Although Tang Sancheng said he was going to fight, but Qixie and Bai Yi didn't want him to risk his life. Bai Yi took out a rope from his bag and tied it around Tang Sancheng's waist, and tied the other end around Qixie's waist Now, the two of them are really grasshoppers tied to the same rope, Bai Yi patted Tang Sancheng's butt: "You have to keep up, if you are not careful, you may be fine, but Qixie will It’s really going to be over!!”

This is to put pressure on himself, Tang Sancheng was in this icy and snowy place, his forehead was steaming, his palms were burning hot, Qixie didn't say a word, he had already started to climb with his bare hands, Tang Sancheng hurriedly followed behind, Bai Yi was at the back, and the two surrounded Tang Sancheng in the middle. Tang Sancheng knew that what Bai Yi said just now was only half-spoken. Afflicted, Tang Sancheng dared not be careless, but the snow that had stopped at this time began to fall again, blurring the sight of the three of them, making the climb even more difficult...

Tang Sancheng didn't dare to look down, he was afraid that because of his glance, he would lose the courage to climb up, he could only shake his head, let the snow fall from his face, let himself see more clearly, and climb more with his hands Tighter, the sharp stones are hidden in the snow, so that they cannot see its sharp edges clearly. Grabbing them, they brushed their hands unceremoniously, making the palms and fingers bloody and bloody, and the blood dripped down. In the snow, it was immediately covered by snow again, and my hands were already warm, and I don't know if it was because of friction or blood.

The more you climb up, the stones are covered with more than snow. In some recessed places, due to the accumulation of water, they have solidified into ice, and they are extremely slippery when stepping on them. Qixie had to use his own hands to break those Ice, in case Tang Sancheng's soles slipped, the movements of the three people were very slow. Compared with nature, human power seemed so weak. Tang Sancheng looked up, and it was still very early to the top of the mountain. He looked at the rope around his waist, Gritting his teeth, he continued to climb up. Because the stone was slippery and hidden in the snow, he couldn't feel it even with gloves on. The three of them were doing it with bare hands. In fact, it wasn't just Tang Sancheng, Bai Yi and Qixie's hands were also early. It just hangs up.

In the vast white snow, I don't know how time passed away. The three of them had lost the sense of time for a long time, until the snowy world suddenly trembled, and the sky and the earth suddenly became dark. Qi Xie's complexion immediately darkened, and his mouth He said something in a low voice, Tang Sancheng heard clearly, what Qixie said was "not good", Tang Sancheng opened his voice and asked: "Qixie, what's the matter, why is it not good?"

Bai Yi, who was crawling under Tang Sancheng, cursed: "Your mother, Tang Sancheng, you don't even know this, the mountain is moving, didn't you notice it? Damn, we're almost at the top, don't do it at this time An avalanche!!"

avalanche?Tang Sancheng was dumbfounded in fright, my good boy, this is really going to turn into a popsicle!Tang Sancheng didn't know where the energy came from, he climbed up desperately: "Hurry up, reach the top of the mountain before the avalanche!"

Bai Yi smiled wryly and shook his head. Looking at the current situation, it might be too late. Most people don't know that there is a kind of contest going on on the snow mountain: gravity must pull the snow down, but the cohesive force of the snow hopes to pull it down. Leave the snow in place.When this contest reaches its climax, even a little bit of external force, such as running animals, falling stones, wind, slight shaking, or even shouting in the valley, as long as the pressure exceeds the force of the snow particles The cohesive force condensed into a group is enough to trigger a catastrophic avalanche.For example windy.

The impact force of an avalanche is very amazing.It will sweep away everything in front of it with great speed and great strength.Some avalanches produce a powdery, destructive cloud of snow that sweeps across everything.

Once the avalanche starts, it is like a volcanic eruption, which cannot be stopped. This is the power of nature. While trying to climb up, Bai Yi thought that in fact, the occurrence of an avalanche depends largely on human activities. It is said that 90.00% The avalanche was caused by the climbers' own actions. If there was an avalanche, Bai Yi didn't know if it was caused by the high-intensity climbing of the three of them. If it was really buried by snow, it was the avalanche that killed them. , or yourself?Bai Yi smiled wryly. If a person is buried by a snowdrift and cannot be rescued within half an hour, the hope of survival is very slim. If there is an avalanche, will there really be a miracle within half an hour?

Bai Yi didn't have time to think anymore, because his hands could hardly grasp the rock, half of Tang Sancheng's body was already hanging on the cliff, Qixie was surrounded by Tang Sancheng, and his whole body almost fell off. Qi Xie is still clinging to his own cultivation, only ten meters away, and he can climb to the top, just a little short, why this time?Qixie suddenly looked up to the sky and roared: "Ah!!!!"

"No..." Bai Yi's warning was already too late, and it was already a sign of an avalanche just now. Qixie's loud roar accelerated the arrival of the avalanche, and there was a soft "click" in the silence, which was the avalanche At this moment, Bai Yi thought of Fu Yu. At the beginning of the millennium, the promises made in the cliff coffin, the beauty that had been outlined were shattered at the same time when he heard the "click", Bai Yi even Hearing the crackling sound of a certain part in his heart, he roared: "Fu Yu!!"

White, layers of snowboards rose up in response, as if a mountain god suddenly activated his internal force and shook off a white robe on his body, or like a white snow dragon riding the clouds and mist, attacking the three of them along the cliff, and the snow hit the three of them. Personally, this powerful impact made the three completely lose their resistance, Tang Sancheng suddenly let go of one hand, and grabbed Bai Yi's wrist: "Forget it, we are going to die, the three of us will die together , even if it becomes a popsicle, it is still three popsicles!"

Bai Yi couldn't laugh or cry, but time was running out, Qi Xie lowered his head, glanced at Tang Sancheng, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly let go of his hands, he was about to give up completely...

At that moment, three black figures suddenly appeared in the falling snow. At the same time, three ropes passed through the snow layer, splashing countless snow flakes, and wrapped around the waists of the three people. The eyes of the three of them have already lost their sight, and they just feel a force pulling them upwards. The three of them did not expect that they have all reached this point, and when they are about to meet Yan Luo, it seems that a god descended from the earth and gave them A silver lining! !

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