Bai Yi and his party got out of the car, and as soon as they got off, someone shouted with a Northeast accent: "Big brother, is there a hotel, there is TV, hot water, and three meals a day, big brother, big brother... "

Their arms were grabbed, and Bai Yi said in a low voice: "Be careful."

It was the first time for Tang Sancheng to encounter such a situation, he was holding on to his backpack tightly, and behind him was a little girl in her late teens, who kept leaning over her body: "Brother, stay at the hotel, come to my place Well, there is TV, there is hot water..."

"Don't stop, don't stop." Tang Sancheng didn't know how to resist, he could only keep muttering in his mouth, but the little girl was also like a wind-up sound machine, and she kept repeating in her mouth: "Brother , stay in the hotel, come to my place, there is TV, hot water..."

Xiao Ning rushed over, and slapped off the hand holding Tang Sancheng's arm: "What are you doing, I can't stop talking, don't talk about it!!" Xiao Ning was like a dominatrix, that little The girl glared at her, let go of Tang Sancheng's hand, and left angrily, Xiao Ning found Bai Yi: "Bai Yi, where is our tour guide, we really can't stay here, this solicitation is not even good It’s decent, everyone looks like hooligans.”

Bai Yi reminded Xiao Ning not to be too aggressive here, here are the villagers in the mountains, once they are offended, it will be a serious matter, and then he will take the big guys to squeeze out the crowd of soliciting customers in the small hotel, towards the Walking to the center of the town, the supplier said that his nephew, surnamed Lu, opened a dry goods store in the center of the town. He usually guides people and earns some pocket money because he grew up here. He is very familiar with the situation of Changbai Mountain, and he can name some small mountain ranges that are not well-known by others.

When he arrived at the center of the town, Bai Yi felt a little dizzy. There are not just one or two dry goods stores here. The two sides of the street are all selling dry goods. Why does this supplier make it sound like his distant nephew is the only one in the town? Just when Bai Yi was a little confused, he saw the lid of the teapot. He walked into a small inn. Two people came out of the inn to greet him. The cotton coat also had earmuffs covering the ears, Bai Yi was startled, this was the outfit for going into the deep mountains, so could it be that the teapot lid and these two people were also going to go into the mountains?Peer? ?

Seeing the ruthless method of the teapot lid, if this group of people are really in the same business, they must be careful. Just when Bai Yi was paying attention to the other side, someone called out: "This is Boss Bai, right?"

When Bai Yi turned his head, he saw a man in his thirties wearing a thin padded jacket, looking at him with his hands folded on his chest, Bai Yi said, "Who are you?"

"I'm Lu Shan, Lu Ming's distant nephew. He said that you guessed that this time will come. I've been paying attention to it. It looks like you are the big boss. I guess you are the boss Bai he mentioned." This Lu Shan is very good at talking, Bai Yi thinks his dry goods store must have a good business.

Bai Yi and Lu Shan took the lead, and the group was led by Lu Shan to live in a relatively clean and tidy shop. After staying there, the sky was getting dark, and it was not suitable to go into the mountains today, so they had to sit and wait. Tomorrow.

Tang Sancheng stood by the window, looking at the mountain peaks not far away, where the daytime was also shrouded in fog, and three small hilltops were faintly exposed, lined up in a row, Tang Sancheng became interested, calculated the position, and then Looking at the orientation of the three mountains, he became more and more excited the more he looked at them, and suddenly slapped his thigh vigorously, pulling Bai Yi over who was checking the equipment for entering the mountain: "Bai Yi, look, this is what we often say The dragons sat down."

"What is Qunlongsi?" Bai Yi asked him.

"The gathering of dragons means that the dragon veins are all gathered together. You see, the three mountains directly in front of us now, these three mountains should be the division of Changbai Mountain. The three mountains are connected. They are all on the dragon veins, and they all belong to branch dragons. , three branch dragons walk side by side, and the dragon heads are in these three mountains. It looks like three dragons are sitting here, so it is called a group of dragons sitting here. This is a rare feng shui situation." Tang Sancheng was a little excited: "Tomorrow We should go there and there must be something to gain."

Bai Yi was so excited that he patted Tang Sancheng: "You boy, you are becoming more and more like a living fairy. There are three branch dragons in this group of dragons. How many ancient tombs are there? According to you, this Changbai Mountain is The holy mountain of the Manchus, so there are many ancient tombs of the Qing Dynasty in it?"

"You have to go in to find out." Tang Sancheng said, "I hope everything goes well." Tang Sancheng looked at the mountain in front of him, it was only October, and there was already snow on the top of the mountain, and the climate in the mountain might be very bad. Tang Sancheng shivered immediately, as if he had seen how cold and hungry he was in the mountains.

Looking at Tang Sancheng's virtue, Bai Yi knew that he was thinking wildly again, so he shook his head: "Tang Sancheng, you have to be tougher, by the way, where is your tiger beetle?"

"You mean Xiaohu?" Xiaohu is the name Tang Sancheng gave to the tiger beetle that came out with him. It's a tiger face, so it's very appropriate to call it Xiaohu. Tang Sancheng took the tiger beetle out of his pocket: "In Here."

"I don't know if it can adapt to the climate in the mountains. After all, we don't know much about its characteristics." Bai Yi was a little worried. This tiger beetle is very rare, and it would be a pity if it died.

"I've been prepared for a long time." Tang Sancheng took out a small jewelry box made of cotton, which he picked up, and with an idea, the inside was covered with cotton, which made it soft, and he drilled on the lid again. A small eye to let the air in: "I put the little tiger in here so it won't freeze. Anyway, it can live without eating or drinking, so it's easy to raise."

"No, it has food, haven't you noticed it after staying with it for so long?" Bai Yi said, "It survived by eating itself."

Bai Yi once carefully observed that every day around noon, the tiger beetle would bite his stomach, and a piece would be missing there. The tiger beetle was still chewing and chewing, and it looked like it was eating himself. Strangely, the bitten missing piece recovered when the sun first rose the next day. No wonder the tiger beetle can live without eating or drinking. It’s not that it doesn’t eat, it’s just that it What you eat is yourself! !

Tang Sancheng felt creepy after hearing Bai Yi's words, he patted the tiger beetle in the box: "Xiaohu, you don't really eat yourself, do you?"

Bai Yi said: "Didn't you say that the tiger beetle is a sacred object of the Jin family? But they are very interested in you. I guess it has something to do with your mysterious blood. Otherwise, it will follow no one, but it will follow you." you?"

Tang Sancheng felt that Bai Yi's words made sense, and nodded, he suddenly thought of Qixie, Qixie had been going for a long time, and he said he hadn't come back after a long time, this is not like his usual Style, he is not a person who likes to hang out, Tang Sancheng twisted in his heart for a long time, and asked Bai Yi: "Do you think Qixie is a little different?"

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