Bai Yi arranged Shi Wenbo's body, and then walked in front of Qi Xie: "Qi Xie, there are only three of us left now, the three of us can share secrets, right?"

Tang Sancheng was a little puzzled, Bai Yi's words seemed to be questioning Qi Xie, he walked over and pulled Bai Yi's sleeve: "Bai Yi, what are you doing, Qi Xie is our partner, you are like this..."

"Yes, I was doubting him." Bai Yi straightened up the words: "Tang Sancheng, stop playing tricks here, don't you also doubt him? Since the three of us have nothing to say, then Tang Sancheng , you pat yourself on the chest, do you think Qixie is different from before when you come to Changbai Mountain?"

Tang Sancheng immediately turned into an old woman, he muttered, but no one could understand a sentence, Bai Yi pushed Tang Sancheng away, getting closer to Qixie: "Qixie, let me ask you, are you Don't you know where Xiao Ning and the others are?"

Before Qi Xie said anything, Bai Yi said again: "Qi Xie will never lie." He walked up to Qi Xie and said, "Qi Xie, Tang Sancheng and I have never kept such a big secret from you, you should know ,what does that mean?"

Qixie closed his eyes and said nothing, he couldn't bear Qixie being pushed too hard, Tang Sancheng almost begged and said: "Bai Yi, don't push Qixie any more..."

Tang Sancheng's eyes widened, because Bai Yi's body fell right in front of his eyes, Qixie supported Bai Yi's unconscious body with his hands, Qixie looked at Tang Sancheng: "Sancheng, I just want to ask you a question, Do you still trust me?"

"Believe, no matter what you have done or concealed, I will believe that you are still the Seven Evils and have never changed." Tang Sancheng gritted his teeth and said, "I will believe it, I am sure!!"

Qixie laughed, never seen him laugh like now, he even showed his teeth, his eyes were almost gone, but he didn't make a sound, it was a silent laugh, Tang Sancheng was suddenly moved, Now Qixie is really happy, this is the time Qixie laughed most heartily since he knew Qixie, Tang Sancheng approached him: "Qixie..."

Qixie's smile disappeared, Tang Sancheng felt dizzy, but he smiled a little: "Qixie..." He saw Qixie's face approaching him, and then his body flew into the air, his hands and feet could not move at all, and then , so comfortable, Tang Sancheng fell into a deep sleep...

Cold, this is Tang Sancheng's feeling, the biting wind is blowing his face, and even penetrated into his body from his sleeves, the only temperature in his body seems to be disappearing little by little, Tang Sancheng feels that his eyelids are so cold Heavily, he couldn't open his eyes anymore, his body trembled, Tang Sancheng opened his eyes, felt Tang Sancheng's movement on his back, Qixie said: "Don't open your eyes immediately, you will be blind!!"

Hearing Qixie's voice, Tang Sancheng felt relieved a lot, he got used to the light outside for a while, and then slowly opened his eyes, Tang Sancheng found himself on Qixie's shoulder, with Bai Yi on the other side, he His eyes were still tightly closed, and he hadn't woken up yet. The biting cold wind was because Qixie was carrying the two of them on the mountainside, and he had already left the cave. The snow had stopped, but the ground was covered with thick accumulations. Snow, the road on the mountainside is slanted, and the top of the head is the snow that is ten thousand feet high. From Tang Sancheng's perspective, the snow seems to be falling down at any time...

"Qixie, where are we now? Where are you taking us?" Tang Sancheng said, "Put me down."

"Don't ask any more, you'll know it when we get there, [-]%." Qixie said, "You said that you would trust me, so trust me to the end."

Tang Sancheng closed his mouth, trust cannot be expressed in two words, but he suddenly wanted to vomit, his tongue was a little numb, this was because of altitude sickness, Qi Xie said: "Be patient, we will It'll be here soon."

The surrounding area was very quiet, so quiet that Tang Sancheng could only hear the heartbeats of three people and his own panting, and felt dizzy. Tang Sancheng had heard of altitude sickness long ago, but he didn't know if his current physical changes were like those of a pregnant woman. I have the same reaction during pregnancy, why do I want to vomit so much?Tang Sancheng kept moving his mouth, because his tongue was already numb, he looked at Qixie again, Qixie was carrying two people, his steps were very steady, he didn't take a breath, there was a thick layer of snow under his feet, for Qixie From a distance, it is like walking on flat ground. In front, there is a steep slope almost at an acute angle of [-] degrees with the mountain. There is no way to go ahead.

Qi Xie's footsteps finally stopped, he put Tang Sancheng down, put Bai Yi down again, and patted his cheek, Bai Yi woke up, took a step back, almost fell down the mountain, Qi Xie grabbed him He, Bai Yi turned around, and there was a cliff behind him, and he was just a little bit close to falling to pieces. This mountain road can only accommodate three people, and there is no way out in front of him. My mind became clearer: "Qixie, you brought us here?"

Qi Xie nodded, and Bai Yi said, "It seems that we are not on that mountain anymore."

"Yes." Qixie said.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Tang Sancheng looked to the left and right, only to find that the three of them are now on the rightmost mountain where Qunlong sits, and the mountain path leading into the mountain goes directly to the cave in the middle mountain, and there is no The road leads to the two mountains on the left and right. It has only been half an hour since I lost consciousness. Qi Xie carried his Bai Yi to the halfway up the mountain. This... "Qi Xie, these three mountains really Connected, you came here by shortcut, right?"

"That's right." Qi Xie replied, but his eyes kept staring at the cliff in front of him. This cliff blocked the way up the mountain. If the three of them wanted to reach the top of the mountain, it would be impossible unless they used professional rock climbing tools. Rock climbing, who would have thought of such a situation in advance, naturally there is no preparation.

Looking at Qixie's expression, he seemed to have a headache too, Bai Yi asked him: "Do we have to go to the top of the mountain?"

"Yes." Qixie said: "If you want to find the truth, you have to go to the top of the mountain."

Bai Yi closed his eyes: "We can only climb up with bare hands, you and I should have no problem, the trouble now is Tang Sancheng, Tang Sancheng, do you think you can do it?"

Tang Sancheng took a breath, the cliff in front of him seemed to be cut straight from the top of the mountain, blocking the way up the mountain, there were quite a few protruding stones on the cliff, but now it was covered with thick snow, Be careful to identify the stones that can support your body. Coupled with altitude sickness, climbing up is definitely not an easy task. Falling down, falling to the bottom of the mountain, becoming a dead body, what's worse, in this kind of snow mountain, an avalanche may happen at any time, the three of them might be taken down by the snowball before reaching the top of the mountain, and completely buried in the snow , became a snow corpse...

The more Tang Sancheng thought about it, his heart and body became cold. He raised his head, looked into the eyes of Qi Xie and Bai Yi, gritted his teeth, and stomped his feet: "Damn, I will fight!"

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