Bai Yi didn't say a word, Qi Xie's origin was a mystery, he didn't say there was his reason, but he also felt that Qi Xie did behave abnormally when he came to Changbai Mountain, he seemed to resist, and he always maintained a vigilant attitude, Now that it's here, no one is always seen. Could it be that there is any connection between Qixie and this place?This has something to do with his origin?

Just when Bai Yi was thinking in his heart, Qi Xie opened the door and came in, his head was still covered with moisture, holding a pack of meat buns wrapped in paper, and threw it to Tang Sancheng as soon as he came in: " Let's eat."

"Are you going to buy steamed buns?" Tang Sancheng opened the paper bag excitedly, started to eat, and said vaguely: "Qixie, we are going into the mountains tomorrow, we need to prepare more dry food."

"Water, water is the source of everything." Qixie said in a hoarse voice: "I saw the man I fought with on the street. He was wandering on the street with two other people, looking at the things they bought. To go into the mountains."

This is called meeting on a narrow road, right now they are walking together, Bai Yi asked Qixie what are the characteristics of the two people who walked with the teapot lid, Qixie specifically mentioned one of the older people, who always kept his hands close to each other. Putting a compass, like a Fengshui master, Tang Sancheng heard that the other party also had a Fengshui master, and immediately said: "If that Fengshui master is not a parallel importer, then the place they are going to must be the same place as us. The bureau is too conspicuous, anyone who is not a layman can see it, this time it really hit me, alas, and they have ended up with them."

Bai Yi said: "Don't be afraid, let's look at each other tomorrow, try to stagger the time, and let them go in first." Bai Yi estimated that the other party also planned to enter the mountain tomorrow, thinking about letting the other party go in first, and their team followed behind. On the road, if there is any thunder, they are the first to step on it.

As soon as Bai Yi explained his idea, Tang Sancheng clapped his hands and applauded: "This is a good idea, let those three take the lead and explore the way for us!"

After resting for the night, everyone has nothing to say. After Lei Zi learned the lesson on the train, he has learned to be smart. Now, with a contemptuous smile on his face, he told Bai Yi and the others to pack up and go down. Just as he was about to observe whether the teapot lid and the three of them had set off, he was surprised to find that the three were actually standing under the small hotel, with everyone on top of each other. They all carry a big bag.

Seeing that Bai Yi was dumbfounded, Lu Shan kept rubbing his hands and explaining: "Boss Bai, look, these three guests are also going to enter the mountain. Anyway, taking your first team is also a guide. After a while, it will still be a guide, right? There are so many people. It's better to take care of it, so I brought these three guests, and we go into the mountain together, do you think it's okay?"

This Lu Shan refused to lose both ends, so he simply joined the two teams together, Bai Yi secretly complained, the three also looked numb, without much expression, Tang Sancheng looked at the oldest one among the three, It's fun, the compass is really in his hand, this compass is hung around his neck, for fear that others will not know that he is a Fengshui master, the old man saw Tang Sancheng staring at his compass, he was not very happy, so he straightened the compass Just then, he cleared his throat and said to Lu Shan: "If the place we are going to is not the same as theirs, what can you do?"

Bai Yi said, "I don't know if you are going to the southwest?" He pointed at the location of the three mountain peaks where the dragons were sitting, and the old man was taken aback: "Where are you going too?" ?”

It was guessed by Tang Sancheng!

Lu Shan glanced at the mountain and didn't say a word. When it was over, the teapot lid became a little impatient: "Since we are in the same direction, let's go as soon as possible, and don't get inked here!"

Lei Zi dodged at the back of the crowd, avoiding meeting the teapot lid, and now the two groups merged into one, and led by Lu Shan, they walked towards the direction where the group of dragons were sitting. I feel that the mountains here are very deep and deep. Now it is October, and it is the golden autumn years. The branches and leaves in the mountains are still lush, and they are all a little yellow. It looked like they were out for an outing, but the further they walked into the mountains, the cold air in the mountains came out little by little. Everyone tightened their collars and covered their chins tightly.

Bai Yi slowly walked at the back of the team and followed Lei Zi. He observed the three people carefully. Except for the teapot lid and the oldest Feng Shui master, the third person left was from the time of departure to the present. , didn't even say a word, looked very calm, I don't know if the three of them entered the group of dragons like them, came to fight, or had some other purpose, only to take a step, to see a step .

The three mountains were getting closer and closer, feeling a gust of cold wind blowing, and the scene on both sides of the road became more and more desolate, Lu Shan said: "These three mountains are called Brother Mountains by the locals, because the three mountains Connected together, like triplets born to one mother."

The Feng Shui master said: "Hey, these are not triplets, these are three dragons, these three mountains should be connected logically, otherwise the three dragons are not in the same direction, and the direction will be messed up. If the three dragons are not in the same vein, then it is not a treasure land of geomantic omen, and the descendants of the people buried here will not enjoy any blessings."

Tang Sancheng let out a "Huh" in his heart, because this Feng Shui master said very reasonable, these three branches belong to the branch of the northern dragon vein, and they all have the same dragon aura, if the dragon veins of the three mountains are not connected, it will be chaos With the Dragon Qi, the good situation has turned into a defeat. There is also this kind of Fengshui situation, which is usually a group burial, such as the brother's tomb. If it is the main tomb, there is a group of accompanying tombs. For example, if there is an emperor's tomb, there must be a queen. Or concubines, or there are courtiers who were extremely valued during their lifetime, and they were buried near the companions after their death. This has been the case since ancient times. Mr. Feng Shui actually still has a hand.

Seeing that Tang Sancheng didn't open his mouth to refute, Bai Yi reckoned that the Feng Shui master was right. He checked the time, and it had been more than an hour since he entered the mountain. After stepping down, Bai Yi saw that he had something to say, and he growled impatiently: "Speak if you have something to say, and fart if you want to fart!"

Lu Shan said with a bitter face: "I can't take you any further, the most I can do is here."

The teapot cover jumped over and said fiercely: "Your mother just brought us here. According to our agreement, I will go into the mountain. Now it is not far from the mountain. Why did you leave us behind?" What do you mean?" He grabbed Lu Shan's collar and yelled.

Lu Shan was not afraid of him, and sighed: "Have you seen the stone tablets on both sides?"

Everyone looked at both sides of the mountain road, and there were some dilapidated stone tablets on both sides. After seeing clearly, they found that they were tombstones, most of which were incomplete, and they were lying there indiscriminately. There were only monuments and no graves. Multiple, Tang Sancheng was taken aback: "What's going on?"

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