Tang Sancheng felt that this person's sitting posture was the same as Qixie's, with a very airy feeling, probably also a practitioner, he removed the things that fell on his body for that person, and kept silent, changed to another place, and continued to eat, Xiao Seeing him like this, Ning also sat beside him: "You just keep eating, aren't you afraid your stomach will burst?"

"If you don't eat, you will be hungry." Tang Sancheng said: "I have been like this since I was a child. It's really not that I am greedy. If I don't eat, I feel empty in my stomach. I wish I could even eat the bark."

Xiao Ning couldn't believe it: "Just make it up, don't you be afraid of stomach problems if you eat like this?"

"Not afraid." Tang Sancheng said disapprovingly: "Starving to death is more terrible than having stomach problems."

Now Xiao Ning has nothing to say, Qi Xie has been sleeping on the upper bunk with his head covered, neither eating nor drinking, while Bai Yi is lying there studying the map of Changbai Mountain. At critical moments, you can't rely on other people's tour guides, you have to rely on yourself to recover.

It is now the middle of October, but many places in Changbai Mountain have already snowed. If the snow falls heavily, it will be very unfavorable for judging the surrounding terrain, so these things will become a burden. Bai Yi planned ahead and started planning. When you want to throw some things, what should you throw away? It's the first time Bai Yi has been in the snow for so many years, and he doesn't have enough experience. That's why he is more cautious than usual.

Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi are sitting on the bed playing cards, what I want to explain here is that Lei Zi and Liu Zhixi are not in the same room, Lei Zi was originally in the next door, and Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng occupy the upper middle and lower The bunk for three people, Liu Zhixi is on the lower bunk, Bai Yi is in the middle, Qixie is on the top bunk, Xiao Ning and Tang Sancheng are talking there one after another, and Lei Zi knows Tang Thirty percent of his thoughts, he didn't want to be a light bulb there, so he simply came to Liu Zhixi to play cards. Poker is just a waste of time.

Liu Zhixi is a nerd. Although he is good at inventing, his card playing skills are far inferior to Lei Zi. If he loses a game, Liu Zhixi gets annoyed: "Hey, I must win today!!"

Lei Zi choked him: "With your brain, if you want to win, I'm afraid it will take next year."

Liu Zhixi's face flushed red: "I don't believe it, I've got such bad cards all my hands, are you out of luck, let me see if there are any hidden cards in your sleeves."

Of course Lei Zi wouldn't let him see it, he tried his best to dodge it, and it was worth it. There was actually an ace hidden in his sleeve, which was stolen from another card. The two cards had exactly the same style. This Liu Zhixi had always been Being fooled by himself, Liu Zhixi wanted to see, but Lei Zi refused to let him, so the two big men twisted together. When the two were arguing, the "teapot lid" who had been sitting on the seat outside the passageway spoke: "Can you be quiet for a while?"

This person's voice was not as loud as imagined, a bit hoarse, not angry but mighty, Liu Zhixi stuck out his tongue, and said to Lei Zi: "Forget it, I'll let you off for now, we'll fight another day."

Lei Zi was a little upset: "Damn, there is a dog barking for no reason, disturbing my interest, it's really fucking annoying."

As soon as Lei Zi finished speaking, the sharp eyes of the teapot cover were thrown over. With one hand on the seat, he flew into the air and kicked Lei Zi's neck with such a speed that Lei Zi had no time at all. To react, he only yelled and closed his eyes...

Liu Zhixi's glasses were about to fall off, he covered his eyes: "Lei Zi!"

A leg came down from top to bottom, just in front of Lei Zi's neck, and met the leg that was aggressively attacking. With just a light bump, the leg of the teapot lid was knocked away. I didn't expect to meet The teapot lid was taken aback when he saw someone who was on a par with him, stopped his attack, and looked up. The quilt on it was tightly covered, only one leg was stretched out, and it was still dangling there, very leisurely. look.

The teapot lid said hoarsely: "Which road is it? Why don't you dare to compete with me head-on? Come down if you have the guts. Let's fight one-on-one!!"

Qixie's voice came from under the quilt: "It was a trivial matter, I asked my brother to apologize to you and it's over, but your kick will kill him, it's a trivial matter, Isn't it too much for people to pay with their lives?"

The teapot lid snorted coldly: "Hmph, Ming people don't do secret things. He scolded me in front of me, and I fought back in front of him. We all go back and forth, so it's not too much."

Lei Zi was so frightened by the sudden change just now that he only recovered now, just now he felt a gust of wind blowing towards him, his eyes blurred, the life-threatening leg was in front of him, and then he felt a chill on the top of his head, seven Xie's leg came down and blocked it for herself. The scene just now can only be described in four words, and that is - a close call!

Everyone else was shocked by the movement here, Bai Yi jumped down, and cupped his hands at the teapot cover: "This big brother..." Although Bai Yi is over eighty this year, it is indisputable that he looks young , so he still called this guy a big brother: "My brother offended me just now, please forgive me!!"

While Bai Yi said that, he winked at Lei Zi, walking outside, making enemies is not a good thing in the first place, not to mention that the other party is a ruthless character, and he killed him just now. His neck was broken, that's why Bai Yi wasn't very active when he was walking outside. Keeping a low profile is the best disguise. Today, Lei Zi was ruined by this mouth.

After receiving Bai Yi's signal, Lei Zi understood. Although his face was bitter, he still walked up to the teapot lid: "Brother, I was wrong just now. I'm sorry, let's make the big problem small, let's make it small!"

The teapot lid didn't even look at the two people in front of him, he just glanced at Qixie on the upper bunk: "Come down!!"

Qixie just covered his head with the quilt, didn't say a word, completely ignored the teapot lid's provocation, Bai Yi secretly admired Qixie's character, but the teapot lid was always so aggressive, it was really annoying, the teapot Gai suddenly spat on the ground, kicked his feet on the edge of the lower berth, jumped up, and rushed to the upper berth where Qixie was, followed by Qixie's quilt! !

Bai Yi and the others stood below and didn't see what happened at all. They only knew that in less than two seconds, the quilt returned to Qixie's body, and the teapot cover fell to the ground. The space of the berth is small, and the teapot One of Gai's feet was still lying across the lower bunk, and then his whole body was nestled on the ground again, looking very embarrassed!

(I have caught a cold, I am really sleepy, I will get [-] first, and I will update a chapter in the morning)

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