There was a breath in Tang Sancheng's throat, he couldn't lift it up, but he couldn't go down, this breath made him stuck on the way to Lord Hades, he slowly let go of his hands, let the hand Choking his neck even tighter, with no strength to restrain the chicken, Tang Sancheng thought of this sentence, he felt that he was ridiculous now, if he died like this, I am afraid that Lei Zi and the others would laugh at him, he died too much Damn useless!There is no way to fight back!

A tall body rushed over, took Tang Sancheng's body and fell into the pool, the hand was released, Tang Sancheng closed his eyes, and now he was going to be a boiled duck... Strange, this water Not hot, but still cool, Tang Sancheng opened his eyes, saw Qixie's face in front of him, there was no mist here, only water, a shadow behind Qixie swayed, and immediately disappeared in the water again, Qixie carried Tang Sancheng to the surface of the water, threw him to the bank, and then crawled out by himself. Tang Sancheng was lying on the ground panting, did he see a ghost just now?Where did that hand come from?

Tang Sancheng thought that his own flashlight had fallen into that pool, called Qixie, and told him that Qixie jumped down again, and after tinkering for a long time, he fished out Tang Sancheng's flashlight, tried it, and it was no longer working. Alright, Tang Sancheng simply threw it away, so as not to hold it in his hands and get in the way.

The five of Bai Yi and the others walked over slowly, and they were relieved when they saw that Tang Sancheng was fine. As soon as Tang Sancheng described the situation just now, Bai Yi became interested in this steaming and bubbling pool, and he leaned forward Go down, and then a savage pierced in, Lei Zi "fucked": "Tang Sancheng, you just saw a ghost, didn't you? I think the fortune-teller and Xiao Ning were both dragged away by ghosts?"

"Bah!" Tang Sancheng became angry: "Go, go, go, shut your crow's mouth."

Liu Zhixi tugged at Lei Zi: "Lei Zi, materialism..."

"On your mother." Lei Zi choked Liu Zhixi unhappily: "You didn't listen to what that Lu Shan said, there are evil spirits here, you didn't see so many stone tablets when you came in, there are only tablets, no graves, come in one One less, remember?"

"I remember." Liu Zhixi was also anxious, and now he was a little annoyed to hear Lei Zi always mentioning unlucky words, but he didn't dare to choke Lei Zi, so he turned his head and didn't speak.

Shi Wenbo said: "I don't believe in ghosts. I think it's people doing the tricks. The hand just now is worth studying. It's enough to hide one person in this pool. It's not the tour guide who tricked us into it." , and then..." He made a decapitation gesture, intending to say that Lu Shan wanted to murder for money.

Hearing what his brother-in-law said, the teapot cover immediately echoed: "Yes, he didn't want to accompany us in without seeing him, so I think there is something wrong with him."

Just as Lei Zi was about to choke the lid of the teapot, thinking of his ruthless intentions, he immediately swallowed back the words on his lips. At this moment, Bai Yi climbed up, looked at the shadowy figures above, and subconsciously He counted again: "What's going on, there's one less!!"

This time, Liu Zhixi, who was still talking just now, was missing. Lei Zi was also dumbfounded. He always felt cool on the back of his neck, as if someone was blowing on it, and he said: "It's evil!"

Bai Yi said: "This pool is connected. I saw a passage below. The people who attacked Tang Sancheng just got out of it, and then got out of it. The water also came out from there. Bubbles are not caused by the temperature, but because there is another layer below, and the water rises from below to generate bubbles."

Lei Zi immediately suggested to go down and have a look. In his words, anyway, if you wait here, you will disappear like everyone else. Why don’t you go down to see what’s going on? He looked at Shi Wenbo and asked him if he wanted to go down. How is the water quality?

Shi Wenbo gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go down too. I have a younger brother. He's protecting me. There must be no problem, right?" He was asking his wife and younger brother, but there was no response. It disappeared without realizing it!

If other people don't see them, it's because they didn't have any precautions. After all, Xiao Ning, the fortune teller, and Liu Zhixi are all hands-free people, but this teapot lid is a national martial arts champion. Above Bai Yi, below the seven evil spirits, even such a person disappeared into the mist without making a sound.

Lei Zi couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly: "Let's go, let's go to the bottom of the water quickly, damn it, I'd rather drown than wait here and disappear for no reason!"

Bai Yi frowned, the things in the bag were not wetted, and now he felt cold all over, when he got into the water just now, he put down the backpack, but if everyone goes down now, what will happen to the backpack?What about the equipment inside?Seeing that Bai Yi was still hesitating, Lei Zi urged him loudly: "Bai Yi, what are you thinking about, aren't we afraid that we are waiting to die here?"

"Leizi, have you ever thought that without these warming devices, at night, the temperature in the mountains will drop rapidly, and we will freeze to death? Also, we will not be able to live without food and water. Calm down." Just a little bit, now is not the time to be arrogant." Bai Yi said: "I don't think the missing person is dead. If it is to put someone to death, why bother? One knife cut the throat, one shot to death, which is the same? It’s not easy, but taking such a big effort to get people out of sight, I think it’s forcing us to leave here.”

Shi Wenbo looked at Bai Yi in admiration. Although Bai Yi couldn't see the expression of admiration on his face, with their current positions, both of them could only see a human figure on the opposite side, not to mention the change of expression, even the nose and eyes. I can't even see it clearly. Shi Wenbo very much agrees with Bai Yi's words. People are important, but the current environment is different from the outside. It is only October, but it has already snowed here, so it's okay to be in the cave now Some, but it was freezing cold outside.

Tang Sancheng fell into the water just now and was already shivering from the cold. Now that he heard Bai Yi's words, he quickly searched for his backpack and changed into dry clothes. His clothes were thrown on the ground, Bai Yi squatted down, trying to tear the clothes apart so that they could dry faster, when he squatted down, he saw smoke coming from those clothes at a close distance.

"The ground is warm." Bai Yi said, squatting down and putting his hands on it, it was really warm, not hot: "This place is really wonderful."

Tang Sancheng simply spread out everyone's clothes, he said this is called automatic drying, Lei Zi became a little impatient, he kept looking left and right, afraid that a hand would stretch out from somewhere and drag him to an unknown place Going to the place, the more I was afraid of ghosts, the more ghosts came, a hand stretched out to Leizi's face, covering his mouth and nose, Leizi was startled, he wanted to struggle, but his whole body couldn't move, he lost consciousness at the end Instantly threw the flashlight in his hand...

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