At this time, the group of people was in the middle of the three mountains, and the other two peaks stood on both sides. In this cave, it was very dark. Although it was daytime, the light inside was very dim. Qixie was holding a flashlight to shine Looking at the innermost stone wall, what surprised him was that some stone pillars protruded from the stone wall, like plum blossom piles, but they stood on the wall. Isn't this a ladder going up?

Bai Yi glanced at Qi Xie. He really didn't want to doubt Qi Xie, but with his meticulous thoughts, it was impossible for him not to think that under the light environment just now, Qi Xie could see Qi Xie at a distance of two meters from here. Stone piles here, is this possible?He made a sound first, and then walked here. Does this mean that he already knew what was here?Qixie was very quiet on the train that came, and when he arrived in Baihe Town, he always went out secretly by himself and didn't go back to the hotel for a long time.

These stone pillars were driven in the day after tomorrow because they were polished very smooth. These stone pillars stand here and slowly stretch upward until they are invisible. Lei Zi was a little excited: "Bai Yi, it seems that Qixie I found something amazing."

At this time, the teapot lid suddenly said: "Are you an expedition team?"

It seems that he has been struggling with the identities of these people. In order to avoid future troubles, Bai Yi has been planning to find an opportunity to get rid of these three people. Hearing what the teapot lid said, he felt that the expedition team's statement was also good, so he acquiesced. Just say that everyone came to Changbai Mountain to explore, and immediately confused these three people.

Because the stone pillars lead directly to the top, Qixie took the lead and climbed up the stone pillars on the stone wall. When Bai Yi was on top, he paid attention to it. It is not an easy task to drive these stone pillars into the stone wall. There are many stone pillars, and it takes a lot of effort. I am very puzzled in my heart, who would deliberately do such a big project?

Qi Xie, who had been crawling in front of Bai Yi, suddenly disappeared. Bai Yi was horrified, and called out: "Qi Xie!"

Qixie's voice came over: "I'm already here."

Only then did Bai Yi let go of his heart. Qixie has a foundation in martial arts, and he also has both internal and external skills. It is certain that he can climb faster than ordinary people. Bai Yi himself is not bad, but carrying such a big backpack on his body is like carrying a heavy load Crawling, the speed was much slower than usual, and the space above became more and more open. When Bai Yi stepped up again, the stone pillar disappeared, and a hand stretched out from above. It was Qixie. As soon as Yi pulled, Bai Yi went up. It turned out that after going up to this cave, there was another cave, and there was a cave above it. Those stone pillars connected the two caves, making it easy to move up and down.

Bai Yi couldn't see Qixie's face because the fog in the cave was very thick, he waved it, Qixie turned on the flashlight, the light became a small yellow spot in the fog, Xiao Ning behind him also crawled in , I was a little panicked when I came in. There was no light, and there was no real feeling when I stepped on it. "Oh my god, it's like stepping on a cloud. Why is there such a thick fog here?"

When Xiao Ning was lamenting, Lei Zi also came up, accidentally bumped into Xiao Ning, Qi Xie said: "It's not clear here, everyone must be careful."

careful?Bai Yi's heart moved, and at this moment, the people behind came up one by one. The Feng Shui master was old and his legs were shaking. My heart felt numb for a while, and I felt a little timid in my heart: "What the hell is this place? Where did such a big fog come from?"

Tang Sancheng looked for Qixie: "Qixie, where are you?"

Suddenly Qixie was already standing beside him: "I'm here, don't panic."

Bai Yi felt strange again. When Qixie spoke just now, he was still one meter away in front of him, and the voice came from there. When Tang Sancheng looked for him, he suddenly appeared beside Tang Sancheng. The fog here is so heavy that everyone can't see clearly, but he comes and goes freely. What's going on? Bai Yi looked at the place where Qixie and Tang Sancheng were. Their bodies were hidden in the fog, and he could only see two A shadowy figure, at this moment, Bai Yi heard "Aiyo", it was a fortune teller, he called out, as if he was surprised by something.

"Liu Suanzi, where are you?" Shi Wenbo panicked. He is engaged in history. How often has he encountered such a strange situation?Already panicked, Liu Suanzi didn't respond.

Bai Yi roared: "Don't panic, everyone will report the number and you will know where the person is, starting with me!"

Bai Yi reported one by one, and the people behind picked up one by one, a total of eight people, Bai Yi, Qixie, Tang Sancheng, Xiao Ning, Liu Zhixi and Lei Zi, plus Shi Wenbo and the teapot lid, only missing Fortune teller, there is one person missing all of a sudden. Bai Yi knew that it must be difficult in the fog, so he immediately asked everyone to turn on the lighting tools, and eight bright spots lit up in the fog, and then everyone walked together and stood side by side. Body, Bai Yi told everyone not to move around, and then said to Shi Wenbo: "Professor Shi, the situation here is probably very complicated, or you go down first, and I will go find Liu Suanzi for you?"

Bai Yi wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of them, but who knew that Professor Shi was timid but not cowardly, and refused to leave, he became more and more interested in this place, Bai Yi was helpless, at this moment, Tang Sancheng found My own Xiao Ning is gone!

One less person!This time, Xiao Ning didn't even make a sound, and disappeared into the mist.Tang Sancheng's eyes were red with anxiety, and he didn't care about Bai Yi's explanation, so he walked forward, holding the flashlight while walking, and kept calling Xiao Ning's name in his mouth, Tang Sancheng heard the sound of gurgling. The sound, this is the sound of water bubbles, he seems to feel something, follow the sound to find it...

Seeing Tang Sancheng running away alone, Bai Yi almost became angry, this Tang Sancheng was too impulsive, running out like this would not help anything, and it might even make him disappear too! "Tang Sancheng, come back!" Bai Yi yelled in the direction where Tang Sancheng disappeared!

Qi Xie suddenly shot out like an arrow, Bai Yi felt at ease, Qi Xie was still the same Qi Xie, Tang Sancheng was the person he was most nervous about, this kind of Qi Xie was the most reassuring, the fog did not block Qi Xie at all, He walked around in the fog by feeling, Tang Sancheng had already found the source of the sound, he bent down, and fired the flashlight, it turned out that there was a steaming hot spring pool in the cave above, and the heat came out of it It's coming, Tang Sancheng looked down, the fog was too thick, he could only vaguely see countless bubbles bubbling up, the water in the whole pool seemed to be boiling.

Tang Sancheng was fascinated by it, this is not a hot spring pool, it is clearly a boiling water pool, just when he opened his mouth to call Bai Yi over, a hand suddenly stretched out from the pool, grabbed Tang Sancheng's neck, What Tang Sancheng was about to say was pinched back, the flashlight fell into the pool, and he tried to break it away with both hands, but he couldn't do anything, "Qixie..." Tang Sancheng shouted in his heart With a sound...

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