Qixie turned over, the quilt was neatly covered, he didn't even look at the teapot lid that was kicked off by himself, and said muffledly: "I'm sleepy, don't bother me anymore."

Tang Sancheng said "Oh", Qixie has been with him for so long, and he has never seen such a domineering side of Qixie. For a long time, Qixie's image has been fixed on the descriptive words such as loyalty, kindness, and martial arts. , But today Tang Sancheng discovered that Qixie was angry, Qixie was very angry, and the consequences were very serious!

The teapot cover struggled to get up, his face flushed red, and then he went to another carriage without saying a word, and never came back, probably because he didn’t have the face to come here, he exchanged tickets with people in other carriages, and exchanged tickets. A middle-aged man who looked like a businessman came over. Although the lid of the teapot could not be replaced, Tang Sancheng and the others did not dare to make trouble anymore. Lei Zi learned his lesson and went back to sleep. Except for this unexpected episode, the rest of the journey was smooth sailing.

When the train arrived at its destination, it had to go into the mountain and transfer again. The group got on a car going to Baihe Town, the nearest town to Changbai Mountain. As soon as Tang Sancheng got on the car, he saw that the teapot lid was also sitting on it. On a seat near the window, his facial features were tightly wrinkled, and he seemed still angry. Tang Sancheng turned his head and made a gesture to let others see the teapot lid of the same car. Lei Zi was still hesitating, Qi Xie Pass him and get into the car.

Strange to say, as soon as Qixie got into the car, the teapot lid, which was still looking out of the window, immediately turned her head and stared at Qixie with burning eyes. Qixie walked to the back and sat down completely calmly.The teapot lid kept staring at Qixie, and when it was over, he stood up and walked towards Qixie. Tang Sancheng was frightened to death, thinking that it was over, this teapot lid was going to trouble Qixie, and they made a fuss about it. When can we arrive in Baihe Town?

At this time the teapot cover had already walked in front of Qixie, staring at Qixie's face for five seconds, then sat beside Qixie without saying a word, Tang Sancheng thought it was the teapot cover on the train and didn't look at it at all. Seeing Qixie's face, I didn't recognize it, and heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing that Tang Sancheng didn't get in the car for a long time, the people behind urged him: "Young man, come down if you don't get in the car, don't block it here." Ah, good dogs don’t get in the way!!”

Tang Sancheng hurriedly climbed into the car and sat on the other side of Qixie, he looked at Qixie, he always felt that Qixie had become...somewhat strange on the way here, why is this? "Qixie..." Tang Sancheng yelled, Qixie turned his head, the expression on his face was the same as before, and asked softly, "What's the matter, are you hungry?"

Tang Sancheng was even more confused, he always felt something was wrong, but what was wrong?He touched his stomach, his stomach was really growling, he nodded: "Well, I'm a little hungry."

Qixie took out the donkey from his backpack and rolled it, which he bought when he was about to board the train, wrapped it tightly in a paper bag, and handed it to Tang Sancheng: "Eat it."

The teapot lid kept watching Qixie's actions, and suddenly said: "This brother is the one I fought with on the train just now, can I ask for his name?"

"Nothing to ask." Qi Xie said coldly: "Besides, didn't you hear what he called me just now?"

The teapot lid was annoyed, turned his head away and said at the same time: "Qixie, this name is really strange."

The car slowly drove up the very bumpy path, the car swayed left and right, Tang Sancheng was about to knock out the food he ate, he kept covering his mouth, for fear that if he let go, the donkey he ate just now would roll over He would spit it out continuously from his mouth. Seeing him like this, Xiao Ning quickly brought over his water bottle: "Take a sip, squeeze it, you've eaten too much."

Thinking of the jug that Xiao Ning put on his mouth to drink just now, Tang Sancheng felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart, he carefully wiped the spout with his cuff, but this action made Xiao Ning unhappy: "I don't even You think you are dirty, why do you wipe it, are you afraid that I will have an infectious disease?"

Tang Sancheng shook his head again and again: "No, you misunderstood me, I was afraid of dirtying your kettle."

The two of them shared the same kettle in full view, the strangeness couldn't be more obvious, Liu Zhixi turned around to look, looked at Tang Sancheng, then at Xiao Ning, with a look of sudden realization, and a little disappointed when it was over, sat next to him Seeing Liu Zhixi like this, Leizi already guessed that this is another clichéd love story of one woman and two men, so Leizi patted Liu Zhixi: "Liu idiot, get over it, I think Xiao Ning's heart has leaned towards Tang Sancheng's." By the way, although both of you are idiots, she likes idiot Zhang more, you know?"

Lei Zi's voice was very loud, both Tang Sancheng and Xiao Ning heard it, Xiao Ning snatched the water bottle from Tang Sancheng's hand, and blamed Lei Zi: "What are you talking about?"

Lei Zi patted his head: "Since the reform and opening up, we can tell the truth, and telling the truth does not break the law."

Tang Sancheng was overjoyed, looking at the happy Tang Sancheng, Qixie's expression became complicated, and Bai Yi was filled with all kinds of feelings in his heart. He and Fu Yu were already a pair of bitter lovers, but luckily Fu Yu himself I also had an extraordinary experience. Although I was affected by the longevity Gu and might turn into an evil corpse, I still had hope. I still had the hope of spending the rest of my life with Fu Yu. I just needed to find all the seven things and break the longevity Gu to become an ordinary person. At that time, Fu Yu can also complete the mission, and when they get out of the cliff coffin, the two of them will survive.

But Tang Sancheng is different, his longevity may be related to blood, he is with any ordinary girl, this secret will be known sooner or later, whether the other party can accept it is one thing, even if the other party accepts it, see Seeing his partner grow old and die, with Tang Sancheng's heart, can he really bear it?

Bai Yi coughed lightly, looked out the window, and said, "Baihe Town is almost here."

This Baihe Town is the only way to enter Changbai Mountain. Thanks to Changbai Mountain and Tianchi, Baihe Town has one of the most special products, that is, tour guides. Many local people get paid by taking people into the mountains. The export company has a supplier here who specializes in providing wild ginseng from Changbai Mountain to Bai Yi's company. This tour guide is said to be his distant nephew. It is said that it is more reassuring to have some relatives and old places.

The car turned into Baihe Town, and there were many people from small hotels below pulling guests. It was very bustling and lively for a while...

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