Shi Wenbo shook Bai Yi's hand excitedly, and waved it vigorously: "That's right, that's what I meant. They have always lived in this Changbai Mountain. They have always, maybe... still have it."

"But you also found a group of dragons to sit, why is it a group of dragons to sit?" Tang Sancheng took the opportunity to ask, they came to fight against each other, choose a dragon vein to choose a tomb, these people are looking for a dynasty that has disappeared, also depends on Fengshui?

"Little brother, you don't know about this." The Feng Shui master came over in awe: "The three mountains must be connected to each other when the dragons sit on them, so they can hide in it so that they can move quickly."

Tang Sancheng shook his head: "If the final habitat of the people of the Yu Dynasty is really here, I would rather believe that they want to use the dragon energy of the Northern Dragon Vein to restore their dynasty and find their own opportunities, but it's a pity..."

Mr. Feng Shui was taken aback: "What a pity?"

"When we came in just now, we saw a lot of deep water streams and stone tablets. Those are undoubtedly tombstones. The tombstones are filled with yin energy, that is, dead air. There is nothing wrong with deep water streams and mountains relying on water, but water Jian's anger is insufficient. Compared with rivers, rivers, and seas, the anger cannot spread out. Both of these have weakened the dragon energy of the three dragons. Although the dragon energy will not spread out, it is still suppressed. This game is still a good one. , But it’s not the big picture anymore.” As soon as Tang Sancheng finished speaking, he saw the Feng Shui master staring at him dumbfounded, his jaw was about to drop.

The Fengshui master stammered, "You, you, you also read Fengshui?"

"Cut," Tang Sancheng said: "I'm not looking at Feng Shui, I'm..." After thinking for a long time, Tang Sancheng couldn't think of a suitable word to describe himself, Lei Zi ran over, pressed Tang Sancheng's shoulder and said: "I know No, Tang Sancheng of our family started to learn Feng Shui spells at the age of five, chose graveyards for people at the age of six, and at the age of eight, he was already a well-known genius, genius, understand?"

This Lei Zi was just talking nonsense, but almost all of them hit Tang Sancheng's childhood, but he didn't start learning at the age of five, but he had this talent since he was a child, just like Fu Yu's divine descent. There will be, and it will come when it is said, Tang Sancheng snorted, and pushed Lei Zi: "What are you talking about, I am just an ordinary person."

Liu Suanzi shrank, which made Leizi a little suspicious: "Hey, Mr. Fengshui, why did you stop talking when you heard that our Tang Sancheng was a child prodigy? You are not a fake, are you? "

"Say...what are you talking about?" Liu Suanzi stammered, touching the compass on his neck, but he looked suspicious. Even Han Qinghong, who was the teapot lid, became suspicious. He said to Shi Wenbo: "Brother-in-law." , I have always felt that he is not a genuine product. It is those things after all. If you ask him other things, he will change the subject, or just say that the secrets should not be leaked. Pooh, how can there be so many secrets ?”

When everyone was pressing on Liu Suanzi, Xiao Ning, who had been standing under the stalactite, suddenly touched his face. It turned out that there was something dripping from it, and it just fell on her face. She wiped it off inadvertently. , but there was incense in her hand, the fragrance was overwhelming, she hurriedly called everyone over, Bai Yi looked up, it turned out that there was a big stone above the stalactite, and the water was densely covered on it, and water was always dripping down, but the time interval was very short. It took about 5 minutes for a drop to fall, because the cave was already very humid, and the water fell to the ground without being found.

Bai Yi took a drop and sniffed it in his hand, and said in astonishment, "This is a fragrance stone."

The stone on the top is reddish-brown and irregular in shape. This kind of stone originated in Hanzhong and is very rare. The fragrance of this kind of incense stone will have a certain discontinuity. It is soaked in alcohol, because alcohol is volatile, so the fragrance will evaporate immediately, and the smell will be more fragrant. Also, the darker the incense stone, the stronger the fragrance. The origin is very unique, only the rice warehouse in Hanzhong The mountain has this kind of fragrant stone.Therefore, in the antique market, Xiangshi has always been heard but not seen.

Bai Yi didn't expect that Xiang Shi, who had only appeared in Hanzhong, would show up here. He finally saw him, and he definitely couldn't go back empty-handed. He looked back at Qi Xie, "Qi Xie, can you help me knock out that Xiang Shi? ?”

Qixie nodded slightly, looked at the wet stone wall, and climbed up with hands and feet. His figure was fast, as agile as a monkey, and Han Qinghong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looking a little depressed. Shi Wenbo said: "I once won the national martial arts champion and thought I was invincible. When I met this person, I realized that I was nothing." After finishing speaking, he sat down on a rock without making a sound .

Shi Wenbo didn't react at all after hearing it. Except for his interest in things related to the Yu Dynasty, he didn't seem to have anything else in his mind, and he even ignored his wife and brother.

Qixie has already caught the incense stone, which is very big, Qixie shook his head: "Bai Yi, there is no way to move this whole stone, it is dead."

Bai Yi finally saw a fragrant stone, how could he let it go so easily, and then he went up with the pickaxe, and climbed to the side of Qixie, as Qixie said, this stone is lying there, dead, why? Still unable to move it, Bai Yi knocked off a piece with a pickaxe, the size of a palm, and held it in his hand. Bai Yi smelled it and shook his head. He had seen a fragrance stone once before, and the scent seemed... not quite right.

When Bai Yi and Qi Xie returned to the ground, Xiao Ning immediately ran over, wanting to see the real face of this incense stone, seeing Bai Yi's serious face, he asked him: "What's wrong?"

"At first I thought it was a fragrance stone. Apart from the fragrance stone, there seemed to be no other stones that could emit fragrance. But after a closer look, the inside of this stone is like honeycomb coal, with many holes. Look." Bai Yi raised his hand. On the stone in their hands, they saw that there were many holes in the stone, vertical and horizontal, and a large number, but when they touched it with their hands, the stone was flat, and the fragrance came from the holes inside, which was very pleasant. "Xiangshi is definitely not like this."

Shi Wenbo came over, stared at the stone for a long time, and shook his head: "I've never seen it before. If the old professor He Fangwen was still around, I guess he would know that he traveled all over the world to study folk customs for many years, and he saw all kinds of strange things. Pass."

Only then did Bai Yi tell Shi Wenbo about the death of Professor He Fangwen. Shi Wenbo was a little sad. A person he admired from the bottom of his heart died, and his eyes turned red immediately, which made Bai Yi feel good about him. , but he couldn't tell him that Professor He died a worthy death, was buried with his beloved Gu girl, and was finally able to stay together.

At this moment, Qixie suddenly let out a "huh" and walked towards the end of the cave: "Look here."

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