the bag sprayed out all over the floor, and some It sprayed on the person sitting next to him, Tang Sancheng quickly apologized to him, but the person was cold and silent, didn't even look at Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng saw that this person left a teapot lid He has a haircut, looks very funny, and has a pair of cloth shoes on his feet, which are the kind of walking shoes made by his own family. He sits here in a very upright posture, as if he is facing an enemy...

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